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Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics Fourth Edition..كتاب pdf

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    Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics Fourth Edition..كتاب pdf

    وصف الكتاب : Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics
    Fourth Edition

    Herbert T. Shillingburg, Jr, DDS
    David Ross Boyd Professor Emeritus
    Department of Fixed Prosthodontics
    University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    David A. Sather, DDS
    Edwin L. Wilson, Jr, DDS, MEd
    Joseph R. Cain, DDS, MS
    Donald L. Mitchell, DDS, MS
    Luis J. Blanco, DMD, MS
    James C. Kessler, DDS
    Illustrations by
    Suzan E. Stone

    Fixed prosthodontics is the art and science of restoring damaged teeth with cast metal, metalceramic,
    or all-ceramic restorations and of replacing missing teeth with fixed prostheses using metalceramic
    artificial teeth (pontics) or metal-ceramic crowns over implants. Successfully treating a
    patient by means of fixed prosthodontics requires a thoughtful combination of many aspects of dental
    treatment: patient education and the prevention of further dental disease, sound diagnosis, periodontal
    therapy, operative skills, occlusal considerations, and, sometimes, placement of removable complete
    or partial prostheses and endodontic treatment.
    Restorations in this field of dentistry can be the finest service rendered for dental patients or the
    worst disservice perpetrated upon them. The path taken depends upon one’s knowledge of sound
    biologic and mechanical principles, the growth of manipulative skills to implement the treatment plan,
    and the development of a critical eye and judgement for assessing detail.
    As in all fields of the healing arts, there has been tremendous change in this area of dentistry in
    recent years. Improved materials, instruments, and techniques have made it possible for today’s
    operator with average skills to provide a service whose quality is on a par with that provided only by
    the most gifted dentist of years gone by. This is possible, however, only if the dentist has a thorough
    background in the principles of restorative dentistry and an intimate knowledge of the techniques
    This book was designed to serve as an introduction to the area of restorative dentistry dealing with
    fixed partial dentures and cast metal, metal-ceramic, and all-ceramic restorations. It should provide
    the background knowledge needed by the novice as well as serve as a refresher for the practitioner or
    graduate student.
    To provide the needed background for formulating rational judgments in the clinical environment,
    there are chapters dealing with the fundamentals of treatment planning, occlusion, and tooth
    preparation. In addition, sections of other chapters are devoted to the fundamentals of the respective
    subjects. Specific techniques and instruments are discussed because dentists and dental technicians
    must deal with them in their daily work.
    Alternative techniques are given when there are multiple techniques widely used in the profession.
    Frequently, however, only one technique is presented. Cognizance is given to the fact that there is
    usually more than one acceptable way of accomplishing a particular task. However, in the limited
    time available in the undergraduate dental curriculum, there is usually time for the mastery of only one
    basic technique for accomplishing each of the various types of treatment.
    An attempt has been made to provide a sound working background in the various facets of fixed
    prosthodontic therapy. Current information has been added to cover the increased use of new
    cements, new packaging and dispensing equipment for the use of impression materials, and changes in
    the management of soft tissues for impression making. New articulators, facebows, and concepts of
    occlusion needed attention, along with precise ways of making removable dies. The usage of
    periodontally weakened teeth requires different designs for preparations of teeth with exposed root
    morphology or molars that have lost a root.
    Different ways of handling edentulous ridges with defects have given the dentist better control of

    The fourth edition of this popular undergraduate text has been updated and expanded to reflect new research, materials, and techniques in fixed prosthodontics, with the addition of more than 350 new illustrations and three new chapters on the restoration of implants. It is designed to serve as an introduction to restorative dentistry techniques using fixed partial dentures and cast metal, metal-ceramic, and all-ceramic restorations, providing the background knowledge needed by the novice and serving as a refresher for the practitioner or graduate student. Specific techniques and instruments are discussed, and updated information has been added to cover new cements, new impression materials and equipment, and changes in soft tissue management methods used during impression procedures. New articulators, facebows, and concepts of occlusion have been added, along with precise ways of making removable dies. Different ways of handling edentulous ridges with defects that provide better control over the functional and cosmetic outcome are also presented. Finally, the topics of esthetic and implant restorations, which have become increasingly emphasized in dental practice, are given greater attention.

    عدد مرات التحميل : 20770 مرّة / مرات.
    تم اضافته في : الجمعة , 23 فبراير 2018م.
    حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 36.4 ميجا بايت .

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