use your mind to solve the problem
استخدم عقلك من أجل حل المشكلة![]()
use your mind to solve the problem
استخدم عقلك من أجل حل المشكلة![]()
Man can be destroyed but can't be defeated
The lull before the storm
الهدوء الذي يسبق العاصفة
LOVE starts with SMILE , grows with KISS,
and ends with TEAR
MAN with out wife like kitchen with out knive
الرجل من دون زوجة مثل المطبخ دون سكين
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We love those people around us
Guns do not kill people but people kill people
السلاح لا يقتل الناس بل الناس تقتل الناس
people take it easy
Well , my friend it is not my own quotation , it is a well-known quotation by Arinest Heminguay , you can check it you will find it in the old man and the sea novel
From my opinon I said so , cause simply I agree with him
I meant man not male , you know there is entirely a huge difference