المراجعة المركزة لمادة اللغة الانكليزية سادس إعدادي
1قواعد 30درجة
2تمارين المعاني 20درج
3اسئلة قطع الكتاب 10درجة
4الادب 10درجة
5الانشاء 20درجة
1القواعد 20درجة أعمل بماهومطلوب فرعA
used to
expectation توقع
Make /haveالأفعال السببية
Second and third conditional
If only الندم
Reported of speech الكلام present perfect
Passive voice
Future in the past
1قواعد فرع B اختيارات10 درجات
1صفات /ing/ed
2fully / ful
3 a few/little/much/many
4 must /mustn't/needn't
5 should/shouldn't
6 if second conditional
7 since /for
سؤال الثالث المعاني 20 درجة عليه 10 درجات إسقاطات فرعA
ت Cص 3و19
ت Aصفحة 28
ت Aص 49
ت Aص85
ت AوB ص 111
ت B ص 140
ت c ص141
ت حقيبه ص 149
ت Aص 149
ت Cص 166
ت Aص 181
فرع Bعليه 5 درجات ينقسم إلى قسمين اما اختيارات اوربط يأتي في الامتحان الوزاري
اذا جاء على شكل اختيارات هذن التمارين مطلوبة مهمه
ت D ص 32
ت Aص41
ت Bص 111
ت Aص140
تEص 167
اذا جاء على شكل اختيارات ربط هاي التمارين فقط
ت Eص 32
ت Eص 43
تBص 121
تBص 131
تAص 138
ت Cص155
ت Aص 165
ت Dص182
فرعC مرادفات أقرؤ اول ٣يونتات فقط المرادفات
اضافات un / im/ ir/اللواحق الأخرى أيضا
إضافآت ing ed s es er
السؤال الرابع الأدب
1 الارجوحة محمد خضير
1who is Mohammed khudair ?
2when did Mohammed khudair achieve fame ?
3 Mohammed khudair a short stories appeared in ...........
4 Mohammed khudair works include .............
5 what does the story of the swing stress on?
6what does the swing tell us ?
7 Mohammed khudair found it ( easy/difficult)
8 The swings considered as (comedic/tragic)
9 the two main characters in the swing are ..............
10Sattar and Haleema ate ...........
11 what moral lessons does the writer try to give in the swing ?
2 الكناري كاثرين مانسفلد
1......was the author of the canary
2why does katherine Mansfield remain famous?
3 in 1917 katherine Mansfield became in with (diabetes/tuberculosis)
4 katherine Mansfield came from ( poor/ wealthy) family
5what did the woman in the canary suffer from ?
6 what did the canary attract the attention of his owners?
7 was the canary perfect company to the woman?
8 why did the woman's heart feel hollow ?
9 the nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to the woman (T/F)
10 in the canary the woman was very sad because ...........
11 How did the canary sing ?
أسئلة قطع الكتاب التركيز على اول 5قطع
كلش مهمات
القطعة الأولى زيد طارق
1six dolphins اختيار
2 Tariq was rescued اختيار
3When he got back to dry and he was taken
4 why did zaid Tariq Scream ?
5 what does the shark do to said Tariq ?
6 where is zaid Tariq floating ?
7 Who rescued said Tariq by boat ?
القطعه الثانية مصطفى أحمد
1where did Mustafa find his mother ?
2 why was Latifa proud of her son Mustafa?
3 Mustafa hand to stand on a chair to ............
4 what did Mustafa tell the emergency operator?
5 why was Mustafa mother unconscious?
القطعه الثالثة +الرابعة واجبات ظباط الشرطة والرادار
1Radar gun don't need any maintenance (T/F )
2police department don't use radar guns any more ( T/F)
3police must trained to use the radar gun correctly (T/F)
4Aradar speed gun works by ...........
5 police officer started using radar speed guns to ..........
6what is the radar detector ?
7 when is the radar speed gun invented ?why ?
8 can radar guns take pictures?
9 what is the police officer duty ?
10 How can witnesses help the police ?
القطعه الخامسة المترجمه سميرة المحمود
1 who is samira Almahmoud?
2 Samira active language is .........
3Samira read about the subject of oil in order to ..... ....
4 The course in conference interpreting was very (easy/difficult)
5 conference interpreter must translate each word literally (T/F)
6 what does work freelance mean?
7 why shouldn't an interpreter waste time thinking ?
8 How is it if there are two interpreters working together in the same booth ?
القطعه الوزارية السادسة لماذا العطل مهمه
1why di brain and body need a break ?
2 what can high blood pressure cause ?
3 Holidays are important for every one not just the businessman (T/F )
4 Some people don't take holidays because.......
5 we need to give families and friends to .........
6 work holies are those people who ..........
7 Holidays can give us a chance to .......
القطعه الوزارية السابعة والثامنة المصرفي
1 why should people save money for the future?
2why is investing in stocks and shares a risky business ?
3Banks that work with large companies can .......
4 what is the difficult part of the banker's job?
5what is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment?
6 people save money for their retirement so that they can...........
7Bankers only need to know about financial subjects (T/F)
8 what is a risk to invest in the stocks and shares ?
القطعه الوزارية التاسعة المكتبة
1 How is the daily selection of newspaper and magazines ina library useful?
2 why does the writer need to improve his English language?
3 the writer went to the central library of Baghdad to .........
4 The writer has learnt alot about how important body language is in an interview (T/F)
5 The writer could get information about evering and summer classes at the library (T/F)
6 the writer can borrow DvDs from the library (T/F)
7 At the library the writer can learn how to apply for jobs (T/F)
القطعه الوزارية العاشرة المصادر المتجددة
1 what is the most important aspect of wind power?
2 why can't we only use wind power to supply our energy ?
3 why does the author say wind power is efficient?
4 in what ways has wind power been used for thousand of years ?
5the main advantage of wind power is that it is ........
6 waste is either burnt or .........
7 what are the advantages of wind power?
السؤال الخامس الإنشاء 20 درجة
الإنشاءات المرشحه
الدراسة في بريطانيا
يوم سيء
شكوى إلى مصرف
نصيحه سائح في العراق
طرق تحسين البيئة
نسأل الله عز وجل أن يوفقكم وأنشاءلله المعدلات العالية أحبتي طلبة سادس إعدادي