مساعد المدير
الوردة البيضاء
تاريخ التسجيل: February-2013
الدولة: بغداد
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 258,394 المواضيع: 74,504
سوالف عراقية:
مزاجي: الحمدلله على كل حال
المهنة: معلمة
أكلتي المفضلة: دولمه - سمك
موبايلي: SAMSUNG
آخر نشاط: منذ ساعة واحدة
مرشحات اللغة الانكليزية "القواعد" مع الحلول النموذجية يجيكم بالاسئلة الوزارية
مرشحات اللغة الانكليزية "القواعد" مع الحلول النموذجية يجيكم بالاسئلة الوزارية السؤال الثاني
فرع A عليه (10 درجات)
اتمنى شكو شيء انشره تكتبو بالدفتر حتى تضمنون درجة كاملة.
#ملاحظة يجيكم السؤال الثاني فرع B اختيارات الاختيار يكون حسب القاعدة ايضاً فرع يكون عليه (10 درجات) وتصبح درجة القواعد الكاملة (20 درجه
Q2)Grammar and Functions: (الأجابة عن 5)
1-He is fat.He..........fat.(Make this sentence more polite)
He a bit fat.
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2-Invite your friend to come to the school graduation party.(Use:Would you like)
Would you like to come the school graduation party?
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3-Let's play tennis.(Accept)
Yes,let's play.
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4-Apologize to your teacher for being late for the first lesson.
I'm so sorry for being late.
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5-(15:10).(Tell the time)
It's three ten.
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6-She has..........hair(Re-arrange the adjectives:black,beautiful)
She has beautiful black hair.
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7-Use (I'd love..........) to express your preference concerning playing tennis.
I'd love to play tennis.
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8-Make a suggestion for your little brother about where to spent the holiday.
(Use "How about…..")
How about spending the holiday in France?
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9-Invite your friend to come to your birthday party.(Use "Would like")
Would you like to come to my birthday party?
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10-She's short.She is..........short.(Make the sentence more polite)
She is a bit short.
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11-Define a doctor.
A doctor is someone who helps sick people.
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12-A bear is not as fast as a lion.(Re-write the sentence below.Use "faster")
A lion is..........a bear.
A lion is faster than a bear.
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13-Apologize to your teacher for being late for the class.
I'm sorry for being late.
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14-I like green color.Do you?..........,I prefer..........
I don't,I prefer red color.
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15-Nadia plays tennis well.(Question)
Does Nadia play tennis well?
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16-Phones are less expensive than tablets.(Re write the sentence) Tablets are..........than phones.
are more expensive than phones.
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17-She's bad at volleyball.(Make the sentence more polite)
She's not very good at volleyball.
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18-Invite your friend to come to your brother's wedding.
Would you like to come to my brother's wedding?
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19-Apologize for your
headmaster/headmistress for being late for the first lesson.
I'm so sorry for being late.
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20-(17:10).(Tell the time)
It's five ten.
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21-What's your favorite hobby?
(Express your preference. Use " fishing")
I like fishing.
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22-I fell down and broke..........hand.( Use the proper noun)
broke my hand
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23-Apologize for your father for coming late.
I'm so sorry for coming late.
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24-Fareed is bad at English.(Make this sentence more polite)
Fareed is not very good at English.
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25-Let's play a game of chess.(Accept)
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26-What do you say when you ask someone to show the way to the hospital?
Can you tell me how to get to the hospital?
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27-Define a fire fighter.(Use:puts out the fire in the buildings and cars)
A fire fighter is someone who puts out the fire in the buildings and cars.
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28-Mazin visits his uncle every weekend. (Negative)
Mazin doesn't visit his uncle every weekend.
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29-Sara is bad at English.(Make the sentence more polite)
Sara..........at English.
Sara is not very good at English.
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30-(15:5) (Tell the time)
It's three five.
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