شرح قواعد الصف الثالث متوسط
المضارع البسيط Present Simple Tense
يقسم المضارع البسيط إلى ثلاثة أقسام (1- مثبت 2 منفي 3- استفهام )
يقسم المثبت إلى قسمين مفرد وجمع: (المثبت1- Affirmative (
1-المثبت المفرد : توجد ثلاث ضمائر تدل على الفرد (he – she – it) بالإضافة إلى الأسماء (عاقل –غير عاقل) مثل (Ali – cat -…….) وفي حالة المفرد يجب إضافة (( s )) الشخص الثالث إلى الفعل الموجود بعد الفاعل وفي حالة انتهاء الفعل بالأحرف والمقاطع التالية
(s –x – ch – sh –z –) حرف صحيح قبل y يقلب أل yإلى i ) يجب إضافة ((es )) إلى الفعل الرئيسي.. وهناك فعلين
لا ينتهيان بالأحرف والمقاطع المذكورة لكن نضيف إليهما (((es وهما (go – do)
ملاحظة منطوق السؤال لا يكتب عند الحل 1- He (write) his homework. (Present Simple)
-He writes his homework.
2- Ali (watch) film. (Present Simple)
- Ali watches film.
الجواب 3- Sami ……....football everyday. ( play – to play – plays ) plays
2- المثبت الجمع: هناك أربعة ضمائر تدل على الجمع ( I – they – we – you ) بالإضافة إلى الأسماء الجمع التي تنهي ب s مثل ((boys –cars………أو جمع الشواذ مثل (children- men………) وفي هذه الحالة لا ينبغي أن نضيف (s أو (es إلى الفعل الرئيسي ولكن يبقى الفعل كما هو.......
1-They (study) English. (present simple)
- They study English.
2- يقسم النفي إلى قسمين أيضا مفرد وجمع النفي 2- Negative
1- المفرد , يجب أن نأتي بالفعل ((does not ونضعه بعد الفاعل ونحذف (s –es) ونحول الفعل إلى مصدر في حالة إضافتها إلى الفعل .
1- Ahmed studies Mathematics every evening. (Negative)
- Ahmed does not study Mathematics every evening.
الجواب 2- She ………play football. ( do n't – does n't ) does n't
3-Jalal……..(not –write) his homework. (present simple)
- Jalal does n't write his homework.
2- النفي الجمع: يجب أن نأتي بالفعل ( (do not ونضعه بعد الفاعل
1-The boys play tennis. (Negative)
- The boys do n't play tennis
السؤال / الاستفهام3- Question / interrogative
1- الاستفهام المفرد : يجب أن نأتي بالفعل (does) ونضعه في البداية قبل الفاعل ويجب تحويل الفعل إلى مصدر(حذف s أو (es ويجب أن نضع في نهاية الجملة علامة استفهام بدلا عن النقطة.
1- Rami watches T.V. (question)
Does Rami watch T.V?
2- الاستفهام الجمع: - يجب أن نأتي بالفعل (Do) ونضعه في البداية قبل الفاعل ويجب أن نضع في نهاية الجملة علامة استفهام بدلا عن النقطة.
1-They speak French. (question)
-Do they speak French?
ملاحظة: هناك بعض الظروف تعبر عن زمن المضارع البسيط والتي يمكن بواسطتها معرفة الزمن ((المضارع البسيط)): ويوضع أو يوجد بعد الفاعل (مفرد – جمع) وقبل الفعل ويجب مراعاة الفعل في حالة الفاعل المفرد: وفي حالة وجود أفعال كينونة تدل على المضارع البسيط أي لا يأتي بعدها فعل ينتهي بالمقطع ing فتوضع الظروف بعد فعل الكينونة.
(often – always – usually – generally – sometimes – occasionally – never)
نختار 1- He often ………football. (play – plays – to play) plays
2-It is warm in spring. (often)
- It is often warm in spring.
ملاحظة : هناك ظرف يعبر عن زمن المضارع البسيط ويوجد قبل نهاية الجملة )زمن (every+
الجواب هو 1-We ……….to school everyday. (goes – to go – go ) go
ملاحظة عامة لجميع الأزمنة:- إذا وجد اسمان أو ضميران وبينهما ((and يعتبران جمع وليس مفرد:
الجواب هو (go) لان الفاعل جمع 1- Ali and Zaid ………to bed early. (goes – go – to go)
الجواب are لأنهما جمع لوجود and بينهما My friend and I ………clever. (is – am – are)
المضارع المستمر Present continuous
يقسم المضارع المستمر إلى ثلاثة أقسام (1- مثبت 2 منفي 3- استفهام )
يقسم المثبت إلى قسمين مفرد وجمع (المثبت1- Affirmative (
1-المثبت المفرد : توجد ثلاث ضمائر تدل على الفرد (he – she – it) بالإضافة الأسماء (عاقل- غير عاقل) مثل ((Ali -Nada – cat وهذه الضمائر والأسماء يجب أن نضع بعدها فعل الكينونة (is) ونضيف المقطع (ing) إلى الفعل الرئيسي مع مراعاة الإضافة في حالة انتهاء الفعل بحرف ((e نحذف حرف (e) وفي حالة انتهاء الفعل بحرف صحيح وقبله حرف علة واحد يضاعف الحرف الصحيح ماعدا الأحرف التالية لا تضاعف (y – w – x).
Ali (study) English. (present continuous)
-Ali is studying English.
الجواب2- He ………….football. (are playing – is playing – am playing) is playing
2- الضمير (I ) يأخذ فعل الكينونة (( am ونضيف المقطع (ing) إلى الفعل الرئيسي.
I (write) my homework. (present continuous)
- I am writing my homework.
3- المثبت الجمع :- هناك ثلاثة ضمائر تدل على الجمع في صيغة المضارع المستمر (they – we – you ) بالإضافة إلى الأسماء الجمع التي تنهي ب s مثل ((boys –cars………أو جمع الشواذ مثل (children- men………) وهذه الضمائر والأسماء يجب ان نضع بعدها فعل الكينونة (are) ونضيف المقطع (ing) إلى الفعل الرئيسي مع مراعاة الإضافة.
They (run) now. (Present continuous)
-They are running now.
النفي : نضع( not) بعد أفعال الكينونة 2-Negative:
( is not) (am not) (are not)
1- He (study) history now. (present continuous/ negative)
- He is not studying history now.
2-I (watch) TV (present continuous /negative)
- I am not watching TV.
3- We (listen) to the news. (present continuous/ negative)
- We are not listening to the news.
السؤال / الاستفهام3- Question / interrogative
الاستفهام : نضع أفعال الكينونة is – am - are في البداية ويجب أن نضع في نهاية الجملة علامة استفهام بدلا عن النقطة.
1-Ali (play) chess now. (present continuous/ question)
-Is Ali playing chess now?
2-They are going home. (question)
-Are they going home?
ملاحظة: هناك بعض الظروف تعبر عن زمن المضارع البسيط والتي يمكن بواسطتها معرفة الزمن ((المضارع المستمر)):
( now – at this moment)
الجواب is sitting 1- Sami ………..on the sofa now. ( sit – sitting – is sitting – to sit)
أحيانا يعطى في السؤال الفعل (be) المقصود به أفعال الكينونة (am – is – are) في حالة المضارع المستمر.
(was – were) في حالة الماضي
1- They (be) working now.
-They are working now.
المضارع التام Present Perfect Tense
المضارع التام يحتوي على فعلين (hasمفرد –جمع have) ويأتي وبعدهما التصريف الثالث للفعل
التصريف الثالث للفعل أما إضافة المقطع ((ed إلى الفعل الرئيسي مع مراعاة الإضافة في حالة انتهاء الفعل بحرف ((e نضيف حرف ((d فقط وفي حالة انتهاء الفعل بحرف صحيح وقبله حرف علة واحد يضاعف الحرف الصحيح ماعدا الأحرف التالية لا تضاعف (y – w – x). في حالة كان من الأفعال القياسية
أما إذا كان فعل غير قياسي فيتغير حسب قاعدته :
يقسم المضارع التام إلى ثلاثة أقسام (1- مثبت 2 منفي 3- استفهام)
1-المثبت: يقسم إلى قسمين مفرد وجمع (المثبت1- Affirmative (
1-المثبت المفرد : توجد ثلاث ضمائر تدل على الفرد (he – she – it) بالإضافة للأسماء مثل (Ali – cat….
ويأتي بعدها الفعل (has) ومن ثم التصريف الثالث للفعل.
1- He (play) football. (Present Perfect)
-He has played football.
2-Ali (move) into a new apartment. (Present Perfect)
-Ali has moved into a new apartment.
3-She (drink) all the water. (Present Perfect)
-She has drunk all the water.
4-Sami (study) English. (Present Perfect)
-Sami has studied English.
3- المثبت الجمع :- هناك أربعة ضمائر تدل على الجمع في صيغة المضارع التام:(they – we – you- I ) بالإضافة إلى الأسماء الجمع التي تنهي ب s مثل ((boys –cars………أو جمع الشواذ مثل (children- men………) وهذه الضمائر والأسماء يجب أن نضع بعدها الفعل (have) ومن ثم التصريف الثالث للفعل.
1- They (eat) lunch. (Present Perfect)
-They have eaten lunch.
2-Zaid and Sameer (see) the film. (Present Perfect)
-Zaid and Sameer have seen the film.
النفي: نضع( not) بعد أفعال ((has- have 2-Negative:
1-He (finish) his work. (present perfect/ negative)
-He has not finished his work.
2-Rami has left early. (Negative)
- Rami has not left early.
2- نفي الجمع:
They (type) the letter. (Present Perfect /Negative)
- They have not typed the letter.
Sami and Hani………..(not – see) their uncle. (Present perfect)
-Sami and Hani have not seen their uncle.
السؤال / الاستفهام 3- Question/ Interrogative :
الاستفهام : هو وضع الفعل ((has – haveفي البداية ويجب أن ننهي الجملة بعلامة استفهام .
1-Rula (buy) a new car. (Present Perfect / question)
- Has Rula bought a new car?
2- Sami has met his friend. (question)
-Has Sami met his friend?
3-They (visit) Australia. (Present Perfect / question)
- Have they visited Australia?
هناك بعض الظروف أحيانا تعبر عن صيغة المضارع التام (since – for – ever – yet)
الجواب 1- He ………for Basra since 1999. ( leave – is leaving – has left )has left
المستقبل Future
هناك فعلان يعبران صيغة المستقبل (will – going to) تستخدم will مع المفرد والجمع
المثبت 1-Affirmative
1-He …….(visit) his uncle. (Future /will)
-He will visit his uncle.
2-They……..(go) to the cinema. (Future /will)
-They will go to the cinema.
النفي 2-Negative
نضع not بعد will أو نختصرها won't
1-Ali ……(leave) for London next week. (future /will/ negative)
-Ali will not leave for London next week.
السؤال (الاستفهام ) 3-Question
الاستفهام هو وضع الفعل will البداية ويجب أن نضع في نهاية الجملة علامة استفهام بدلا عن النقطة
Ex:1- They will buy a new car. Question.
-Will they buy a new car tomorrow?
2- Nada (pass) the exam. (Future/will/ question)
-Will Nada pass the exam?
*إذا احتوى السؤال على كلمة prediction المقصود بها المستقبل بطريقة will بجميع طرقه(مثبت –نفي- استفهام)
Ex: We……..(go) to the National Museum. (prediction)
-We will go to the National Museum.
2- going to
الفعل going to يجب أن يكون قبله فعل كينونة مناسب ((am –is - are التي سبق أن تناولناها في موضوع المضارع المستمر مثبت ونفي واستفهام.
I am+ going to
going to + is الأسماء المفردة He – she – it -
are + going to الأسماء الجمع They – we – you –
Ex: Ali………(play ) football tomorrow. Future /going to
-Ali is going to play football tomorrow.
Ex: My friend and I ……..(not /travel) to Mosul next week. Future/going
- My friend and I are not going to travel to Mosul next week.
هناك بعض الظروف تعبر عن المستقبل (next – tomorrow- in the future)
الجواب Nada………..to Mosul next week. (go – goes – will go) will go
الماضي البسيط Past Simple Tense
هناك حالتين للماضي البسيط حالة الفعل الرئيسي وأفعال الكينونة . إذا كان الفعل رئيسي نحوله إلى زمن الماضي دون الرجوع إلى الفاعل (مفرد – جمع) والفعل الماضي حالتان فعل قياسي بإضافة المقطع ed إلى الفعل الرئيسي مع مراعاة الإضافة في حالة انتهاء الفعل بحرف ((e نضيف حرف ((d فقط وفي حالة انتهاء الفعل بحرف صحيح وقبله حرف علة واحد يضاعف الحرف الصحيح ماعدا الأحرف التالية لا تضاعف (y – w – x).
وفعل غير قياسي بتغير الفعل .مثل go تصبح went و leave تصبح left ................
أما أفعال الكينونة (be ) هما ( wasمفرد و جمعwere )
الضمائر التي تأخذ الفعل wasالأسماء المفردة I –he – she – it –
الضمائر التي تأخذ wereالأسماء الجمع you – we –they-
المثبت 1-Affirmative
Ali ……(play) football. (Past simple)
- Ali played football.
Laith ……..(go) to school yesterday. (past simple)
-Laith went to school yesterday.
They…….(leave) for Bagdad last week. (past simple)
-They left for Baghdad last week.
Nabeel (be) teacher. (past simple)
Nabeel was teacher.
They…….footballers. ( was – were) were
النفي 2-Negative
الفعل الماضي القياسي والغير قياسي ينفى بالفعل did not ونحول الفعل الماضي إلى مصدر مجرد أي إلى أصله أي بحذف ال ed أو إعادة الفعل الغير قياسي إلى أصله مثل went تصبح go ...............
أما أفعال الكينونة (was – were ) نضع not بعدها دون أي تغيير.
Ali played tennis yesterday. (past / negative)
- Ali did not play tennis yesterday.
Zaid was journalist. (negative)
-Zaid was not journalist.
الاستفهام /السؤال 3-Question :
الأفعال الاعتيادية نضع الفعل Did في البداية ونحول الفعل من زمن الماضي إلى مصدر مجرد ونضع بدلا
من النقطة علامة استفهام. أما أفعال الكينونة ((was - were نضعها في البداية...
1- Ahmed went to school. (Past simple /question)
- Did Ahmed go to school?
2-Ali played football. (past simple /question)
-Did Ali play football?
3-Rana (go) to the zoo yesterday. (past simple /question)
-Did Rana go to the zoo yesterday?
4-They were at the airport. (question)
-Were they at the airport?
*هناك بعض الظروف تعبر عن زمن الماضي البسيط (زمن(yesterday – ago – last +
الجوابdid n't see 1-I……….. my friend yesterday. ( do not – doest not – did not)
الجواب yesterday 2- Rami went to the cinema………(now –yesterday –everyday)
………………………………………… ………………………………………… ...
الماضي المستمر Past Continuous
الماضي المستمر هما فعلين (wasمفرد –wereجمع) ونضيف ing إلى الفعل كما هو الحال في زمن المضارع المستمر. يقسم إلى ثلاثة أقسام ( مثبت – نفي – استفهام)
المثبت: يقسم إلى قسمين (مفرد – جمع) 1-Affirmative:
المفرد:- هناك أربعة ضمائر تدل على المفرد (I –he – she – it) بالإضافة إلى الأسماء المفردة مثل
( Ali – child – boy – cat – car) ويأتي بعد هذه الأسماء والضمائر was ومن ثم فعل ing.
2- المثبت الجمع هناك ثلاثة ضمائر تدل على الجمع (we – they – you) بالإضافة إلى الأسماء الجمع التي تنهي ب s مثل ((boys –cars………أو جمع الشواذ مثل (children- men………) وهذه الضمائر والأسماء يكون بعدها الفعل were ونضيف المقطع ing إلى الفعل الموجود بعد الفعل المذكور.
Sameer (have) dinner at eight o'clock. (past continuous)
-Sameer was having dinner at eight o'clock.
-The boys (play) football at in the after noon. (past continuous)
-The boys were playing football in the after noon.
النفي: هو وضع not بعد was و were 2-Negative:
Ahmed (live) in Baghdad. (past continuous/ negative
Ahmed was not living in Baghdad.
-They …….(sit) in the class. (past continuous/ negative
They were not sitting in the class.
Ali……….(not –read) the mathematic yesterday. (past continuous)
Ali was not reading the mathematic yesterday.
السؤال: هو وضع الأفعال was و were في البداية مع وضع علامة استفهام في النهاية 3-Question:
-Ahmed …….(have) dinner at eight o'clock. (past continuous/question
-Was Ahmed having dinner at eight o'clock?
-Sami was playing football last week. (Question)
-Was Sami playing football last week?
-They ………(travel) to London last month. (past continuous/ question
Were they travelling to London last month?
………………………………………… ………………………………………… ……………
درجة المقارنة والتفضيل Comparative degree / Superlative
*إذا جاء قبل الفراغ the فعند الجواب يجب أن نختار إما كلمة تبدأ ب most أو تنتهي ب est
*أما اذا جاء بعد الفراغ than فيجب ان نختار كلمة اما تبدأ more او تنتهي ب er
1- I bought the ……….(cheap – cheaper – cheapest) trainers in the shop.
2- That was the ………match in the world Cup. (exciting – more excited –most excited)
- most excited.
1-Ali's dress is ………..(long – longer – longest) than Sami's. -longer
2-Red is usually…………than grey. ( attractive – more attractive – most attractive)
-more attractive.
*أحيانا تعطى الصفة في السؤال ويجب على الطالب وضع الإضافة المناسبة (er – more – est – most)
إذا تكونت الصفة من مقطع واحد نضيف er أو est على نهاية الكلمة
أما إذا تكونت الصفة من مقطعين أو أكثر نضيف more أو most على بداية الكلمة دون أي تغيير في الكلمة.
المقاطع تحدد على عدد أحرف العلة : أحرف العلة هي (a – e – i – o –u) : كل حرف علة يفصله
حرف صحيح يعتبر مقطع وإذا جاءت أحرف العلة متسلسلة لا يفصلها حرف صحيح تعتبر مقطع واحد مهما كان عددها
مثل read مقطع رغم وجود حرفين علة في الكلمة لان لم يفصلهم حرف صحيح. إذا جاء حرف e في نهاية الكلمة لا يعتبر مقطع لأنه صامت (لا يلفظ)
*كل كلمة تنتهي ب ly تتكون من مقطعين ونضيف إليها more أو most ما عدا badly تصبح worse
أو worst
م// إذا انتهت الكلمة بحرف y وقبله حرف صحيح يقلب y إلى i
happy == happier = happiest
trendy ==trendier = trendiest
م/ إذا انتهت الكلمة بحرف e فعند إضافة المقطع المذكور نضيف (r أو st) إذا كانت الكلمة تتكون من مقطع واحد.
fine = finer = finest
م/ إذا انتهت الكلمة بحرف صحيح وقبله حرف علة واحد وكانت تتكون من مقطع واحد يضاعف الحرف الصحيح
ماعدا الأحرف التالية لا تضاعف في جميع الإضافات (w – x – y – v)
big = bigger = biggest
fat = fatter = fattest
thin = thinner = thinnest
sad = sadder saddest
hot = hotter = hottest
red = redder = reddest
م/ لاحظ بعض الكلمات التي لا تقبل إضافة erأو est أو more أو most لكن تتغير الكلمة.
Superlative / the Comparative/ than الصفات أو ظروف الحال
best better good/ well
worst worse bad / badly
farthest farther far
most more many/much
least less little
بعض الصفات التي تتكون من مقطعين أو أكثر التي نضيف إليها more أو most
1-beautiful = more beautiful most beautiful
2- attractive = more attractive = most attractive
3- expensive = more expensive most expensive
انتبه عزيزي الطالب لهذه الكلمة ظاهريا تتكون من مقطع واحد لكن لفظا تتكون من مقطعين 4- able = more able = most able
I think men look………(smart) than women in ties.
لان الكلمة تتكون من مقطع واحد ووجد بعدها -smarter than
It was the …………(happy) day in of my life.
حرف الجر Prepositions
(at – in – on – from …….to – for - )
حرف الجر أعلاه تستخدم مع الزمان والمكان:
1- الزمان:
يوضع قبل 1-at (o'clock – weekend – the moment – present time - night
يوضع قبل -أسماء الأشهر -رقم سنة 2-in (the evening – afternoon – morning-
(board- floor- desk- wall-shelf- cupboard) يوضع قبل ( قبل أسماء الأيام والتاريخ و 3-on ( holiday
نضعfrom قبل الزمن الأول ونضع to قبل الزمن الثاني 4- from …….to
يكون بعده اسم زمان مفرد و جمع 5-for ( hours – months – days – weeks –years – along time- ages – a day – a month – a week – an hour – a year
الجواب 1-Akram gets up……….six o'clock. ( at – in – on ) at
الجواب 2-The Summer is ……. June. (from – in – on –at ) in
الجواب 3-I go to my friend's home ……….Sunday.(to – on – at – in) on
الجواب 4-She works in a bank….......Sunday ………..Monday.(at – from – in – to) from /to
الجواب 5- I studied ……..six years. ( in – on – for ) for
م / إذا وجد في السؤال from فيجب أن يكون بعده to أما إذا وجد to فيجب أن يكون قبله from
ج / 1- There is snow in Iqaluit from August ………May. (to – in – at – on)to
الجواب 2-Ali studies English …….. 5pm to 1am. ( in – from- on – to ) from
………………………………………… ………………………………………… ……
2- حروف الجر مع أسماء المكان:
1- on + trip /wall / line / the internet
2- at + home / room /door
3- in + hospital / garden / house / newspaper/
4- out + of
الجواب Ex: Last Summer, I went ........... trip to Basra. ( at – on – in) on
الجواب Ex2: I went on ( trip – travel ) to France. trip
الجواب Ex3:The bread is ready. Take it………of the oven now, please. (going- next – out) out
الأفعال التي يأتي بعدها حروف جر
1- going + to
2- plan / planned/ planning + to
3- listen / listening + to
4- next + to
5- put + into
6- dive + into
7- work + with
8- get / got / + up
9-pick + up
حسب المعنى 10- Switch + off / on
حسب المعنى 11- turn + up /down / off / on
12- try / tries / tried + to / on
13- learn /learning / learnt/ + about
حسب المعنى 14- look + at / for/ round
15- live + in
16- took/take + off
………………………………………… ………………………………………… ……
الجواب 1-I am planning ( study – to study) medicine. to study
الجواب 2-Ali usually gets……….at seven o'clock. ( into – up – about) up
الجواب 3- Put some money……….the drinks machine. (up - off – into) into
الجواب ( into – up – about - with) up 4-Can you pick……….the pen, please?
الجواب 5- Switch……..the television before you go to bed. ( up – off – into) off
الجواب 6- I am learning………..famous people. ( into – about – round) about
Any – Some
* تستخدم any مع الجمل المنفية (not – never- no) والاستفهامية التي تنتهي بعلامة استفهام.
* تستخدم some مع الجملة المثبتة ويجب أن يكون بعدها جمع أو اسم غير معدود .
الجواب 1- I need ……….books. ( some – any ) some
الجواب 2- Is there ……..in the refrigerator? ( something – anything ) anything
How much - How many
* تستخدم how many مع المعدود
* تستخدم how much مع الكميات الغير معدودة : (time – cost – spend – money – water- sugar –(meat –chocolate –bread- flour –tea – coffee- news –oil …………
الجواب 1- ………..schools are there? ( how much – how many ) how many
2-…………time do you need to get to your school? ( how much – how many)
* إذا وجد بعد الفراغ العبارات التالية فعند الحل نختار is that – are those – are these فعند الحل
نضع how much قبل العبارات المذكورة :-
الجواب 1- ………are those trainers? ( how many – how much ) how much
الجواب 2-How ……is that bag? (much – many ) much
………………………………………… …………………………………………
أدوات النكرة Indefinite articles
(a – an)
توضع a قبل الأسماء المفردة التي تبدأ بحرف صحيح ماعدا كلمة (hour ) التي نضع قبلها an
توضع an قبل الأسماء المفردة التي تبدأ بحرف علة:- (a – e – i –o –u)
*- لا يجوز وضع أدوات النكرة قبل أسماء الأشخاص والبلدان والأيام والأشهر . والأسماء الغير معدودة
الجواب a لان bottle مفرد وبدأ بحرف صحيح Ex: I need ……..bottle of milk. ( a- any – some)
التنقيط Punctuation
*التنقيط هو الجملة التي لا تحتوي على أي نقطة أو فارزة أو علامة استفهام ولا تحتوي على حرف كبير.
فيقوم الطالب بوضع الحالات المذكورة أعلاه.
1- الحرف الأول من الجملة يجب أن يكتب بحرف كبير مهما كان (اسم – ضمير).
2- أسماء الأشخاص والقارات والبلدان والمدن وأشهر السنة وأيام الأسبوع الحرف الأول منها يكتب بحرف كبير أينما وجدت في الجملة.
3- إذا بدأت الجملة بإحدى أدوات الاستفهام يجب أن ننهي الجملة بعلامة استفهام.
4- إذا بدأت الجملة بفعل مساعد فيجب أن ننهي الجملة بعلامة استفهام.
أما إذا احتوت على yes و no فيجب أن نضع قبل الكلمات المذكورة علامة استفهام وبعد الكلمات المذكورة فارزة وننهي الجملة بنقطة. أما إذا احتوت الجملة على كلمة please فيجب أن نضع قبلها فارزة وفي حالة ابتداء الجملة بفعل مساعد فيجب أن ننهي الجملة بعلامة استفهام.
5- الضمير I يكتب بحرف كبير أينما وجد في الجملة.
he will go to mosul next july
-He will go to Mosul next July.
did ali pass the exam yes he did
-Did Ali pass the exam? Yes, he did.
can i leave early please
-Can I leave early, please?
where did they go last january
-Where did they go last January?
أيام الأسبوع: Sunday –Monday – Tuesday –Wednesday – Thursday – Friday – Saturday
أشهر السنة:January –February –March –April- May –June- July –August –September – October- November –December
التملك Possession
ضمائر الملك: تقسم ضمائر التملك إلى قسمين ضمائر تملك الفاعل وضمائر تملك المفعول به:
تملك المفعول به الفاعل التملك الفاعل
mine my I
his his he
hers her she
theirs their they
ours our we
its its it
yours your you
*/إذا وجد الفراغ في البداية أو قبل الاسم يجب وضع تملك فاعل. أما إذا وجد الفراغ في النهاية أو بعد الاسم نضع تملك مفعول به.
1-……….(my – mine)car is the red one. The blue is……..(her- hers)
الجواب الأول للفراغ الأول my لان الفراغ جاء في البداية وجواب الفراغ الثاني hers لان الفراغ جاء في النهاية.
سؤال المقارنة : الذي يحتوي على المعاكسات أو وظائف الأفعال أو مقارنة الصفات مع الأسماء:-
1- المعاكسات:
1-big x small 7- old x young 13-mobile = phone
2- cheap x expensive 8- short x tall /long 14- medical = research
3-friendly x unfriendly 9- plump x thin 15- floppy = disk
4-quiet x noisy 10- round x square 16- Polite = impolite
5- clean x dirty 11-lazy x hard-working 17-digital = camera
6-brilliant x terrible 12- boring x interesting 18- mini = computer
lucky = unlucky
2-وظائف الأفعال
1- raise = money for charity school = event
2-celebrate = success sponsored = walk
3- come from = Liverpool a pair of = trainers
4-take = a couple of weeks off shop = assistant
5-do = research blind = people
6-meet = people corner = shop
7-take = six months voluntary = work
8- travel = by bicycle /by train / by bus/by plane/ by car
9- give = clothes for charity shopping = mall
10- visit = old people high = (street) shop
11- ask = for a sponsor.
12-work = with homeless children
13-take = a week off
14- plant = trees
15-go on = a sponsored walk
16- do = voluntary work
17- make = friends
18- do = homework
19-see = an accident
20-hear = a noise
21-play = games / piano
22- watch = Television /film
23-look at = a picture. travel = abroad
24- play = a computer game receive = a post card from a friend
25- send = e-mails /letter cook = Italian food
26-press = a button human = endurance /perseverance
27- click on = the icon ancient = monuments
28- surf = the Internet careful = study
29- put = a coin into the machine great = proficiency
30- turn down = the volume old = age
31-make = a noise higher = education
32- climb = mountain medical = leech
33- have = dinner interesting = biography
34- go = swimming historical = events
35- take = photos play = a game of tennis
36-have = a good time visit = the national museum
37- enjoy = holiday repair = a broken machine
38- write = postcards /letter
39- play = football / volleyball/ tennis / chess
40- eat = lunch in restaurant
3- معاني الكلمات أي الكلمة وتفسيرها :-
1- responsible = worthy of trust.
2- callous = cruel and having no sympathy for the suffering of the other people.
3- denied = made thoroughly wet.
4- sympathised = felt or showed pity for another.
5- drenched = not allowed.
6-wealth = money and possessions.
7- cure = something that stops you being ill.
8-destroy = to kill or break something into pieces.
9-narrator = a person who tells a story.
10-escape = leave somewhere you do not want to be.
11-be trapped = not able to move or run away.
12- Martian = a living thing from Mars.
4- تعريف أسماء المهن :-
1-physician = cures diseases 8-hunter = hunts animals.
2- historian = writes facts about the past. 9-cook = cooks food
3-philosopher = thinks about life matters. 10-bus driver = dives bus
4-traveller = goes on several journeys. 11-doctor = treats the sick people
5-poet = produces artistic writing. 12- nurse = cares for /looks after patients
6-politician = is involved in politics.
7-archaeologist = preserves pre-Islamic artifacts and monuments.
5- وظائف بعض أعضاء الجسم ((الحواس))
1- mouth = speak
2- ears = hear
3-eyes = see
4- nose = smell
5-fingers = touch
6-brain = thinks
7-arms = move
6- تعريف بعض صفات المعاقين :
1- blind people = can not see.
2- deaf people = can not hear.
3- disabled people = can not walk.
4- homeless people = have nowhere to live.
صيغة الأسئلة عن المواضيع أعلاه:
1-Blind people can't……….(hear – see – walk)
2-…………people have nowhere to live. (blind – disabled – homeless)
3-………….. writes facts about the past (poet – historian – philosopher )
Match the following verbs with their nouns:
A – (1-have 2- take 3- send 4- climb 5-raise)
B- ( a-letter b- money c- dinner d- photo e-mountain )
1-c/ dinner 2-d/ photo 3-a/ letter 4-e/ mountain 5-b/money
………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………
Match the parts of the body:
A- (1- mouth 2- fingers 3- brain 4- ears 5- nose)
B- (a – smell b- hear c- speak d- touch e – think)
1-c /speak 2-d/touch 3-e/think 4- b/hear 5-a /smell
الصيغة الأخرى لأعضاء الجسم: I speak by ……..(nose – fingers – mouth)
7- تحويل الصفات إلى ظرف حال بإضافة المقطع ly ماعدا بعض الكلمات :
1- slow = slowly
2- quick = quickly
3- successful = successfully
بعض الكلمات التي لا تأخذ ly :
1- good = well
2- hard = hard
3- fine = fine
4- fast = fast
م// إذا انتهت الكلمة بحرف y وقبله حرف صحيح يقلب y إلى i ماعدا كلمة dry لا يقلب dryly
heavy = heavily
steady = steadily
easy = easily
م/ إذا انتهت الكلمة بحرف e الصامت فعند إضافة المقطع المذكور لا يحذف حرف e ماعدا ثلاث كلمات فقط يحذف الحرف المذكور فيها
whole = wholly
true = truly
terrible = terribly في هذه الكلمة حذفنا حرف e وأضفنا y فقط
الكلمة التالية مثال على الكلمات التي لا يحذف حرف e فيها safe = safely
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .
صيغ الأسئلة التي تأتي على المواضيع أعلاه :-
1- slow = slowly easy =………..
2- successful = successfully good =…………
أو good = well happy = ……………. تحويل اسم البلد إلى جنسية
1- Iraq = Iraqi
2-Australia = Australian
3- Brazil = Brazilian
4-Turkey = Turkish
5-Britain = British
6-Italy = Italian
7-Holland = Dutch
8-Thialand = Thai
9- Egypt = Egyptian
10- Syria = Syrian
11- Canada = Canadian
12- Japan = Japanese
13- Argentina = Argentinean
14-Russia = Russian
15- India = Indian
16- France = French
17- Sudan = Sudanese
الجمع: يقسم إلى قسمين جمع بإضافة s أو es أو جمع الشواذ :
1- جمع الأسماء بإضافة المقطع es أو s
1- نضيف المقطع es إذا انتهت الكلمة بالأحرف والمقاطع التالية sh – ch –s –x –z) ) و
الفعلين اللذان ينتهيان ب oنضيف إليهما es في زمن المضارع البسيط في حالة الفاعل مفرد وكلمة potato
1- wish == wishes
2- watch == watches
3-class = classes
4-box = boxes
5-fez = fezes (go == goes / do == does –potato = potatoes )
2- إذا انتهت الكلمة ب f و fe نضيف المقطع es نقلب f إلى v كما في الكلمات التالية
1-half = halves
2-wolf = wolves
3-wife = wives
4-self = selves
5-knife = knives
6- scarf = scarves
ماعدا الكلمات التالية
1-chief = chiefs
2-gulf = gulfs
3-roof = roofs
4-proof = proofs
5-safe = safes
6-belief = beliefs
7-handkerchief = handkerchiefs
3- إذا انتهت الكلمة بحرف y وقبله حرف صحيح يقلب إلى i ونضيف es
1-city = cities
2-lady = ladies
ماعدا الملاحظات أعلاه نضيف s فقط
1-book = books
2-monkey = monkeys
3- journey = journeys
4- لا حظ الكلمات التالية التي تجمع بطريق قلب أحرف العلة أو إضافة بعض المقاطع عليها ويطلق عليه جمع الشواذ
1- ox = oxen
2-man = men
3-woman = women
4-mouse = mice
5-louse = lice
6-this = these
7-that = those
8-person = people
9-oasis = oases
10-analysis = analyses
11-goose = geese
12-foot = feet
13-tooth = teeth
14-child = children
15-policeman = policemen
الأمير و الفقير The Prince and the pauper
1-Who wrote ''The prince and the pauper''?
- Mark Twain wrote ''the prince and the pauper.
2-How did Andrew help Tom?
-Andrew taught Tom read, write and to be polite.
3-Why did Edward want to be Tom?
-Edward wanted to be Tom to do things that Tom does.
4-Did Edward like being poor? Why?
-No, because the boys laughed at him and threw him into the river.
5-Did Tom like being the prince? Why?
-No, because he wanted to play by the river only.
6-Who died in the story? How did they die?
-Andrew died , John killed him. The king died , he was ill.
7-Why was the stamp important in the story?
-The stamp is important because only the real prince knows where it was.
8-Name the tow main characters in the story.
-Tom Canty is the poor boy and Edward is the prince.
9-What was Tom Canty?
-Tom Canty was a very poor boy lived in London.
10- Who was John?
-John was Tom's father. He was a thief.
11-Why did John hit Andrew and killed him?
-John killed Andrew because he asked him not to steal.
12-Do you think it is real story?
-No, it is not a real story.
الشخصيات The Characters
1-Tom Canty (poor boy lived in London, his father was a thief)
2-Edward (a prince in the palace)
3-Andrew (a very kind man taught Tom to be polite)
4-John (Tom's father. He was a thief. He killed Andrew)
5-Lord Hert ford (one of the men in the palace)
The fruits of Labourثمار العمل
1 Who wrote the fruit of labour?
-The fruits of labour was written by Shazia Andaleeb.
2-Why did the son run to his mother?
-The son ran to his mother because he was not used to any kind of work.
3-Where did the boy's mother go? Why?
-the mother went to her parent's town so as not to help her son.
4- What did the businessman threaten him with?
-the businessman threatened that the son would not have anything for dinner?
5-Why did the son agree to carry the trunk of the shopkeeper?
-He agreed to carry the trunk because there was no other way to get money?
6-Why did the son vow never to be lazy?
-The son vowed never to be lazy because he realized the value of work?
7-What did the son like and dislike?
-The son liked playing and disliked working?
8-What does ''The fruits of Labour'' promote?
-The fruits of labour promotes ' the value of work and family values.
الشخصيات The characters
1-The father/ a business ==(experienced/wise/ rich
2-The mother ==(kind/ sympathetic)
3-The son ==(lazy / cunning)
الحرب الكونية The war of the worlds
1-Who wrote ''The war of the worlds''?
-The war of the worlds was written by Herbert George Wells
2-What were the Martians planning to do?
-The Martians were planning to do attack Earth.
3-What did the Martian wan to do?
-The Martians wanted to destroy Earth and eat all the people.
4-Did people believe the narrator story about the Martians?
-No, people did not believe the narrator story about people.
5-Could the soldiers destroy the fighting machine?
-No, they could not. The guns had no effect.
6-How was the Martians technology?
-The Martians technology was much more advanced.
7-Why did the narrator stay in London?
- The narrator stayed in London to find his wife.
8- How were the Martians?
-The Martians were unfriendly creatures.
9-How did the Martians communicate?
-The Martians communicated by thinking.
10-What happened to most of the soldiers who fought the Martians?
-Most of the soldiers who fought the Martians killed.
11-What were the lights and explosions that scientists saw on Mars at the start?
-The lights and explosions were Martian spaceships had taken off to attack Earth.
12- What did the Martians use to kill the people?
-The Martians used special gun to kill people.
13-What have people learnt at the end of the story?
-They have learnt that they have to go into space , and to get the technology the Martians
have , or perhaps the Martians will attack the earth again .
(playing computer games – playing football – reading – swimming
ص 5 – taking photos – watching videos)
Dialogue (1)
A – Hi, I 'm Mr. Ali. I'm your teacher. I like reading and (1)taking photos.
What about you?
B- My name is yasameen. I do n't like taking photos but I like(2)reading
and I like (3)watching videos.
Dialogue (2)
A-Who are they?
B-He is Kadhim and she is Miss Layla.
A-what do they like doing?
B- He likes (4)playing football. She does not like sport. She likes(5) reading.
Dialogue (3)
A-Do you like playing computer games, Aziz?
B-Yes, I do, Mr. Ali.
A-Does Kadhim like them?
B-No, he does not.
A-I do not like (6)playing computer game. I like swimming.
B- I like (7)swimming and playing computer games, but today I am playing football.
………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………..
ت 5 ص 15(nights – help – key – long – much – form – pounds – room)
a- good morning, can I (1)help you.
b- yes, I'd like a (2)room, please.
b-single, please with a bathroom. How(3)much is it?
a- thirty – six (4)pounds per night. Breakfast is extra. How(5)long……
b-Two (6)nights, please.
a- can you complete this (7)form, please?
That is fine, thank you. Here is your(8) key ……………
ت 8 ص 15(through – next to – on – down )
Man : Excuse me, where is the swimming pool?
Receptionist: go (1) down this corridor and turn left. Go (2)through
The garden and it is (3)on the right. It is (4)next to the car park.
………………………………………… …………………………………………
ت 5 ص 21(I'd like – please – could I have – thank you – excuse me – I'm sorry – I'm afraid)
Customer (1) excuse me ?
Waiter: Yes sir?
Customer: (2) could I have a menu, please?
Waiter: of course, here you are, sir.
Customer:(3) thank you
Customer(4) I'd like some tomato soup, please.
Waiter: (5) I am sorry , madam. (6) I 'm afraid we have not got any today. …………
Customer : And I 'd like a salad please .
………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………….
ت 9 ص31 (goal oriented–strengthens and weaknesses – triumph – respect–opportunity seekers-perseverance)
Successful employees should be (1) goal oriented and (2) opportunity seekers
They should also know their (3) strengthens and weakness .
Finally, they should know and (4)respect others. Hence, (5) perseverance is a must for successful employees to achieve triumph .
………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………..
ت 7 ص 37(rounds – stoppage - fists – referee – ten seconds – winner –combat sport)
Boxing is a (1)combat sport where two participants fight each other with their(2) fists.
Boxing is supervised by a (3) referee and is typically engaged in a during a serious
of one –to three- minutes intervals called (4) rounds . the referee counts to
(5) ten seconds.
If there is no stoppage of the fight ………
(7)winner is determined ……………………………
………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………….
ت 9 ص 47(afraid – pass on – phone – sorry – please – could – for – sponsors –help –take –walk)
A – Allens bank. Good morning can I (1) help you?
B – (2) could I speak to Mrs. Smithson, please?
A – I 'm (3) afraid she's out at the moment. Can I (4) take a message?
B – yes, (5) please . my name is Sally Thornton.
A- (6) sorry , can you spell your surname, please?.......................
We are organizing a sponsored(7) walk next month. It's(8) for cancer research.
We are looking for(9)sponsors
Have you got a (10)phone number?.............
Well, I 'll (11) pass on the message to Mrs. Smithson.
………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………..
ت 7 ص 53(size – how much – too(x2) – try – here you are – enough –can I help – have you got)
Excuse me? Yes, can I help you? Yes, please.(1)have you got these jeans in black?
What (2)size are you? I 'm size 36. just a moment. Here you are.
Where can I (3)try them on? Over there.
They are(4)too small. Can I try on the next size? Certainly.
(5)how much are they? Er, those are thirty-five pounds.
Oh, sorry. They are(6) too expensive. Yes, can I help you?
Have you got these trainers in size 42? Yes, (8) here you are.
No, they are not very comfortable. They are not wide (9) enough.
………………………………………… ……………………………………
ت 7 ص 63(after – before – finally – first – like – next – so – then – to- when)
Woman 1: How do you do use it?
Woman 2: Well, (1)first, switch it on here.
Woman 1: What do you do (2)next ?
Woman 2:(3)after that, you wait a bit.
(4)when it is ready, you can start.
Woman 1:(5)so , how can you get on to the internet?
Woman 2:(6)to get on to the internet, click on this icon (7)like this
Woman 1: How do you print something
Woman 2: well, (8)before you start, make sure there is a paper
in the printer (9)then click on this. To switch it off, click on this
.(10)finally switch it off.
Unit One
كـــيـــفــيــــة كــــــتابــــــة إنشـــــــــاء عــــــن عـــطــــلـــــــــــة :
Q) Write a postcards a friend telling him about your holiday?
في هذا المنطوق أنت حر في كتابة الإنشاء عن العطلة التي تراها مناسبة:-
Q) Write a postcards a friend telling him about your( fantastic – great) holiday?
كيفية كتابة إنشاء عن عطلة رائعة
A Fantastic Holiday
Dear Ali,
I am writing to tell you about my fantastic holiday in Syria. I am here with my friends Hadi and Karam and we are staying in a beach apartment. The weather is warm and sunny, besides the food is great. The people here are very friendly. Now, I am relaxing on the beach. Sameer and Kareem are playing football. Everyday we go sightseeing in the city. It is fantastic.
See you soon
Q) Write a postcards a friend telling him about your horrible holiday?
اكتب إنشاء عن عطلة مريعة
A Horrible Holiday
Dear Sami,
I am writing to tell you about my horrible holiday in Amman. I am here with my friends Hadi and Karam and we are staying in a cheap hotel. Our room is very small and dirty. The weather is cold and there is no hot water in the shower. The food is good but it is expensive so we eat falafel most of the time. Now we are having lunch in our hotel room. The people are very rude and unfriendly. We can not go sightseeing in the city because we lost all our money. Please send us some money to comeback home.
See you soon
Unit Two
A Menu
قائمة طعام
Q)Write a traditional menu for tourists in your country?
Q) Write the name of dishes and add prices?
Mosul Restaurant
Traditional Iraqi Food
الحلويات Dessert المقبلات Starters
Meat soup 500IQD Ice Cream 1.000IQD
Salad 500 IQD Caster 1.000 IQD
Jajeek – chopped cucumber Jelly 1.000 IQD
with yogurt 500 IQD
Main course Drinks الوجبة الرئيسية
Kabab5.000 IQD Mineral water 500 IQD
Musgoof- grilled fish 1.0000 IQD Tea 500 IQD
Tashreeb – Iraqi bread in meat soup 1.0000 IQD Fruit juice 1.000 IQD
Unit Three
A Description of a Person
كـــيفيـــة كتابـــة إنشـــاء عـــن وصـــف شــخص تــعــرفـــه
مـــنطـــــوق الـــســــؤال
Q) Write a description of someone you know well?
Q) Write a description of a person. A relative , A friend , A teacher or someone you know well?
My best friend is called Ali. He is 17 years old. He is from Baghdad. However, he lives in Mosul with his parents and his two brother. He is interested in computer games.
Ali has got a short black hair and a round face. He looks like his father. For example, they have got the same blue eyes.
Ali likes helping people. For example, he helps all his friends. He likes wearing casual clothes. However, he sometimes wears formal clothes. For example, a shirt and a tie. He is very friendly and outgoing so I like him very much.
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Unit Four
A Celebrity Profile
لمحة عن حياة مشهور
مـــنطـــــوق الـــســــؤال
Q) Write a profile of a famous person?
Q) Write a profile of a Celebrity?
Hawar Mullah Mohammed is a professional Iraqi footballer. He was born in Duhok in 1988. he has got a long black hair and round face. He likes wearing casual clothes. For example, jeans and T-shirt.
Hawar played for the Iraqi team in Athens Olympics in 2004. He played very well and he with the Iraqi team was fourth in Athens. After Athens, Hawar played for many football clubs in Cyprus, Iran , The UAE and Qatar.
Hawar now lives in Qatar with his family. He has got two sons. In his free time he likes go shopping with his family.
Unit Five
A Leaflet (Voluntary Work)
كـــتابـــــة إنـــــــــــشـــــاء عـــــن عـــمــــل تـــطـــوعــــــي
A Sponsored Campaign for planting Olive Trees
We are looking for volunteers to help us. We are going to plant olive trees in the town from 9 a.m on Thursday until 3 p.m on Sunday. You can raise money for disabled people, we offer food and other requirements for this purpose.
What you have to do:
* Register your name and time you want to work at.
* Volunteers work for three hours in turn.
* Find people to sponsor you.
We aim to raise more than one million dinars for the disabled people.
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Q1 \ Write a leaflet about a voluntary work to raise money for cancer researches. ( (صیغة عامة
A Long Bicycle Ride
10th – 12th Aug, 2011
We are looking for volunteers to help us. We are going to ride bicycles from Al_Dawasah square to AL-Mosul. You can have fun and raise money for cancer research at the same time.There will be free food and drinks for volunteers a long the way to AL-Mosul.
** What Volunteers have to do:
• Register your names
• Come on the right time
• Wear comfortable clothes
• Find people to sponsor you (5.000 IQD at least)
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Q3 \ Write a leaflet about a voluntary work to protect the environment. (حماية البيئة)
Make the City a Better Place
10th – 15th Aug, 2013
We are looking for volunteers to help us. We are going to make a voluntary work to clean the city. We want to clean the main streets, the bridge and the bank of the river. You can have fun and meet new friends. There will be free drinks and food for volunteers.
** What Volunteers have to do:
•Register your names
•Come on the right time
•Wear comfortable clothes
•Invite your friends to help us
For more information call us on this number: 0123456789
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اكتب إنشاء عن مكان تعرفه Q)Write a place that you know:
The National Museum of Iraq is located in the capital of Iraq, Baghdad. It was established in 1926 by the British traveller and author Gertrude Bell. It was originally known as the Baghdad Archaeological Museum.
Because of the archeological riches of Mesopotamia, it's collections are amongst the most important in the world. It has a fine record of scholarship and display.
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اكتب التعليمات الخاصة بتشغيل كاميرا رقمية Q) Write instructions for using a digital camera.
• First, make sure there are batteries in your camera.
• Then, switch on the camera.
• Before you take a photo make sure of the light. For example, always let the light be behind the camera.
• When you finish taking photos, connect the camera to the PC.
• Choose the pictures you want to print.
• Finally, use the printer to draft your photos.
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كيفية تشغيل الكومبيوتر Q) How to operate a computer?
First, switch on the main switch. After that, wait for second. When you hear music,
you can start. Then, go to the main list. Finally, choose the program you want
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Q)Write an e-mail asking for information about something:-
كيفية كتابة ايميل (بريد الكتروني)
1- كتابة الاسم : Name:………
2- كتابة عنوان السكن (المنطقة/الحي/ المدينة/ الدولة: Address…….
3- عنوان البريد الالكتروني : sa@yahoo.com : e-mail address
4- الموضوع: subject………..
5- التعليقات والاستفسارات: Comments /Questions ونضع أسفل التعليقات مضمون الايميل :