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Ali in the Qur'an

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  1. #1
    صديق مؤسس
    صاحبة الامتياز
    تاريخ التسجيل: January-2010
    الدولة: البصرة
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 27,178 المواضيع: 3,882
    صوتيات: 103 سوالف عراقية: 65
    التقييم: 5826
    مزاجي: هادئة
    أكلتي المفضلة: مسوية رجيم
    موبايلي: Iphon 6 plus
    آخر نشاط: 5/August/2024
    مقالات المدونة: 77

    Ali in the Qur'an

    Ali in the Qur'an

    First Section

    Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace on the best creation Muhammad and pure.

    After that, the researcher on the biography of Imam Ali in the Holy Qur'an had been looking for writing Imam Ali (peace be upon him) of the Qur'an and collected the Quran after the death of the Prophet (r), have been looking for the interpretation of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) of the Koran Downloads and interpretation, is that: (Slunj for the Book of Allah, Fu God, no sign but i know Oblel revealed or Bahar, or in plain or in the mountain) (1), have been looking to represent the Koran in Ali (peace be upon him) doctrine and conduct, has said the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family him): (Ali with the Koran and the Qur'an is with Ali, will not separate until avail tub) (2).

    But we have we addressed in our present (in the Qur'an to) some verses that was revealed concerning Ali (peace be upon him), has the transfer of al-Khatib al-Baghdadi in his history of Ibn Abbas as saying: it was revealed in Ali (peace be upon him) three hundred verses (3).

    Alhiblnge narrated from Ibn Abbas as saying: What got in one of the Book of Allah as revealed in Ali (peace be upon him) (4).

    We have adopted the most important sources of interpretative feature of the caliphs, and schools school school Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), asking God Almighty help and guide, for He is strength.

    * * * *

    What got in Ali (peace be upon him), especially:

    * Fmma Inn which he said glorified his name: (who spend their wealth night and day, secretly and openly, verily their reward with their Lord, nor fear, nor shall they grieve) (Baqarah: 274).

    Narrated Abd al-Wahhab ibn Mujahid from his father from Ibn Abbas says: (Those who spend their money) said: "I got in Ali ibn Abi Talib, he had four dirhams, Vonfq at night one, and day-one, in secret one, and in the publicity and one ( 5).

    * What it got him: (There are some people who would sell himself, seeking to please God and God Kind to His slaves) (Baqarah: 207).

    Narrated Abd al-Rahman ibn Maimon said: Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas that he had heard to say: I sleep the Messenger of Allah supreme in his bed for the night, go to the cave, then Abu Bakr asked the Messenger of God, told him on it lifted off, follow it, Abu Bakr, became the Quraish consider Graduate and made throwing him, when he became if they Baali, where they said, Mohammed? He said: I do not know it. They said: You may deny Tazavrk (6) we aim Muhammad is not starving and you're starved. In which this verse was revealed (and the people who sells himself seeking the pleasure of Allah).

    In that, "says Ali (peace be upon him):

    And myself received better than treading gravel = Akram and toured the house and create a stone

    Mindful of them and decide what Inubni = The patient myself to kill and families

    Muhammad to fear that its Imkroa = Venjah a length of the great deception

    And is the Messenger of Allah in the cave safe = still in keeping God in the cover (7)

    There are many other verses also stayed in Ali (peace be upon him), especially, we will examine in future research.

    What got in the household (peace be upon them):

    * Fmma got them you came Sura (Al Rights):

    Of Mujahid from Ibn Abbas said: says: (their vows and fear a Day whose evil flies far and wide * And they feed, for the love of the poor and the orphan and the captive) (rights: 7 8)

    He said: disease Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon them) Fadahma grandfather the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family), and general Adahma Arabs, they said: O Abu al-Hasan, had vowed a vow to your child.

    Then Ali (peace be upon him): (if acquitted by the silence which Allaah Thank you for three days).

    Said Fatima (PBUH) also said progress is said to have Silver Nubian that acquitted Siday silence for God thanks, Vabus Alghulaman wellness, not when the family of Muhammad, a little not much, so it Ali (peace be upon him) to Shimon Alkhyeeri Fastkarz than three Ose of barley, came out and put it, the Soviets picked Fatima (peace be upon her) to saa Vtahnth and Achtbzath blessings and Ali (peace be upon him) with the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family), and then came home, he put food in his hands as he came to him poor person stood at the door, he said:

    Hello people of the house of Muhammad, the children of poor Muslims, Otamoni Otamkm Allah the Almighty and tables of Paradise.

    Heard Ali (peace be upon him) ordered them Voattoh food, and stayed the day and night but did not taste the water.

    When was the second day of the Fatima (peace be upon her) to saa and Bzath blessings and Ali (peace be upon him) with the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family), and put food in their hands as it overtook them orphans stood at the door, and said:

    Hello family of Muhammad, an orphan section of the children of immigrants killed my father.

    Voattoh food, peace and blessings days but did not taste the water.

    When was the third day of the Fatima (peace be upon her) to rest saa Vtahnth Achtbzath and prayed Ali (peace be upon him) with the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family), and put food in his hands, as it overtook them prisoner stood at the door, and said:

    Peace be upon you O people of the house of a prophet, nor Tosronna Ttamonna, Otamoni I prisoner.

    Voattoh food, and stayed three days and nights did not taste the only water, gave them a Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) saw what their hunger, revealed God: (got a prize from the lottery and saying we do not want you neither reward nor thanks ) (8).

    * It took them His saying: (and influence on themselves if their merit ...) (al-Hashr: 9).

    Abu Huraira: that a man came to the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) complained to him of hunger, he sent to the homes of his wives, Vqln We have nothing but water! He said (Allah bless him and his family): from this night?

    Ali said: I am, O Messenger of God. Voalmha Fatima came, she said: We have nothing but food for the boys, but we influence by our guest! Then Ali (peace be upon him): Nomi boys, and I switch off the guest OS, and I did Achi guest, and when he is sent down upon them this verse: (and influence on themselves) verse (9).

    * It took them says: (Say ... Come let our sons and your sons and our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, and would make our pray God's curse on the liars) (Al-Imran: 61).

    Jabir bin Abdullah said: The delegation of Najran to the Prophet (Allah bless him and peace and blessings) Aqub Mr., straightway he called them to Islam, they said: within Islam you, he said: Kzpettma, the wish and Okbertkma including Emenekma of Islam, they said: Hat Onbina, said: Love Cross, drinking alcohol and eating pork, straightway he called them to li'aan should, Voaadah that Egadiah Balgdap, then tomorrow the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family), took, however, Ali and Fatima, however, Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon them), and then send them Fabia had to answer, Vokaroa him Bakheraj, said the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family): which sent me to the right if it really rain Valley fire, he said, Jaber said: came down including this verse: (Say: Come, let our sons and your sons and our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves) said: "The People: our sons Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon them), and women Fatima (peace be upon her), and ourselves, Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) (10).

    Ibn Hajar said: Daaraqutni and directed that Ali (peace be upon him) on the Shura protested against the people said to them: Oncdkm God, Are you one of the closest to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) in the womb of me? It made him (may Allah bless him and his family and him) himself and his sons, his sons and his wives wives others? They said: God does not. Modern (11).

    * It took them the verse: (I have rewarded them this Day for their patience because they are the winners) (Believers: 111).

    Abdullah bin Masood in the words of God: (I have rewarded them this Day for their patience) means their tribute Paradise today patiently Ali bin Abi Talib and Fatima, Hassan and Hussein in the world to do acts and hunger and poverty, and their patience in sin and the patient, the scourge of God in the world (they are winners) and the survivors of the account (12).

    * It took them His saying: (... but God wants you to go home evil deeds and to purify) (parties: 33).

    Umm Salamah remember that the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) was in the home he misses Fatima (peace be upon her) Bermp the calories she came out he said to her: call your husband and APNIC, said: "He came Ali, Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon them) so they entered it, they sat down eat those calories is on pajamas, and had the underneath clothing to him Khyeeri, said: "I pray in the room Then Allaah revealed this verse: (but God wants to go on your evil deeds House and to purify), said:" So the preferred clothing Vgshahm tags, and then Valoy out his hand to the sky, and then said: "O those of my family and yours, visit their abomination, and cleanse cleansing, said:" have brought home my head I said: I am with you, O Messenger of God? He said: You are the best (13).

    Anas bin Malik that the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) who was passing a house of Fatima (peace be upon her) Six months is an approach to the morning prayer and say: Prayer, the people of the house (but God wants to go on your evil deeds House and to purify) (14).

    * It took them the verse: (Marj meet Bahrain) (Rahman: 19).

    For Dahhaak says: (Marj meet Bahrain) said: "Ali and Fatima, (they do not transgress them isthmus) (Rahman: 20).

    The Prophet (Allah bless him and his family): (Out of them come pearls and coral) (Rahman: 22) said: Hassan and Hussein (15).

    * It took them His saying: (and those who believe and their offspring follow them in faith We join their offspring, and from their families: of something ...) (Tur: 21).

    Ibn Abbas says: (Those who believe and their offspring follow them) said I got it in the Prophet and Ali and Fatima, Hassan and Hussein (16).

    * The language of his name: (... Say I do not ask any reward except love for kin ...) (Shura: 23).

    Ibn Abbas: When the verse (Say I do not ask any reward for it ...) They said: O Messenger of God, your relatives and those who are obligatory We friendliness? He said: Ali and Fatima and Abnahm (17).

    * And he glorified: (those who they call upon their Lord in the way ...) (Isra: 57).

    For the regions, in saying: (those who they call upon their Lord means), they are the Prophet and of Ali and Fatima, Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon them) (18).

    What got in Ali (peace be upon him) and his followers:

    * Mismatch Ezz saying his name: (Those who believe and work righteous deeds, those are the best land-based) (Evidence: 7).

    Asaakir Jabir bin Abdullah, he said: "We were with the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) turned to Ali (peace be upon him) said the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family): and my hand this and Shiites them winners of the Day of Resurrection, and I got: (Those who believe and work righteous deeds, those are the best land), was if I accept the companions of the Prophet Ali (peace be upon him) said was the best of creatures (19).

    * It took them is His saying: (... and those are the ones) (The Cow: 5).

    Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) said: (He told me Salman the Persian: What Talat to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family), Abu Hassan and I was with him only hit between the shoulder and said: "O Salman, this party are the winners) (20 ).

    What got in Ali (peace be upon him) and others:

    * Said the bulk of the mismatch as saying: (... they are with those who blessed them from the prophets and the saints and martyrs and the righteous and those companion) (women: 69).

    For David Bin Sulaiman said: "We talked Ali ibn Musa satisfaction fathers Ali (peace be upon him) said: The Messenger of God in this verse: from the prophets: Muhammad, and friendly: Ali bin Abi Talib, and the martyrs: Hamza, and the righteous: Hassan and Hussein, and those are companion: he said: the existing family of Muhammad (21).

    * The language of his name: (If he comes to those who believe in Our signs say Peace be upon you your Lord has written Mercy for Himself, ...) (cattle: 54).

    Ibn Abbas said: "I got in Ali ibn Abi Talib and Hamzah, Ja'far and Zaid blessings of Allah be upon them all (22).

    * And he says: (... and the norms, both men know their marks ...) (custom: 46).

    Thalabi out in the interpretation of this verse from Ibn Abbas said: "Institutions of higher position path, he and Abbas Hamza, Ali ibn Abi Talib and Jafar with a wing, they know their loved ones faces and blanks Mbgdehm Psoad faces (23).

    * Inter alia, saying: (... Allah has sent down tranquility upon His Messenger and the believers ...) (Repentance: 26).

    For Dahhaak bin Muzahim said: "I got in those who held fast with the Messenger of Allah: Ali and Abbas and Hamza with a group of Bani Hashim (24).

    * And he says: (The believers are those who believe in Allah and His messenger and afterward doubt not but strive with their wealth and themselves in the name of Allah, those are the sincere ones) (rooms: 15).

    Ibn Abbas says: (The believers are those who believe) said: I mean believe in Allah and His Messenger, then he did not complain in their faith. Stayed in Ali ibn Abi Talib, Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and Ja'far al-Tayyar. Then he said: (and fought the enemy for the sake of God and in obedience with their wealth and themselves in the name of Allah: Such are the sincere ones) means in their faith, God have witnessed the truth and fulfilling (25).

    * And he says: (from the believers are men true to the covenant of God, some have died and some of them expected and changed the ways altered or changed) (parties: 23).

    Haafiz BOOK: asked Ali, the rostrum of Kufa for him: (men true to the covenant of God, some have died and some of them expected), he said: O Allah, forgive, this verse was revealed in, and my uncle Hamza, and my uncle Ubaidah ibn al-Harith bin Abdul requirement. As for Obeida killing him died a martyr, the day of Badr, and either Hamza killing him died a martyr on one, but I wait Ohqaha used to dye this of this and he pointed to his beard and his head under his reign to my beloved Abu al-Qasim (may Allah bless him and his family and peace) (26).

    * And he says: (the man who promised him a promise is like a protective Mtanah pleasures of this world then is reflected from the Day of Resurrection) (stories: 61).

    Of Mujahid says: (the man who promised him a promise is to vest) said: "I got in Ali and Hamza, (like someone Mtanah pleasures of this world) means the father of ignorance (27).

    What got in the enemies of Ali (peace be upon him):

    * Language of his name: (And those who annoy believing men and believing women undeservedly, they bear the guilt of slander and manifest sin) (parties: 58).

    Fighter said: it was revealed in Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him); so that people from the hypocrites who offend him and hear (28).

    * And he says: (Those who transgressed were those who believed they laugh) (Mutaffifin: 29).

    Said Zamakhshari: gossip: According to Ali bin Abi Talib, in a group of Muslims harnessed them hypocrites, and laughed, and Tagamzoa, and then returned to their companions and said: "I saw today, bald, they were laughing at him, came down before they arrive on to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family and peace) (29 ).

    * And he glorified his name: (Zilpah Siit when they saw the faces of those who disbelieve ...) (King: 27).

    Zaynab said: "When they saw what to Ali bin Abi Talib, God of sycophantic, Siit the faces of those who disbelieve (30).

    * And he says: (wilt see and they will see you is the demented *) (pen: 5, 6).

    From Ka'b bin Masood, Abdullah bin Masood said: The Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) was asked about Ali said: "to keep you proper Muslims, and Oofrckm faith, and among you note, Orjgm dream, Ohdkm in God's anger, taught him knowledge, and Astodath secret Oklth about me, It is my successor in my family and the two in my nation. He said some of the Quraish: The charms on the Messenger of Allah even by what he sees something! Allah revealed: (wilt see and they will see you is the demented *) (31).

    * And he says: (A questioner asked about the pains of reality) (Ascent: 1).

    Ja'far ibn Muhammad from his father Ali (AS) said: When the Messenger of Allah set high on the Messenger of Allah said: "From you salutations, he flew in the country, introduced the Messenger of Allah ibn Nu'man tillage Fihri, said:" God ordered us for to see that there is no god but Allah, and you are the Messenger of God, and ordered us to wage holy war and pilgrimage, prayer, almsgiving and fasting Vqublnaha you, then does not satisfy even set up this young man, I said: I was his Lord this Lord. This is something you or the order of God?

    He said: God is no god but He: That is one of God. He said: Foley anemone he says: "O Allah if this is the truth from Thee, rain down on us stones from heaven or inflict grievous penalty. God person delays stone on his head, killing him, Allah revealed: (A questioner asked about ...) (32).

    * And he says: (... but surely in tune to say ...) (Muhammad: 30).

    Khudri in the words of the Almighty: (but surely in tune to say) said: loathe Ali ibn Abi Talib (33).

    * The language of his name: (disbeliever and disobedient to no better than) (Sajdah: 18).

    Ibn Abbas said: "Ali and seconded obstacle Alwaleed Bin Waleed, said: I am one of you Sinana they like you to fill in your tongue and filling in the battalion. Ali said to him: "Shut up punk, Allah revealed this verse (34).

    * And he said the bulk: (cast into Hell every contumacious Rejecter) (BC: 24).

    Tell us partner Ben Abdallah, said: "I was with the mash, which is queer, and his was Abu Hanifa and Ibn Shubrumah and Ibn Abi Layla said to him: O Abu Muhammad, you are in the last day of the world, and the first day of the Hereafter, I was speaking in the Bin Abi Talib, interviews, repent to Allaah! He said: "Stay me Stay me, he assigned, he said: Narrated Abu Mutawakil survivor of Abu Sa'eed said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family): If the Day of Resurrection, God says to me and Ali: thrown into the fire of Obgdkma, and taken to the paradise of love you , it says: (cast into Hell every contumacious Rejecter). Abu Hanifa, said of the people: Arise us is not coming with something worse than this (35).

    What got in the love of Ali (peace be upon him) and loyalty and the need to follow it:

    * Mismatch says: (O ye who believe, fear Allah and be with the truthful) (Repentance: 119).

    Abu Jafar (peace be upon him) in meaning: (O ye who believe, fear Allah ...) said: "Ali bin Abi Talib (36).

    * The language of his name: (Those who believe and work righteous deeds will make them love) (Mary: 96).

    Ali ibn Musa satisfaction with their fathers (peace be upon them) from Jabir bin Abdullah, said: The Messenger of Allah, Ali ibn Abi Talib: "O Ali! Say I love Lord of the toss in the hearts of the faithful, the Lord make me promise you, Lord, make me you love. Allah revealed: (Those who believe and work righteous deeds will make them love) is not a believer, man or woman, has received, but in the heart friendly to the people of the house (37).

    * The language of his name: (... but Thou art a warner and for every folk a guide) (Thunder: 7).

    Ibn Abbas said: Messenger of Allah put his hand on his chest, he said: "I was master, and then motioned to the intent (peace be upon him) said: You are the Pacific, but guided by your Mutanassrin after me (38).

    * And he said the bulk: (As the son of Mary, for example, if your people turn away from it) (decoration: 57).

    Ali (peace be upon him) said: I came to the Prophet one day I found it in filled from the Quraish, he looked at me and said: "O Ali, but like you in this nation like Jesus son of Mary, I love people Vofrtoa, and hates people Vofrtoa it. He said: who has publicly laughed, then said: Look at how semi-cousin, Jesus son of Mary! He said: revelation came down: (and when the son of Mary, for example, if your people turn away from it), said Issa Abu Bakr bin Abdullah: I mean people making a noise (39).

    * And he says: (But whosoever has the good ones are safe from fear that Day * It is headlong flung down on their faces in the fire ...) (ant: 8990).

    Abu Jafar (peace be upon him) said: Abu Abdullah entered the dialectic of the faithful said: "O Abu Abdullah, do not tell you the words of God: (to his credit ...)? He said: "Yes, your sacrifice. Said the good people love the house, and bad abhorrence. Then he recited the verse (40).

    Sequel in Section II =

    ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــ

    (1) treasure workers: a book of interpretation, the interpretation section Mosque: 2: 357 358.
    (2) Mustadrak: Governor Nisaboori: 3: 124.
    (3) Date of Baghdad: al-Khatib al-Baghdadi: 6: 221.
    (4) light eyes: 73.
    (5) History of Damascus: Ibn Asaakir: 38: 206.
    (6) starved to: Writhing pain from beatings or hunger, and volatile back-to-belly.
    (7) Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal: 1: 330. And narrated by the ruling Mustadrak: 3 132. And characteristics of women: 61, i. Najaf.
    (8) lion of the jungle: I'm the air: 5: 530.
    (9) evidence download: Alhscane: 2: 246.
    (10) Asbab: Wahidi: 75.
    (11) Lightning Holocaust: 93.
    (12) evidence of the download: 1: 4.
    (13) Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal 6: 393, and by Muslim in his Saheeh.
    (14) genealogy Supervision:-Ashraf 1: 215.
    (15) Tombstone Download 2: 208.
    (16) Tombstone Download 2: 197.
    (17) ammunition Hereafter: 25. Muhariqa: 101. Light eyes: 101,
    (18) Tombstone download 1:34.
    (19) Manthoor: Suyooti: at the bottom of the verse, I'm quoting pawns.
    (20) evidence of the download: 1: 68.
    (21) Proof: 1: 393.
    (22) interpretation Firat: 42
    (23) Lightning Holocaust: 101.
    (24) Al-Bayan: 5:17.
    (25) evidence of the download: 2: 86.
    (26) narrated the virtues of the five: 1: 287 for Lightning: 80. Light eyes: 97, quoting the job to the son of chapters pigment.
    (27) evidence of the download: 1: 437
    (28) Asbab: 273.
    (29) Scouts, and interpretation of the great pride Razi: at the bottom of the interpretation of the verse.
    (30) evidence of the download: 2: 265.
    (31) evidence of the download: 2: 267.
    (32) Al-Bayan: tail interpretation of Sura.
    (33) morality: to Ibn Al: 80.
    (34) evidence of the download: 1: 446. Asbab: 263.
    (35) evidence of the download: 2: 189.
    (36) the adequacy of the student: 236.
    (37) very Maraam: 373.
    (38) interpretation of the great: tail interpretation of the verse.
    (39) evidence of the download: 2: 160.
    (40) Al-Bayan: 7: 237

  2. #2
    صديق مؤسس
    صاحبة الامتياز

    Section II

    Read the first section =

    What was revealed in previous to Islam:

    * Including the words of Almighty: (and keep up prayer and pay Zakat and bow with those who bow) (The Cow: 43).

    Ibn Abbas says: (and bow) it was revealed in the Messenger of Allah and Ali ibn Abi Talib, the first of blessings and kneeling down (1).

    * And he says: (The Lord knows that you are less than two-thirds of the night and half and one third and a range of those with you ...) (Muzzammil: 20).

    Ibn Abbas says: (The Lord knows you, O Muhammad, you pray a minimum of two thirds of the night and half and one third and the range of those with you) said: The first of the night with him on, and the first oath of allegiance to him on, and the first migrated with Ali (2).

    * And he glorified: (which comes with the truth and sincerity of it, those are the dutiful) (Az-Zumar: 33).

    I'm on the parasite Ali (peace be upon him) said: that comes with the truth Messenger of God, and ratified by me, and everyone else Mkzbon Unbelief (3).

    * And he said the bulk: (those who believe and obscure not their belief with injustice they have the security of those who are rightly guided) (cattle: 82).

    Of Mujahid from Ibn Abbas as saying God: (who believe) means believe in monotheism, is Ali Bin Abi Talib (not wear) means did not mix, her: (Why do you confound truth with falsehood) means no Taktaiwn? Did not mix their faith (injustice) means shirk, Ibn Abbas said: God, what a safe one but after a decoy, except for high, he believed in God other than that it involves the blink of an eye. (For them security) of the fire, torment, (they are guided) means guides to Paradise on the Day of Resurrection without the expense, was at first believed in him, who is from seven years (4).

    * The language of his said: (Whoever submits his face to God, which has improved grasped the most trustworthy handhold ...) (Luqman: 22).
    Anas bin Malik said: (Whoever submits his face to Allah) said: it was revealed in the Ali Bin Abi Talib, was the first sincere God, faith, and made himself God, (the Optimizer) says: a believer obedient, (has grasped the most trustworthy handhold) is saying: "No God but Allah, and Allah go back all (5).

    * And he says: (who carry the Throne and those around him glorify the praises of their Lord, and believe in Him and ask forgiveness for those who believe our Lord encompasses all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who repent and follow Your path, and anorexia torment of hell * of our Lord and brought them to Gardens of Eden, which promised and reconciliation of their parents, their spouses and their offspring, You are the Mighty, the Wise * anorexia and bad deeds and ills that Day will have mercy and that is to win the Great) (forgiving: 7 9).

    Abu Aldoili Black said: "Ali (peace be upon him): (I spent years and months, the angels ask forgiveness for not only the Messenger of God and me, and I got us these verses: (who carry the Throne and those around him and saying Aziz al-Hakim).

    Said some of the hypocrites: he is one of their parents and their offspring who inflicted them these verses? Then Ali (peace be upon him): "O God, and from our parents: Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob! Not those of our parents) (6)?

    * And he glorified: (and ex-ex-* Those close) (the incident: 1011).

    Abdullah bin Abbas says: (and ex-ex) said: "Joshua son of Nun, Moses and Shimon Ben-John to Jesus and Ali bin Abi Talib, the Prophet (7).

    * The language of his name: (and those on the right are those on the right) (sub: 27).

    Jabir Aljafee Abu Ja'far Mohammed bin Ali said: "(Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him): revealed a prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and his family) on Monday and submitted the day after on Tuesday, was the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) pray and I pray for him and his right hand men, one of the others, revealed God (and those on the right) to the last verse) (8).

    * And he glorified: (who came after them say: Our Lord forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith ...) (al-Hashr: 10).

    Ibn Abbas said: the imposition of praying for forgiveness for Ali in the Quran for every Muslim. It says: (Forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in Faith), a former (9).

    * And he says: (Odjaltm watering Hajj and building the Grand Mosque one who believes in Allah and the Last Day ...) (Repentance: 19).

    Anas said: I stayed and gray hair Evtakran Abbas, Abbas said to him: I am more honorable than you, I'm with the Messenger of God and the guardian of his father, and my legs swell. Shiba said: I am Ashraf from you, I am the secretary of God on his home and Khasenh, do you not also entrusted you Aitmanni?! They looked upon Ali (peace be upon him) including Vokbrah said. Then Ali (peace be upon him): I supervised both of you, I'm the first to secure and emigrated, three of them went away to the Prophet, they told him, what he answered them nothing, they departed by the revelation came down a few days, sent to them and recited: (Odjaltm watering Haj) (10).

    What got over it with the Prophet and his victory to him:

    * Mismatch saying the Almighty: (... Allah is his Lord and Gabriel and the benefit of believers ...) (prohibition: 4).

    The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) in meaning: (for believers) said: It is Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) (11).

    * The language of his name: (and make me a minister from my brother, Aaron * * * Stress by Azeri and let him share my task,) (Taha: 2932).

    Names of muslim Umays said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: O Allah, I say, as my brother, Moses, Oh God, make me a minister from my family, my brother, Graduate, Stress by me strength, and let him share my task ... (12).

    * And he glorified: (tell me an entrance of the Lord Get Me Out sincerity and honesty and give me from Thy majesty), whosoever (Isra: 80).

    Abdullah bin Abbas says: (say O my Lord, the entrance to the sincerity and Get Me Out And give me from Thy majesty champion) said: "God has responded to God to the Prophet prayed, but was Ali ibn Abi Talib authority support him against his enemies (13).

    * And he said most: (and gardens of grapes, and planting palm twins and non-twins to drink water, and one ...) (Thunder: 4).

    Jabir bin Abdullah, said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) said to Ali (peace be upon him): (O Ali, people from trees, various you and I from a single tree), and then read the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family and peace ): (and gardens of grapes, and planting palm twins are twins and non-irrigated water, and one) (14).

    * And he glorified: (the man who was aware of the Lord and followed him to see ...) (Hood: 17).

    From Abbad ibn Abdallah Ali (peace be upon him) in meaning: (the man who was aware of the Lord) said: The Messenger of God, (followed by the users of it), he said: I am a witness (15).

    * And he says: (... that is thee with His help and with the believers) (Anfal: 62).

    Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of God: I saw on the night of my family to heaven on the throne written: "No God but I am alone with no partner for me, and Mohamed Abdi and apostolic, supported by Ali, it is said: (which is thee with His help and with the believers) (16).

    * It is revealed in this verse: (and people who sells himself seeking the pleasure of God and God is Kind to His slaves) (Baqarah: 207).

    We have mentioned the report narrated by Ibn Abbas in the cause of getting out earlier.

    * And he says: (in faith) (Mutaffifin: 26).

    Jabir that the Prophet (Allah bless him and peace and blessings) in the Battle of Taif called a high Vantjah Then he said: "O people, you say that I Antjit higher, what I Antjith, God Antjah, and (in faith) (17).

    * And he glorified: (O Prophet of God, and is sufficient for the believers who follow) (Anfal: 64).

    Ja'far ibn Muhammad from his father (peace be upon them) in meaning: (O Prophet of God is sufficient for the believers who follow), said: "I got in Ali (peace be upon him) (18).

    * And he says: (I invite unto Allah with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me ...) (Yusuf: 108).

    Abu Jafar (peace be upon him) said: (and follow me): Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) (19).

    * And he glorified: (... but Thou art a warner and for every folk a guide) (Thunder: 7).

    Ibn Abbas said: "When I got (but Thou art a warner and for every folk a guide) put his hand on his chest, he said:" I was master (and every folk a guide), and motioned to the intent (peace be upon him) said: "You Hadi O Ali, your guide convert dimensions (20).

    * And he says: (And say: Truth and falsehood is falsehood was Zhouka) (Isra: 81).

    Abd-Allah said: We entered with the Prophet of Mecca and around three hundred and sixty-idol worship, without God, ordered by the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) all of her face, and was on the house fetish long said to him: Hubble saw the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and his family) to the Emir of believers (peace be upon him) and said to him: "O Ali, to ride the ride or you to receive the Hubble appeared on Kaaba?

    I said: O Messenger of God, but Orcabac, and got Aftoto me back and rakaa him, Fu, who split the pill and Healing Aura, if you want to touch the sky Mssthe my hand, threw off Hubble on the back of the Kaaba, revealed God: (Say the Truth) I mean to say there is no god but God and Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah, (and falsehood) means the worship of idols and go, (that the falsehood was Zhouka) means going. Then entered the house where he prayed two rak'ahs (21).

    What was revealed in its mandate:

    * Mismatch says: (do not speak only authorized to Rahman and so rightly said) (the news: 38).

    Abu Jafar (peace be upon him) in meaning: (the day when the angels and the Spirit stand arrayed, they speak only authorized Rahman) said: If the Day of Resurrection kidnapping saying: "No God but God for the hearts of people in this situation only approved the mandate of Ali (AS peace), which is saying: (only authorized Rahman) means the mandate of the people of Ali (peace be upon him), who are permitted to understand the words: "No God but God (22).

    * And he glorified: (with wonder * About the Great News) (news: 1 2).

    Abu Hamza residual said: I asked Abu Jafar (peace be upon him) for the words of God: (with wonder * About the Great News), said: Ali (peace be upon him) said to his companions: I am God the great news that differed in all nations Bolsntha, and God what is God's greatest Nbw me, not God's greatest verse of me (23).

    Ibn al-Aas in his poem known Paljlgelep, addressing Sid:

    Nasrnak of our ignorance, O son of India on the report = most preferable (24).

    * And he says: (And stop they are responsible) (Saaffaat: 24).

    Dailami out Khudri that the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) said: (And stop they are responsible) for the mandate of Ali (peace be upon him) (25).

    * And he glorified: (O ye who believe, fear Allah and believe in His Messenger Iwtkm Kiflin of mercy and makes you a light you walk by you and forgive you and Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful) (iron: 28).

    Sa'd ibn Tarif, Abu Jafar (peace be upon him) says: (and make you a light you walk him) said: "Whoever adheres to the mandate of Ali (peace be upon him), has a light. (26)

    * Including the verse said: (By your Lord, to Nsolnhm wholes) (Stone: 92).

    Saddi on in the verse: (By your Lord, to Nsolnhm companions) said: "the mandate of Ali (peace be upon him) (27).

    * The language of his name: (proof of Allah those who believe by a firm saying in this life and in the Hereafter ...) (Ibrahim: 27).

    Ibn Abbas said in the verse: (Allah will establish those who believe, hard to say) said: "the mandate of Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) (28).

    * And he says: (... and Ajnebeni and built to worship idols) (Ibrahim: 35).

    Abdullah bin Masood said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family): I call Abu Ibrahim.

    We said: O Messenger of God, and how you started to call your father Abraham?

    He said: Almighty God revealed to Abraham, I Jaalk people imam. Fastkhv Ibrahim joy, said: "O Lord, and from my offspring imams like me? Almighty God revealed to him, O Abraham, I do not give you covenant not Avi to you. He said: O Lord, the covenant that do not meet me with it? Said: Do not give to your children unfairly. Said: It is unjust of which I have lavished your custom? Said: "prostrated to an idol of Donny, do not make him an imam at all, not fit to be an imam. Ibrahim said: (... and Ajnebeni was built to worship the Lord of the idols they have led many people ...). The Prophet (Allah bless him and peace and blessings): ended up call to me and to my brother, not one of us to worship an idol never Vatakzni a prophet of God, the supreme guardian (29).

    * The language of his name: (And warn your tribe, kin) (Poets: 214).

    On the Bara said: "When the verse: (And warn your tribe of kin) to collect the Messenger of Allah Bani Abdul Muttalib are day and forty men, the man whom eating older and drink Alas, ordered top man sheep Vadamha, and then said:" They condemned in God's name, our delegation folk ten ten ate even exported , and then called Bakab milk Fjra a dosage, then he said to them: to drink (the name of God), people drank to Rouen, Fbdarham Abu flame, said: This is what Oshrkm by men! Curse of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) at that time did not speak, then invited them the next day, on such a food and drink, and then warn them of the Messenger of Allah, said: "O Bani Abd al-Muttalib, I am the forerunner to you by God Almighty, and Bashir to come by any one of you , I come to this world and the Hereafter and Voslmwa Obey all find, and you and Iwackheni Iwazrni and be Usii Lee and my successor after me and my family and serving in a religious? He remained silent people, and returned it three times, all silent people, "said Ali: I, said:" You, people stood up and they say to Abu Talib: "Obey your son you have ordered (30)!

    * And he said the bulk: (There, the God of the right ...) (Kahf: 44).

    Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Ali (peace be upon him) in the words of God: (God, there is a state right) said: that the mandate of the faithful, which did not send a prophet never without it (31).

    * And he says: (in case you are one who does some of what inspired you and distress by your heart that they say not for the treasure sent down upon him, or came with the king you are only a warner and Allah is everything and Under) (Hud: 12).

    Jabir ibn Arqam, his brother Zaid bin Arqam, said: "The Gabriel down the spirit to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) the mandate of Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) on the eve of Arafat, Vdhaq by the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family and peace ) fear of denial people lie and hypocrisy, and called some people and I was among them; to consult it, to play in the season did Wonder what we say to him, and wept (Allah bless him and his family) said to him, Gabriel: "O Muhammad, Odzat by command of God? He said: O Gabriel both, but have learned what my Lord has received from the Quraish, they did not recognize me until he told me to wage jihad against the letter and the coast to the soldiers from the sky Vnasroni, how to recognize Ali after me. Gabriel went away with him, got him: (in case you are one who does some of what is revealed to you and distress by your heart) (32).

    * And he glorified: (to rehearse Allah and His Messenger and those who believe, who establish worship and pay the Zakat and they kneeled) (Table: 55).

    Ammar bin Yasir said: Stop Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) means kneeling in volunteering, taking away the ring he gave a liquid, came to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) told him this, came down to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family and peace ) this verse: (to rehearse to Allah and His Messenger and those who believe, who establish the prayer ...) "The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) and then said: (from you salutations, O Allah, befriend and allies returned from Aadah) (33).

    * The language of his name: (O Prophet was revealed to thee from thy Lord, and if not, what was his message and Allah protect you from the people ...) (Table: 67).

    Ibn Abbas and Jabir said: Allah ordered Muhammad to tell them placed a high priority to its mandate, the Messenger of Allah Vtakov Ahaba to tell his cousin, and to challenge it, God revealed to him: (O Prophet was revealed to thee from thy Lord ...), so the Messenger of Allah ( may Allah bless him and his family) mandate the Messenger of Allah (34).

    * The meaning of the words: (... Today I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favor upon you and chosen for you Islam as your religion ...) (Table: 3).

    Khudri: The Prophet called on people to Ali, took Billaih Verwahma, then no they separate, so this verse was revealed: (Today I completed your religion and completed My Favour upon you), "The Messenger of Allah: Allah is the greatest on the completion of religion and the completion of grace and satisfaction the Lord my letter and the mandate for the Then he said to the people: (from you salutations) (35).

    * And he: (... and obey the Messenger and those of you ...) (women: 59).

    For Salim Bin Qais Hilali Ali (peace be upon him) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family): My partners whom Qrnhm God Himself lobby, and sent down with them: (O ye who believe, obey Allah ...), the fear of a conflict in order Vardjaoh to God and the Prophet and the rulers. I said, O Prophet of God who are they? Said: You are the first of whom (36).

    * And he says: (Istnbionk is deserving of my Lord and I say that right and you escape) (Yunus: 53).

    Ja'far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) from his father in the words of God: (and is deserving of Istnbionk) said: Istnbik the people of Mecca, Mohammed Ali ibn Abi Talib Oimam? Say: "I and my Lord, it is the (37).

    * And he glorified: (God invites to the abode of peace and guides whom He wills to a Straight Path) (Yunus: 25).

    Abdullah bin Abbas in the interpretation of the words of God: (God calls to Dar es Salaam) means by heaven (and guides whom He wills to a Straight Path) means the mandate of Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) (38).

    What got in the struggle:

    * Mismatch says: (... and enough is Allah for the believers to fight ...) (parties: 25).

    Abdullah bin Masood reads: (enough for God and believers in their fight with Ali, and Allah is Strong, Mighty.)

    Ibn Abbas saying: (and enough is Allah for the believers to fight) said: Allah would suffice trench fighting on Ali ibn Abi Talib was killed Amr bin Abdod, and explain the story as narrated by Hudhayfah:

    He said: On the day of the trench across the Amr ibn al-Abdod, until the Prophet He fell to the Lashkar-e-Club: stool, "The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family): Which of you is to Amr? No one except Ali ibn Abi Talib, he has, the Prophet said to him: "Sit down, and then the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family): Which of you is to Amr? No one stood up to Ali, he said: "I'm for it. The Prophet said: "Sit down, then the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) to his companions:" Which of you is to Amr? No one, he took on, he said: "I am him, called him the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) said: It Amr ibn Abdod. He said: I'm Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), Volbsa shield with curiosity, and gave him his sword Zulfiqar, and circulated Bamamth cloud nine Akuer on his head, and then said to him:

    Progress, said the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) to the Crown: God save from before and behind, and on the right and north, and over his head and under his feet.

    He came even stop to Amr said: "Who are you? Amr said: what I thought I did not know where I stand stand, I'm Amr ibn Abd al-Wad, Who are you? Said: I am Ali bin Abi Talib, he said: boy you see you in the lap of Abi Talib? He said: Yes. Said: "The father was my friend and I hate to kill you. Ali said to him: but I do not hate to kill you, I have heard that you are concerned the Kaaba and promised God that no man Ejerk through only three of which trait you choose? He said: Believe it. He (peace be upon him): to return where I came from, he said: do not occur by the Quraish. He said: or interference in our religion, so you get what we have, and you have what we have. He said: "Not this. Ali said to him: you and I Fares footmen. Came down from his horse, and said: What is received from one of the received from this boy! He then drew his horse Vodbert, then he turned to Ali, was a tall man heals Baerp he is standing and I had to in the dust may not set foot in it, and started to turned away behind him, requested skin from the Earth proves his feet and topped by Amr sword, was in the armor Amr Palace , when Chuck knocked received to Baltrs, pulled flies the sword in the head on, and Tsev at his feet the sword down, He fell to the back, Vthart their Jajp, heard on the grow, "The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon his family): the killing and my hand. First, he initiated Ajaj Umar ibn al-Khattab, and found on his sword, shield scans Amr, magnify Omar bin Khattab, said: "O Messenger of Allah to kill him.

    Vdz on his head, then he turned to think of his walk, the Messenger of Allah: "O Ali, the walk Almighty God hates only in this position. "The Messenger of Allah said to: What prevented you from his armor was a robbery? He said: O Messenger of God ..... .

    The Prophet (Allah bless him and his family): good news, Ali, if your weight today a nation Mohamed likely your labor; and that he had not left the houses of Muslims, but he's made to kill Amr Ezz (39).

    * And he glorified: (Truly Allah loves those who fight in His cause in ranks as if they were a solid cemented structure) (Grade: 4).

    Ibn Abbas says: (Allah loves those who fight ...) that it was said to him: Who are these? He said: Hamza al-Asad and the lion of Allah Messenger, and Ali ibn Abi Talib, Ubaida bin tillage, and Miqdad ibn al-Aswad (40).

    * Inter alia, saying: (... trying again and again) (Al-Imran: 144).

    Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said: "When they met with the Messenger of Allah one and lost companions of the Messenger of Allah, and I accept Ali (AS) hits the sword in the hands of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) with Abu Dujana Ansari to find out the infidels from the Messenger of Allah (peace be him and his family and him), Allah revealed: (and you have been used to wish for death ... * ... trying again and again) Graduate and Abu Dijana, and brought the Almighty God: (and how many a Prophet fought with him Rbion many and many ten thousand, to say and God like the patient) and Abu Dijana Graduate (41).

    * And he glorified: (and it is laugh and cry) (Star: 43).

    Ibn Abbas said: "I laugh Graduate Jla, Hamza, and the day of Badr of the infidels to kill their parents, and cry infidels of Mecca when they were killed in the fire (42).

    What got in his knowledge:

    * Mismatch saying Almighty said: (... Say: "Enough is Allah for a witness between me and you, and has knowledge of the book) (Thunder: 43).

    From Abu Sa'eed said: "I asked the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) for Almighty Allah's saying (and has knowledge of the book), he said:" That is my brother, Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) (43).

    * And he says: (in this are Signs for expectant) (Stone: 75).

    Jabir from Abu Jafar (peace be upon him) said: "While the faithful at a mosque in Kufa as the dying, the woman who provokes her husband, killing him to her husband, Vgillt she said:" God, what the truth as I spent, does not require to equally and are not adjusted in the parish, in your case, God Palmrdip! He looked at it carefully and then said: you lied Bvep Bvep O, O or O Skulqp Slqy volt fugitive, Vlhakha Hurayth bin Amr said: "We have received high words, and then that word Nzek Follett fugitive? She said: The supreme God told me the truth and nothing from my husband since Aktmh Crown Asmte, Amr returned to the faithful as she told him, said: "O Commander of the Faithful is Ehanp know you. He said: "Woe, it's not Bkhanp me, but God revealed the Quran: (in this are Signs for those who by), was the Messenger of God is Almtosm I am after him and the Imams of my offspring after me are Almtosmon, when Tommeltha know what is well Besimah (44).

    * And he said the bulk: (And We sent before thee but men whom We inspired ask the people of Remembrance if you do not know) (Nahl: 43).

    For tillage said: I asked Postgraduate this verse: (... ask the people mentioned ...) said: By Allah, verily, we are the people mentioned, we are scholars, we are a ****l interpretation, and I heard the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) says : (I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate, and he wanted the flag Vlioth of the door) (45).

    * And he glorified: (... and attentive ears to retain) (affiliation: 12).

    Ali ibn Hawshab said: I heard Mkhola say: read the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family): (and attentive ears to retain), said: "O Ali, I asked God to make her your ear. Said: "Ali (peace be upon him): What I forgot or something recently heard from the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family and peace) (46).

    And mail-Aslami said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) said to Ali: "O Ali, Allah told me to not Ogosaik ADNEC, and to say, conscious, and the right to be aware of God. He said: came down (and attentive ears to retain) (47).

    What got it at the Resurrection:

    * Izz mismatch saying his name: (and the norms of both men know their marks ...) (custom: 46).

    Ibn Hajar said: Remove the Thalabi in the interpretation of this verse from Ibn Abbas said: "norms into high path, by Abbas, Hamza, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Ja'far with a wing, they know their loved ones blanks faces Mbgdehm Psoad faces (48).

    * And of his people: (those who believe and work righteous deeds, blessed them, and a fine return) (Thunder: 29).

    Moussa bin Jaafar from his father from his fathers (PBUH) said: Messenger of Allah asked for Tuba. He said: is the tree of origin in the two and a branch to the people of Paradise, and then asked them again, he said: It is in the house of Ali (peace be upon him), he was asked about that and said: "Dare and the house of Ali in Paradise, in one place (49).

    * And he said most: (and faces that day, thus giving an upbeat mood, laughing *) (Abs: 38 39).

    Anas ibn Maalik said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family and him) for saying: (and faces that Day, thus giving) said: "O Anas, are our faces, the children of Abd al-Muttalib, I and Ali and Hamza Jaafar, Hassan and Hussein and Fatima, get out of the graves, and light and faces the sun suburb of the Day of Resurrection, God said: (and faces disrupted the day) means bright light in the land of the Resurrection, (Laughing upbeat) rewards of God who promised (50).

    * And he says: (... the man who cast into the fire better, or who comes safe on ...) (separated: 40).

    Abdullah bin Abbas, in the words of God: (the man who cast into the fire good) means Alwaleed bin invasive (or comes from a safe Day of Resurrection) from the punishment of God and the wrath of God? , Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) (Do whatever you like) and Holiday them (51).

    * And he says: (if in the midst of shadows and eyes) (Transmitters: 41).

    Ibn Abbas says: (The Righteous) said: "I mean those who fear polytheism and sins and sins, they are: Ali, Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon him), (in shades) means the shadows of the trees and tents from the Pearl (and eyes) means the water is pure being, ( and fruits) means the color of fruit, (which they desire) says: There is hope, ("Eat and drink pleasantly) does not die on you in Heaven, and not the account, (what you did) means disobedient to God in this world, (I also reward good) the family of Muhammad in Paradise (52).

    * The language of his name: (As for those whose scale is heavy, * it is in a pleasant life) (Calamity: 6 7).

    Ibn Abbas said: The first tip of the attractions in the balance on the Resurrection Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him); so that its balance is not the only advantages, and remains empty and deeds outweigh the bad, because he did not disobey God blink of an eye! That said: (As for those whose scale is heavy, * it is in a pleasant life) to live in any committee had been pleased with the livelihood (53).

    * Including saying the Almighty: (all the same and came with a driver and a witness) (BC: 21).

    Umm Salamah in the words of God Almighty: (all the same and came with a driver and a witness) that the Messenger of Allah driver, Ali Shaheed (54).

    ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــ


    (1) proof 1: 92.
    (2) evidence of the download: 2: 292.
    (3) evidence of the download: 2: 122.
    (4) evidence of the download: 1: 197.
    (5) very Maraam: 434.
    (6) History of Damascus: 37: 29.
    (7) evidence of the download: 2: 217.
    (8) evidence of the download: 2: 220.
    (9) evidence of the download: 2: 249.
    (10) Manthoor: tail of the verse.
    (11) treasure of workers: 1: 273.
    (12) the tongue: 2: 163.
    (13) evidence of the download: 1: 349.
    (14) Mustadrak: Governor Nisaboori: 2: 241.
    (15) evidence of the download: 1: 276.
    (16) the adequacy of the student: 234. Treasure workers: 6: 158.
    (17) evidence of the download: 2: 325.
    (18) Proof: tail verse.
    (19) interpretation Firat: 70.
    (20) Tafseer Ibn Jarir al-Tabari: 13: 79.
    (21) Proof: tail verse.
    (22) interpretation Firat: 202. Tombstone download: 2: 322.
    (23) interpretation of Firat COFFEE: 202.
    (24) Tombstone, Download: 2: 318 in the margin.
    (25) Lightning Holocaust: 89.
    (26) evidence of the download: 2: 228.
    (27) evidence of the download: 1: 325.
    (28) Proof: 2: 315.
    (29) Amalie Tusi: 388.
    (30) Tombstone, download: 420.
    (31) Tombstone Download 1: 356.
    (32) Proof 2: 210.
    (33) complex Pluses: Haythami: 7:17.
    (34) evidence of the download: 1: 194. Al-Bayan: 3: 223. Alhscane said: This hadeeth Mstqsap in the Book of Prayer remission to the performance of the right continuity in ten parts (Tombstone download: 1: 190).
    (35) evidence of the download: 1: 158.
    (36) evidence of the download: 1: 148
    (37) Proof: 2: 187.
    (38) Proof: 2: 183.
    (39) evidence download: 2:57.
    (40) evidence of the download: 2: 251.
    (41) evidence of the download: 1: 136
    (42) evidence of the download: 2: 207.
    (43) Proof: 2: 303.
    (44) interpretation Firat: 81.
    (45) evidence of the download: 1: 334.
    (46) genealogy supervision: 2: 121.
    (47) Al-Tabari: 29: 56.
    (48) Lightning Holocaust: 101.
    (49) evidence of the download: 1: 304.
    (50) evidence of the download: 2: 324.
    (51) evidence of the download: 2: 129.
    (52) evidence of the download: 2: 316.
    (53) evidence of the download: 2: 367

  3. #3
    من أهل الدار
    تاريخ التسجيل: January-2010
    الدولة: ee&iq
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    الاتصال: إرسال رسالة عبر Yahoo إلى Legend of fall
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    Great Efforts
    thanks Daleen

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    صديق مؤسس
    صاحبة الامتياز
    Thank you for your comment
    It is a pleasure to be in my browser

تم تطوير موقع درر العراق بواسطة Samer

قوانين المنتديات العامة


متصفح Chrome هو الأفضل لتصفح الانترنت في الجوال