I am / I'm
He is / He’s
She is / She’s
It is / It’s
We are / We’re
They are / They’re
You are / You’re
I shall / I'll
I will / I'll
We shall / We’ll
We will / We’ll
He will / He’ll
She will / She’ll
It will / It’ll
They will / They’ll
You will / You’ll
Is not / Isn’t
Are not / Aren’t
أ/ اختصار(not) مع الأفعال المساعدة : يُحذف الحرف (O) من كلمة ((not عند الاختصار مثل:
is not… isn't, did not… didn't, were not … weren't, are not… aren't, have not… haven't الخ
وتختلف الاختصارات التالية عن غيرها لوجود تغـيـرات أخرى..
shall not
will not
ب/ اختصار الأفعال المساعدة مع الضمائر , وهي على أشكال مختلفة وكما يأتي:
* حذف أول حرف من الأفعال المساعدة (is, are, am) مثل: I am… I'm, we are…we're, she is … she's
* حذف أول حرفين من الأفعال المساعدة (will, has, have, had) وأول ثلاثة أحرف من ((shall مثل:
I had…I'd, we have…we've, he has… he's, they will… they'll, I shall…I'll
*حذف الأحرف الأربعة الأولى من (would) مثل: you would… you'd, I would…. I'd
جـ/ حالات اختصار خاصة :
, I would like… I'd like,
we had better… we'd better
of clock… o'clock
let us… let's
...(الإختصارات في حالة النفي)
Can't = can not
couldn't = could not
aren't = are not
didn't = did not
don't = do not
hasn't = has not
mightn't = might not
mustn't = must not
wasn't = was not
Won't = will not
How's = how is
What's = what is
Who'd = who would
who'll = who will