منح المانيا

منحه لدراسة الدكتوراة مقدمه من معهد (The International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy )
معهد ماكس بلانك الدولي للعلوم الاجتماعية والسياسية للاقتصاد بالتعاون مع جامعة كلية العلوم الاجتماعية في جامعة دويسبورغ-إيسن
‏Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen

مدة الدراسة (٣ سنوات ونصف )

مميزات المنحة :
‏IMPRS-SPCE offers: Library of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG).
‏The opportunity or work in a stimulating intellectual environment within an international research community
‏Excellent courses in economic sociology and political economy for exceptionally talented graduate students
‏Methods courses tailored to students' needs, where you learn the specific methods you need for your project
‏Feedback from experienced research advisors
‏Excellent research facilities
‏Instruction in English
‏Thesis may be written in English or German
‏International learning and working experiences in dynamic Cologne, Germany
‏Exchange with partner institutions in France (including a dual degree opportunity), Italy and the United States
‏Financial support for up to 42 months
‏Further funds for stays abroad, fieldwork, conference trips or transcription costs
‏A six months wrap-up postdoc upon successful completion of the program allowing additional time for publishing or teaching and applying for postdoc positions

وللاطلاع غلى المزيد من تفاصيل حول دراسة دكتوراة في معهد المعني يرجى زيارة الرابط ادنى :

الدعم المالي الخاص بالمنحة


الرابط المخصص للتقديم وكذلك يتوفر شي عن الية التقديم :
