النتائج 1 إلى 5 من 5

Use Your Imagination

الزوار من محركات البحث: 10 المشاهدات : 415 الردود: 4
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  1. #1
    عضو محظور
    Seeker for Truth
    تاريخ التسجيل: November-2013
    الدولة: السماء
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 3,209 المواضيع: 335
    صوتيات: 8 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 3393
    المهنة: Witnessing
    مقالات المدونة: 9

    Use Your Imagination

    What is imagination? Do you know what the power of imagination can do? Do you use your imagination to attract success? How to use your imagination?

    Creative imagination is the ability to imagine a situation or an event that you want to create in your life.
    Everyone uses imagination in daily life. We create images in our heads based on our current circumstances or the way we would like our circumstances to be. However, the majority use their imagination in a negative way where they keep imagining the same undesirable events over and over again in their mind.

    You can achieve similar results if you have faith, take action, and use your imagination to create the images and scenes you would like to experience in your life.

    When I talk about the power of imagination, I'm including the five senses. Some people might imagine a taste, some imagine a smell, and others imagine a feeling. You have to find out what works for you and do it.

    There is an exercise that some actors use called "emotional recall" which helps the actors use their imagination to recall an experience from their past to feel its emotions once again. This exercise if you use it will help you as well to imagine various feelings such as happiness.

    You can use whatever method you want, the important thing is to develop and use your imagination daily to create the life you want and desire.

    In the early 1990s, I was watching an interview with one of the most successful singers in the world where he mentioned his use of imagination and creative visualization. He mentioned that when he was a child, he used to sit by himself and visualize himself singing on the stage in front of thousands of people as he has strong passion for singing.

    Now years later, not only did he achieve his goal in becoming a very successful and popular singer, but his music is being taught in some of the colleges and universities around the world. Do you see the importance of imagination?

    Want another example? I always had high standards for the type of woman I like to be with. I knew exactly the inner and outer attributes I want in a woman, so I started to imagine and visualize myself with that kind of woman in my life daily. I had absolute faith that she will show up in my life, but didn't know how or when. I put the power of imagination and visualization to work and now the woman that I was dreaming of for so many years is in my life.

    You can achieve many great goals if you use your imagination creatively. As you can see from the previous two examples that imagination and visualization are powerful techniques that you can use to your advantage. If you visualize, have faith, take inspired action, and persist, then I guarantee you will achieve your goals and desires.
    Always remember what Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is the preview of life's coming attractions."

  2. #2
    احساس شاعر
    تاريخ التسجيل: July-2014
    الدولة: بغداد الحبيبة
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 61,746 المواضيع: 17,452
    صوتيات: 2 سوالف عراقية: 3
    التقييم: 88637
    مزاجي: متقلب جدا
    المهنة: كرايب الريس
    أكلتي المفضلة: الباجه
    موبايلي: نوت ٢٠
    آخر نشاط: منذ 20 ساعات
    الاتصال: إرسال رسالة عبر ICQ إلى فقار الكرخي
    مقالات المدونة: 17
    مشكورة على جهودج الطيبة

  3. #3
    عضو محظور
    Seeker for Truth
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة فقار الكرخي مشاهدة المشاركة
    مشكورة على جهودج الطيبة
    you are welcome

  4. #4
    ازركـ سابقاً
    تاريخ التسجيل: August-2016
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 16,848 المواضيع: 587
    صوتيات: 16 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 8845
    آخر نشاط: منذ 16 ساعات
    Thank you

  5. #5
    عضو محظور
    Seeker for Truth
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة قـَســم ✞ مشاهدة المشاركة
    Thank you

    you are welcome my dear

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