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Simple Technique to Control Your Thoughts

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  1. #1
    عضو محظور
    Seeker for Truth
    تاريخ التسجيل: November-2013
    الدولة: السماء
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 3,209 المواضيع: 335
    صوتيات: 8 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 3393
    المهنة: Witnessing
    مقالات المدونة: 9

    Simple Technique to Control Your Thoughts

    "The best thing about the past is that it's over. The best thing about the future is that it's yet to come. The best thing about the present is that it's here now." - Richard Bandler

    Life is here for us to experience, to learn, to grow. Sometimes we learn the hard way, sometimes we learn with joy and happiness. Our perspectives very much affect the way we choose to see our life experience. These could be misfortunes, pain, discomfort, and/or joy, happiness and pleasure. Believe it or not, many people unconsciously choose to learn the hard way. Never really believing in themselves and putting it down to “just bad luck”, “it always happens to me”, “I’ve come to expect it now”, “my life is rubbish.” But there is very good reason for this; beliefs, values, habits, addictions are all learned behaviors. If you’ve had a challenging life there may very well be a continuous belief that you are worth nothing more than this. But you are wrong! Everyone deserves to be happy and the difference between an optimist and a pessimist is simply the first 4 letters!
    The unconscious mind is a powerful part of all of us, it’s where your thoughts, your behaviors, your thinking, your memories, your habits; your entire model of the world lives from this magical and mystical place! It has taken in every detail of everything you have ever seen, done, heard, smelt, tasted. Isn’t that amazing?
    It’s no wonder that it’s a little difficult sometimes to move forward when the chains of your past are holding you back. Or maybe you have that little voice whispering in your ear that you are no good at something, that you don’t deserve to be happy.
    If you find that your general thinking is along these lines, then it’s time to take back control! Life doesn’t have to be a struggle, things don’t need to be more difficult than they are because you can change how you think!
    When you find yourself going back into a past memory or saying something which is detrimental to your well-being follow this simple technique:
    • Find a quiet place where you can sit and not be interrupted and close your eyes (you can keep your eyes open if it’s easier).

    • Bring in the thought or the words that are causing you frustration or discomfort.

    • Really connect with the emotions as though it is happening now, notice where you feel it, see it, hear it, smell it, taste it.

    • As soon as you feel the connection, imagine or pretend to step back out of the experience so you can see yourself there, as though you are watching yourself on a movie screen.

    • When you are ready, using your imagination, push the screen away from you, as far as possible across the room, across to next door, across to the next county, city, into the sea, into another country! As far away as you can until it is no longer in your sight.

    • Come back into the room, ask yourself what color your front door is or do a quick jog on the spot…..(trust me on that bit!).

    If you are doing this properly it should only take one or two turns, but if you find it a little more challenging using your imagination you can try it as many times as you like. The most important thing is that you are fully connected to the feeling when you push the screen away from you.
    Good luck and happy thinking!

  2. #2
    저는 여자가 황소자리예요..
    zindagi gulzar hai
    تاريخ التسجيل: July-2014
    الدولة: في اليسار..!
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 14,533 المواضيع: 155
    صوتيات: 24 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 18848
    مزاجي: لم يعتق بعد..
    المهنة: خلق الأجنحة ..
    أكلتي المفضلة: لا شيء محدد..!
    آخر نشاط: 1/December/2024
    مقالات المدونة: 5

    double like .. ocean

  3. #3
    عضو محظور
    Seeker for Truth
    you are welcome beauty

  4. #4
    H2O H2O غير متواجد حالياً
    من اهل الدار
    Straw Hat
    تاريخ التسجيل: August-2015
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 7,620 المواضيع: 15
    صوتيات: 1 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 6200
    Here & Now is a good rule to apply in life, I learned it from a close friend of mine .. Thank you for your positive post!!

  5. #5
    عضو محظور
    Seeker for Truth
    ​and thanks for your positive appearance

  6. #6
    صديق جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل: November-2018
    الدولة: iraq
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 18 المواضيع: 1
    التقييم: 2
    المهنة: lawyer
    آخر نشاط: 5/June/2019
    apprances f life seems good while support need achive of puprpose and with best your can for achive for arrive to level ambtion and eefefctive and challanging for towrds for fornt and and spent for your purpose .for success for you obligate and draw purpose for your mind your plan with clear not mystery to surround of and intrgraton and full skills devlompment for your precdment of conflict polticl illisum parties and sub stand
    اخر مواضيعيراي بالمنتدى ممتاز

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