My dear friend ...
When you feel like crying... Don't cry!
Call me I cry for you.
When you feel like smiling... Let me know!
I come for us to smile along.
When you feel like love... Call me!
I've been loving you.
When you feel like it's all over... Call me!
I come to help you rebuild.
When you think the world is too small for your sorrows... Call me!
I make it great for so much happiness.
When you need a hand... Call me!
That is always my own.
When you need company in those sad days
and cloudy or sunny days... Call me!
I come yeah!
When you're needing to hear someone say I
love you! Call me!
I say all the time, because my love for you is immense.
When you don't need me anymore... Let me know!
That'll leave just thinking of you!