تهديكم منظمة الاغاثة الاسلامية عبر العالم تحياتها ونود اعلامكم بأننا نرغب بأستقبال السيرة الذاتية للمهندسين الزراعين من محافظة الانبار للعمل مع المنظمة في منطقة القائم وللمدة المذكورة وفق الاعلان التالي:
فمن يجد الرغبة للتقديم ارسال السيرة الذاتية
Islamic Relief Iraq is looking for qualified
candidate in Anbar Governorate for the position of ( Agricultural Engineer), Any one Finding himself/herself qualified enough for this position please send your cv to the email below and type the name of position in the subject:
The Agricultural Engineer consultant under project name “Food Security and Livelihood Assistance to the extreme vulnerable returnees and local communities in West Anbar, in Iraq “is expected to complete the following tasks and adheres to the required terms:
•To visit the seeds warehouse for sample checking and confirms that seeds are for planting purpose as per the specification and of good type and new production .
•To provide report on the checked samples.
•To be present during the distribution of agricultural input for random checking of seeds in the targeted area in Al-Qaim.
•To report any seeds which is not as per the specification for the team to reject.
•To verify if agricultural input approve by Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agricultural and verify the certificate.
the deadline for applying for the position is 29th July 2018. CVs will not be considered after the deadline.
المصدر :