ثالث متوسط - اسئلة وأجوبة على قطع story time
A..The lucky customer 50......... مال كريم
1- What are the characters of the story ( the lucky customer 50 ) ?ما هي شخصيات القصه
- Kareem - shop owner - School boy
2- What does the story about ? عن ماذا كانت القصه
- It's about a school boy called Kareem
3- What is the name of new book Kareem want to buy ? ما هو اسم الكتاب الجديد الذي اراد كريم شرائه
- Islands of salt
4- Describe Kareem's character . ما هي صفات شخصية كريم
- Hardworking - imaginative - patience
5- What does ( saving up ) means ?
- Putting money aside .
6- Was Kareem the first to buy the latest book ? هل كريم الشخص الاول الذي اشترى الكتاب
- No , he was the 50th customer
7- What was Kareem's dream ? ما هو حلم كريم
- to be a poet
8- What was Kareem's big prize ? ماذا كانت جائزة كريم الكبيره
- He will meet Al-Nawab
B.....Things happened in nature for a reason
مال غزال .......
1- What dangers was the pregnant deer surrounded by ? ما هي المخاطر التي احاطت بالغزال الحامل
- A strong-flowing river - a forest fire - a hunter - a hungry lion
2- Which of the dangers faced by the deer would you be most afraid ?
- A hungry lion ما هي اقرب الاخطار التي واجهت الغزال
3- What happened to each of the dangers faced by the deer ?ماذا حدث لكل الاخطار التي واجهت الغزال
- Lightning strikes the hunter , the arrow strikes the lion and the rain doused the fire .
4- How did the deer face the negative thoughts and dangers ? كيف واجهت الغزال افكارها السلبيه
- The deer stayed waiting what will happen and focused on giving birth a new life .
5- What's the moral lesson of the story ? ما هو الدرس الاخلاقي من القصة
- Do what you should do and leave the rest for God .
A powerful lesson for everyone
1- What was the special offer of Al-Sabah newspaper ? ما هو العرض الخاص لجريدة الصباح
- Two students can work as reporters on the paper .
2- Who was the lucky boy ? How old was he ? من هو الولد المحظوظ وكم عمره
- Salam Ahmed , he was 15 years old .
3- What did the editor say to the reporters ? ما المحرر قال للصحفيين
- A big new restaurant is opining in Baghdad next Tuesday .
4- What did Salam take with him on Tuesday ? ماذا اخذ سلام معه يوم الاثنين
- Notebook and camera
5- What did the special thing attracted Salam's attention ? ما هو الشيء الخاص الذي جذب انتباه سلام
- A young boy was taking his old father to the restaurant for a treat .
6-What did the boy buy his father ? ما الولد اشترى لوالده
- Some food
7- Why was the boy's father dropping food on his shirt and trousers?
لماذا والد الطفل اسقط الطعام على ملابسه
- Because he was very old and weak .
8- Did the customers watch the old man with love and respect? هل الزبائن نظروا الى الرجل الكبير بحب واحترام
- No , they didn't .
9-What did the son do when his father had finished eating? ماذا فعل الولد عندما والده اكمل طعامه
- Took him to the washroom .
10- How did the son feel when they came out of the washing room? ماذا شعر الولد عندما غادر غرفة الحمام
- He felt proud and pleased .
11-What did Salam do after asking the father and his son questions and taking notes?
ماذا حقق سلام بعد اكمال حديثه مع الاب والابن
- Salam made his first report .
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Life is like a cup of coffee......مال قهوه
1- Who agreed to visit the old university professor? من اتفق على زيارة البروفيسور
- A group of alumni from Iraq .
2- Who is the professor? من هو البروفيسور
- He is an Indian professor .
3- Where are the alumni from? من اين كانوا الطلبه
- Two from Al-Muthanna , two from Diyala , one from Tikrit and one from Dhiqar .
4- How did the alumni reach the professor's house? كيف وصل الطلبه الى منزل البروفيسور
- By rickshaw .
5- When the professor went to the kitchen, what did he return with? ماذا جلب البروفيسور معه عندما ذهب الى المطبخ
- A large pot of coffee and an assortment of cup .
6- Why did the professor bring different cups for the coffee? لماذا جلب البروفيسور اكواب مختلفة من القهوة
- To show that in their life , the alumni chose the best , missing the important points about life