النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

جميع المرادفات في اللغة الانكليزية للصف السادس العلمي

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  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل: January-2017
    الدولة: Kerbalaa
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 4,323 المواضيع: 227
    صوتيات: 4 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 5088
    مزاجي: I feel good...
    المهنة: .pharmacy Student at Al-Nahrain university
    أكلتي المفضلة: الكبة
    موبايلي: iPhone 6
    آخر نشاط: 15/November/2024

    جميع المرادفات في اللغة الانكليزية للصف السادس العلمي

    للصف السادس الاعدادي (المرادفات والتعاريف )
    المرادفات والتعاريف
    Unit 1 / Lesson 10 ;- ( P.24 )
    1- surprised = puzzled متحير
    2- pushing = shaking يهز
    3- without success = to no avail بلا جدوى
    4- faint = lose consciousness اغماء / فقدان الوعي
    5- dropping = spilling يسكب
    6- the police , fire department , ambulance = the emergency services خدمات الطوارئ
    7- medical helpers = paramedics موظفي الاسعاف
    8- woke up = regain consciousness يستعيد الوعي
    Unit 2 / Lesson 2 ;- ( P.28 )
    1- laws = rules that everybody in the country must follow انظمه / قوانين
    2- investigate = get information about a crime يحقق ب
    3- arrest = put someone in prison يعتقل
    4- witness = a person who saw or heard something at the time of the crime شاهد
    5- pickpocket = a person who steals money from your pocket نشال جيب
    6- kinds = types انواع
    7- detect = discover / find out يكتشف
    8- essential = important / necessary ضروري / مهم
    Unit 2 / Lesson 3 ;- ( P.29 )
    1- unattended = without someone looking after it بدون مراقبه
    2- baggage = bags and suitcases that carry your possessions on a journey امتعه
    3- empty = there is nothing in it فارغ
    4- dispose of = throw away / get rid of يتخلص من
    5- declare = say you are carrying something you need to pay duty on يعلن
    Unit 2 / Lesson 5 ;- ( P.33 )
    1- branches = parts فروع
    2- join = become a member of يلتحق ب / ينضم الى
    3- install = put in ينصب
    4- maintain = make sure it keeps working يصون / يديم
    5- officer = someone in a higher position ضابط
    6- supervise = be in charge of يشرف على
    7- civilian = outside the military مدني
    Unit 2 / Lesson 6 ;- ( P.36 )
    1- occurred = happened حدثت / وقعت
    2- injured = hurt اصيب
    3- altered = called طلب / اتصل
    4- investigate = find out يكتشف
    5- property = stuff ممتلكات
    Unit 3 / Lesson 1 ;- ( P.49 )
    1- responsible for = in charge of مسؤول عن / مختص ب
    2- a fashion designer = someone who designs clothes مصمم ازياء
    3- a cartoonist = someone who draws a musing pictures رسام كارتوني
    Unit 3 / Lesson 10 ;- ( P.74 )
    1- annual = yearly سنوي
    2- headphones = things you put over your ears to listen privately سماعات اذن
    3- booth = the box-like room where interpreters workكابينه
    4- under pressure = in a difficult situation تحت الضغط
    5- convey the sense = give an idea of the meaning ينقل شعور
    6- in demand = wanted and needed تحت الطلب
    7- out of a job = unemployed بدون وظيفه
    Unit 4 / Lesson 6 ;- ( P.85 )
    1- a competitive salary = a good salary , compared with other employers راتب تنافسي
    2- ambitious = this means that you really want to succeed طموح
    3- vacancy = the company has a space for a new employee منصب شاغر
    4- considerable = a lot (of) كبير/ كثير
    5- equivalent = the same as or similar to مكافئ / مشابه
    Unit 5 / Lesson 6 ;- ( P.103 )
    1- ferry = a boat that transports people and goods عبّاره
    2- luxurious = extremely comfortable فاخر
    3- spectacular = something which is wonderful to talk at مدهش / رائع
    4- speciality = something special to a locality اختصاص
    5- hospitality = a fine welcome ضيافه
    6- display = a show / performance عرض
    7- include = contain / consist of يتضمن / يحتوي
    8- two weeks = fortnight اسبوعين
    Unit 5 / Lesson 10 ;- ( P.118 )
    1- make certain = ensure يضمن
    2- forever = indefinitely الى الأبد
    3- a time limit = dead line موعد نهائي
    4- about to happen = around the corner في متناول اليد
    5- taken quickly = snatched يلتقط
    6- health = wellbeing عافيه
    7- very important = vital حيوي
    Unit 6 / Lesson 1 ;- ( P.119 )
    1- bank statement = paper that tells you about what happened to your bank account in the
    monthكشف حساب مصرفي شهري
    2- account number = the number that is used to identify your account رقم الحساب
    3- balance = the total amount of money in your account الرصيد
    4- transaction = activity in your account صفقات
    5- withdrawal = money taken out of your account سحب نقود
    6- deposit = money that you put in your bank account الايداع
    Unit 6 / Lesson 1 ;- ( P.120 )
    1- Bank card = A piece of plastic you can use to pay for things or get money in the street كارت
    2- ATM = Somewhere you can get money using a bank card صراف آلي
    3- PIN = A secret number you can use with a bank card to stop others using it رقم سري
    4- Cheque = A piece of paper you can use pay for things شيك
    5- Credit card = A piece of plastic you can use to buy things and pay for them later بطاقة اعتماد
    6- advise = recommend ينصح / يوصي
    7- client = customer زبون
    8- convince = satisfy يقنع
    Unit 6 / Lesson 4 ;- ( P.128 )
    1- cancel = stop something working يلغي
    2- credit limit = the amount of money you can borrow ائتمان محدد
    3- expired = come to an end منتهي الصلاحيه
    4- valid = can be used صلاحيه
    Unit 6 / Lesson 6 ;- ( P.133 )
    1- down payment = part of the total cost that is paid first قسط اولي
    2- monthly installments = part of the total cost that is paid every month اقساط شهريه
    3- investments = something you buy that makes money استثمار
    4- go up in value = the amount you can sell something for increases زياده في السعر
    5- car insurance = money you pay to a company so you can get money if your car is lost or
    damaged تأمين على السيارة
    Unit 7 / Lesson 1 ;- ( P.148 )
    1- get on a list of people = register يسجل
    2- a large meeting to discus something = conference مؤتمر
    3- a particular lesson = workshop ورشه
    4- a written request = application طلب عمل
    5- working quickly and well = efficient كفوء
    6- be on a list for a class = enroll يسجل
    7- make something better = enhance يحسن
    8- allowed into a place = admitted مقبول/ معترف به
    Unit 7 / Lesson 3 ;- ( P.151 )
    1- self-disciplined = able to make yourself do things even when you don't want to do them انضباط ذاتي
    2- spreadsheet = a program that lets you arrange information in tables برنامج جدوله
    3- job seeker = a person who is looking for a job باحث عن عمل
    4- web design = creating a website تصميم الويب
    5- graphic design = creating pictures for books , brochures , etc. تصميم النقوش
    Unit 7 / Lesson 9 ;- ( P.166 )
    1- spreadsheet = a program that lets you arrange information in tables برنامج جدوله
    2- venue = place مكان
    3- enhance = improve يحسن
    4- charity = An organization that provides help or raises money for people in need منظمه خيريه
    5- chat = talk / communicate informally ( on the net ) دردشه
    Unit 7 / Lesson 10 ;- ( P.170 )
    1- astounded = surprised مندهش
    2- body language = how you sit and move لغة الجسد
    3- appropriately = in the correct way ملائم / مضبوط
    4- since = becauseلأن
    5- pay off = bring the right results يحقق نتائج صحيحه / يحقق مبتغاه
    Unit 8 / Lesson 1 ;- ( P.172 )
    1- efficiently = working well and quickly بكفاءة
    2- essential = extremely necessary ضروري
    3- logging = cutting down trees for wood قطع ونقل الاشجار
    4- wisely = in a sensible manner بحكمه
    Unit 8 / Lesson 2 ;- ( P.174 )
    1- bury = to put something in the ground and cover it with earth يدفن
    2- waste = useless materials that are left after you have used something نفايات
    3- pollution = the process of damage in the air , water or land with chemicals تلوث
    4- encourage = to suggest that someone does something that you believe would be good يشجع
    صعب عليوي سعيد الحربي 4
    مرادفات وتعاريف القطع الادبية
    The Swing (P.90)
    1- crude = simple / natural خام
    2- condemnation = denouncement ادانه / شجب
    3- sustain = maintain / support emotionally يحافظ على / يعزز
    4- sway = push / moves slowly from side to side يدفع/ يؤرجح
    5- deprivation = loss / taking something necessary away from someone حرمان
    6- vanished = disappeared اختفى
    The Canary (p.93)
    1- scarcely = hardly بصعوبه
    2- fance = imagination خيال
    3- blouse = woman's shirt بلوز
    4- washing-up = cleaning the dishes الغسيل
    5- appreciated = enjoyed / was grateful for ثمن
    6- neat = tidy مرتب
    7- precious = valuable ثمين
    8- wondered = asked or thought about تساؤل
    9- verandah = balcony شرفه
    10- sip = drink يشرب
    11- fluttering = flying رفرفة
    12- drowsy = sleepy ناعسه
    13- scold = reprove يوبخ
    14- tucked = fixed ثبت
    15- supper = dinner عشاء
    16- dreadfully = horribly بفضاعه
    17- unbearable = impossible لا يطاق
    18- hollow = empty فارغ
    19- after my time = after her death بعد موتها
    20- hop = small jump قفزه صغيره
    21- perch = a place where a bird rests مكان يقف عليه الطير
    22- exquisite = very beautiful جميل جدا
    23- goldfinches = small birds with yellow on their wings فناجس / طائر الحسون
    24- despairingly = with sadness and worry بيأس
    25- scraped = removed the dirt يزيل / يكشط
    26- chickweed = small plant with white flowers زهور بيضاء
    27- exaggerated = made more important than it really is مبالغه
    28- creatures = animals مخلوقات
    29- awful = upsetting / terrible مروع / فضيع
    30- spying = watching her secretly يتجسس
    31- dim = dark / lifeless معتم
    32- wrung = curled up يبرم

  2. #2
    من المشرفين القدامى
    تاريخ التسجيل: September-2016
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 10,457 المواضيع: 1,378
    صوتيات: 32 سوالف عراقية: 7
    التقييم: 12277
    مزاجي: نرجسي
    المهنة: engineering student
    أكلتي المفضلة: حليب وجاي
    موبايلي: طابوكه
    خربتي واهسي

  3. #3
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Aleix مشاهدة المشاركة
    خربتي واهسي
    شكرا لمرورك الكريم

تم تطوير موقع درر العراق بواسطة Samer

قوانين المنتديات العامة


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