طـــــــــلاب الخـــــارجــــي
السادس الاعدادي
حل اسئلة التمهيدي للغة الانكليزية 2016
Q.1): Unseen passage:
1. Because he could not sleep at night.
2. The doctor (He) advised him to find some hobbies.
3. He would die in less than five years.
or He will be dead in less than five years.
4. False.
5. False.
6. (b.) Not able to sleep.
1. Holidays are important for many reasons:
a. Life is so fast and many people spend such a large part of their time
b. The stress of life and work can cause health problems.
c. Everyone including people who work, need a change of scene and
pace of life both brain and body need a break.
2. It's a machine used to detect radar speed gun.
3. English or Arabic, Postgraduate diploma in interpreting.
4. Because his mother didn't come into his room.
5. Noisy.
a. direct traffic to make sure that drivers can use the roads easily.
b. check that drivers and passengers are wearing their seat belts.
c. Use radar speed gun to identify people who are driving too fast.
d. investigate crimes.
e. Look for evidence.
f. help people.
g. prevent crimes and solve crimes.
Q.2): Grammar and Function:
A) Do as requires:
1. didn't use to be. 2. was skating.
3. What I was doing. 4. won.
5. The room is being cleaned right now.
6. How long have you been a pilot? 7. He was going ….. .
8. If only they hadn't lost the match. 9. had locked.
10. Shall I help you with your baggage? 11. got the computer fixed.
B) Choose the correct alternative:
1. will like. 2. which. 3. Shouldn't.
4. peacefully. 5. try them on. 6. have to.
Q.3): Vocabulary and spelling:
1. Stressful. 2. empty. 3. boarding.
4. loan. 5. buried.
1. thoroughly. 2. distrust. 3. officer.
4. deposited. 5. package. 6. ankle.
1. Yrs. 2. slept. 3. in expensive.
4. property. 5. enhancement. 6. luxurious.
Q.4): Literature focus:
1. Mohammed Khudhair, Basra.
2. who has just returned from the hell of war carrying a massage for the
family of his friend. His friend, Ali, was killed in the battle, leaving his
mother, his wife and his little daughter, haleema .
3. She had lost the canary.
4. He told her that her father is like smoke and she can see him only when
she closes her eyes.
5. The canary (He) was the saver of her loneliness.
or He was her best friend.
6. She was born in Newzeland.
(المدير) manager the (يجب ان تقاطع) interrupt t'shouldn you عندئذ( ) ,Then
convince should you (بعد ذلك) ,that After . (عندما يتكلم) speaking is he while
you and (بان يعتمد عليك) reliable are you that (المدير) manager the (يجب ان تقنع)
t'shouldn you (في النھاية) ,Finally .(مواعيده) appointments your (وان تحترم) respect
manager the with عن المقابلة( ) interview the for all at (يجب ان تتاخر) late be
without (على كل ا سئلة) questions the all (وان تجيب) answer to and (مع المدير)
. ( وبدون تردد) hesitation
(بان تخبرھم) them tell to (بان تنسى) forget t'shouldn you (اخيرا) ,Lastly
,so (كحارس امني) guard security a as (سوف تعمل) work to going are (بانك) you that
like (بانك) you that (للمدير) manager the (لذلك يجب ان تبين) show should you
. ( وتتحدث معھم) them to talking and (تحب مساعدة الناس)people helping
(في الحصول على الوظيفة) job the get to (ستكون محظوظ)fortunate be will you (انا امل)hope I
. (افضل امنياتي) wishes Best
(نور) Nour
نموذج الانشاء الوزاري للوحدة الثالثة
writing Unit 3/ P.72/AB/
Q.): Write (100-120) words on the (about) 'Advantage of studying English in
اكتب (100-120) كلمة على موضوع (عن) "منافع/ فوائد دراسة اللغة ا نكليزية في بريطانيا". .'Britain
'Advantage of studying English in Britain'
"منافع (فوائد) دراسة اللغة الانكليزية في بريطانيا"
international an is (اللغة ا نكليزية) English (في البداية) ,Firstly
are (الناس في كل انحاء العالم) world the over all People . (ھي لغة دولية) language
the is it because ويتحدثون اللغة ا نكليزية)( English speaking and (يدرسون)
(ھناك) are There . (بسبب انھا لغة العلم و ا دب) literature and science of language
in د( راسة اللغة ا نكليزية) English studying of (الكثير من فوائد) advantage of lot a
يتحدثون ( ) English speaking people تسمع)( hear can you (في بريطانيا) Britain
different many in (وفي كل مكان) everywhere and (كل يوم) day all اللغة ا نكليزية
. (واماكن مختلفة) places and في عدة مواقف مختلفة)( situation
tennis and (مع حوض سباحة خاص) pool swimming own its with (وسط حديقة جذابة)
balcony a had (غرفتنا) room our (بعد ذلك) ,that After . (وقاعات للتنس) courts
. ( للبحر الساكن) sea calm the of (مع منظر رائع) view spectacular with (كان فيھا شرفة)
what s'that (كان فعO ھادئا) -peaceful really was (الجو العام) atmosphere The
was (الطعام) food the (في النھاية) ,Finally . (وھذا ما احببته حقا)liked really I
(كان جيد)اbuffet service-self a was There . good (بصورة استثنائية) exceptionally
dishes of variety a with (في المطعم) room dinning the in (بوفيه للخدمة الذاتية)
in foods international and (كOھما اdطعمة المحلية) regional both (بمختلف اطباق الطعام)
( كمية wanted you as much as (يمكنك ان تتناول) eat could You . ( واdطعمة العالمية) iraq
.الطعام التي تريدھا)
One . (ولو للحظة)moment a for (لم نشعر بالملل) bored t'weren we (اخيرا),Lastly
on went and (باص مكشوف) bus roof-open an (استئجرنا) hired (في احد اdيام) day
(شيء اخر) else Something .(في اسطنبول) Istanbul in (وذھبنا في جولة سياحية) tour a
(ھو وسائل التسلية entertainment free was (استمتعنا به حقا) enjoyed really we that
. ( بعد وجبة العشاء) supper after في الفندق)( hotel the in المجانية)
. (تلك العطلة) holiday that (لن ننسى) forget never (بكل تاكيد) certainly shall We
(نور احمد) .Ahmed Nour
نموذج الانشاء الوزاري للوحدة الخامسة رقم (2)
Writing / unit 5/ P.116/ AB/ No.2/
Q.): Write a short article for a travel magazine of about (100-120) words
on 'Advice to tourist in Iraq'.
Talk about:
1. Historical places. 2. Sightseeing.
3. Parks and public places. 4. Food.
اكتب مقالة قصيرة لمجلة السفر وحوالي (100-120) كلمة عن موضوع "نصائح للسائحين في
العراق" تحدث فيه عن: .1 الاماكن التاريخية. .2 مشاهدة معالم المدينة.
.3 اماكن النزهة والاماكن العامة. .4 الطعام.
نموذج الإنشاء الوزاري للوحدة الثامنة
Writing / Unit 8/ P.184/ AB/
Q.): write (100-120) words about ways people can help to improve the
اكتب (100- 120) كلمة عن الطرق الممكنة في مساعدة الناس في تحسين البيئة.
'Ways people can help to improve the environment'
"الطرق الممكنة في مساعدة الناس في تحسين البيئة"
environment our that (ھناك بدون شك) doubt no is there (في البداية) ,Firstly
(من خBل waste industrial by (تصبح اكثر ملوثة) polluted more becoming is (بان بيئتنا)
. ( وإزالة الغابات)deforestation and (الغازات السامة) gases greenhouse ,المخلفات الصناعية)
green environment the (يجب ان نحتفظ) keep must we عندئذ)( ,Then
overcome to (من خBل زراعة الكثير من ا]شجار) trees more planting by ب( بيئة خضراء)
,that After . ( مشاكل ازالة الغابات) deforestation of problems the (لكي تتغلب على)
. ( لتزويد جيد لBوكسجين) oxygen of supply good a (ھذا يضمن) ensures this (بعد ذلك)
يجب ان نستخدم الدراجات الھوائية)( bicycles use to need we (في النھاية) ,Finally
reduce to (بوسائل النقل و المواصBت) transport of means (نشترك) share or
. ( لكي نقلل التلوث).pollution
renewable using (يجب ان نركز على) on focus should we (اخيرا) ,Lastly
(بد] من) of instead (استخدام المصادر الطبيعية للطاقة المتجددة) resources natural
(خزانات الوقود المشتركة للسيارة)a are Carpooling . ( تبذير الوقود) fuels wasting
. ( ]ستخدام البترول بصورة اقل) petrol a less use to (ھي افضل طريقة) way better
a in (بسBم) peacefully (أي شخص له الحق بان يعيش) live to right the has Everyone
. (في بيئة نظيفة) .environment clean