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القطعة الخارجية لجميع المراحل الدراسية

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  1. #1
    من المشرفين القدامى
    تاريخ التسجيل: May-2016
    الدولة: العراق/ميسان
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 3,001 المواضيع: 487
    صوتيات: 63 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 1252
    مزاجي: هادئ
    المهنة: مدرس لغة انكليزية
    أكلتي المفضلة: البامية/السمك
    موبايلي: A7
    آخر نشاط: 28/December/2024
    مقالات المدونة: 12

    Rose القطعة الخارجية لجميع المراحل الدراسية

    كانت ولازالت القطعة الخارجية مشكلة يعاني منها طلابنا في جميع انواع الاختبارات مع الاسف والان اقدم لكم ما اعتقد انه يفيد اولادنا الطلبة مع امنياتي للجميع بالتوفيق....نقطة اخيرة اسف انا سيء في التنسيق!!!!!Reading Comprehension
    ملاحظات عامة حول كيفية الاجابة على القطعة الخارجية
    1- اقرا القطعة مرتين او اكثر , حاول ان تعرف الفكرة الرئيسية للقطعة.
    2- حاول ان تعرف معاني الكلمات الجديدة من خلال السياق او ترجمة ما قبل و بعد الكلمه.
    3- عند الاجابة نحذف ادوات السؤال ونقدم الفاعل على الفعل كالأتي:
    (فاعل + فعل رئيسي + تكملة) او (فاعل + فعل كينونه + فعل رئيسي + تكملة)
    4- اذا بدأ السؤال بـ (who) وتعني (من) للسؤال عن الشخص العاقل , عند الاجابة نحذف اداة السؤال ونرتب الجملة حسب الملاحظه (3) ونبحث عن اسم الشخص في القطعة.
    5- اذا بدأ السؤال بـ (where) وتعني (اين) للسؤال عن المكان عند الاجابه نبحث عن اسم مكان في القطعة.
    6- اذا بدأ السؤال بـ (when) وتعني (متى) للسؤال عن الزمان عند الاجابه نبحث عن زمان في القطعة.
    7- اذا بدأ السؤال بـ ((what وتعني ماذا او (الشيء الذي قام به الفاعل , عند الاجابة نبحث عن شي قا بها الفاعل)
    8- اذا بدأ السؤال بـ (how many) للسؤال عن العدد نحذف الاداة ونبحث عن عدد في القطعه.
    9- أذا بدأ السؤال ب why)) بمعنى (لماذا) نبحث عن سبب او تبرير من القطعة.
    وكذالك ادوات السؤال البقية
    10- اذا كان السؤال (yes, no questions) اي ان الجملة تبدأ بالفعل المساعد فالإجابة تكون اما :
    الفعل المساعد + الفاعلYes,
    + notالفعل المساعد + الفاعلNo,
    11- يمكن ان تكون الاسئلة على شكل فراغات – مطابقة – تكملة – او صح وخطأ – او غير ذالك من انواع الاسئلة – يجب قراءة القطعة مرتين او اكثر ثم التركيز في الاجابة.
    12- اذا طلب اعطاء القطعة عنوان فأننا نختار عنوان يطابق محور الموضوع الذي تدور حوله القطعة – او كلمة تكررت بالقطعة ولها علاقة بالفكرة الرئيسيه للقطعة.

    (2) Read the following passage carefully: ( 10 M )

    Basil sat in his comfortable corner , quickly reading his newspaper . He had caught this 5:15 AM train and was on his way to meet his brother Fahmi in Basrah. Beside him ,a young man was sitting .Suddenly , the young man started talking to Basil in French .Basil smiled and tried to tell the young man that he didn't understand that language and he couldn't answer him. However, the young man became angry " something is wrong" Basil thought . " The fellow behaves strangely ", Basil added to himself . It became hot and the journey was long . Basil took off his coat and hung it by the window. At a quarter past nine PM , the train stopped and Basil saw his brother Fahmi at the station. Fahmi was shocked to see the young man helping Basil with his coat . " Did the young man tell you that he is French?" Fahmi asked his brother later ." He is a thief ", he added.
    Basil began to search his pockets." My money !" he cried . " It's gone"
    Now answer only FIVE of the following questions:

    1. Give a title to a passage .أعط القطعة عنوانا مناسبا
    2. Why was Fahmi shocked when he saw the young man?لماذا صدم فهمي لما رأى الشاب
    3. How long did the journey last? كم استغرقت الرحلة
    4. Why did Basil take off his coat?لماذا خلع باسل المعطف
    5. Who stole the money? من سرق النقود
    6. Why did Basil go to Basrah?لماذا ذهب باسل للبصرة

    أجوبة النموذجية لهذة القطعة

    1. " Basil and the thief "
    2. Fahmi was shocked when he saw the man because that young man was a thief .
    3. The journey lasted 16 hours .الرحلة استغرقت 16 ساعة
    4. Basil took offخلع his coat because it became hot and the journey was long .
    5. The young man who was sitting beside Basil stole the money.

    A woman in blue jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. Then she went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window. The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed .He told her that the dress was sold. The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decide to punish the assistant next day. She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat , with a hand bag in one hand and along umbrella in the other .
    After looking for the rude assistant she asked for the same dress. Not realizing who she was the assistant was happy to serve her this time . He climbed into the shop window to get the dress . As soon as she saw it , the woman said she did not like it . She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before buying the dress she had first asked for.
    Now answer FIVE of the following questions:
    1-Where did a woman stood?أين وقفت المرأة
    2-What did she want?ما ذا أرادت
    3- Why didn't the assistant like to serve the woman for the first time?لماذا لم يود المساعد أن يخدم المرآة في المرة الأولى
    4- How did the woman punish the assistant?كيف عاقبت المساعد
    5- What did the woman finally buy?ما الذي اشترته أخيرا
    6- Give the passage a suitable title.أعط عنوان مناسب للقطعة

    1. A woman stood at the window of an expensive shop.
    2. She wanted to see a dress that was in the window.
    3. The assistant did not like to serve the woman for the first time because he did not like the way she was dressed.
    4. The woman punished the assistant by making him bring everything in the window before buying the dress she had first asked for.
    5. The woman finally bought the dress that she had asked for.
    6. The suitable title might be " The woman and The assistant" or " The Rude Assistant"

    (3) Read the following passage carefully:
    Scientists have divided animals into two main groups: those with backbones , and those without . We of course ,belong to the group with backbones. This group includes such animals as dogs , cats , mice , horses ,cows lions, elephants , monkeys ,and so on. Fish and birds are also animals with backbones : as are snakes. There are however, a great many animals which have no backbones , such as crab and flies.
    Other animals without a backbone live in ponds and sea water . Some are so tiny that they can only be seen under a microscope.
    Now answer FIVE of the following questions :
    1-Which group do human beings belong to?لأي مجموعة ينتمي البشر
    2- Why do we use microscopes ? لماذا نستخدم المجاهر
    3- Which animal group do snakes belong to?لأي مجموعة حيوانية تنتمي الأفاعي
    4- How do scientists classify animals in general?كيف يصنف العلماء الحيوانات بشكل عام
    5-Where do animals without a backbone live?أين تعيش الحيوانات اللافقاريات
    6- Dogs and fish have no backbones, do they?الكلاب والسمك ليس لها عمود فقري , أليس كذلك ؟
    1. Human beings belong to the group with backbones.
    2. We use microscopes because some animals are so tiny that they Can only be seen under the microscope.
    3. Snakes belong to the animals with backbones.
    4. Scientists classify animals in general into two groups : with or without backbones.
    5. They live in ponds and sea water .
    6-Dogs and fish have backbones .( No, they don't)

    نماذج من القطع الخارجية
    Q1: A- Read the passage carefully :
    Once there was a very rich merchant who had only one son . His name was Samir. Samir did not want to study or to learn a trade . "Why must I work like other people ?My father is very rich , he used to say to himself .Samir's friends like him because he was very generous . They used to eat with him at his house every day . "Who are all these people "? His father asked him one day . They are my friends . Samir answered . Friends said the old merchant .They like you only because you spend money on them . He got angry and sent Samir away from home without any money. When Samir went to his friends ,none of them helped him . After a few days his father sent for him. "Now you know your friends my son .They are not real friends . I am your real friend Now answer(5)of the following questions
    1-Who was Samir ?
    2- Why didn't Samir want to study or to learn a trade ?
    3-Why did Samir's friends go to his house every day?
    4-What did Samir's father do when he got angry ?
    5-Did his friends offer him help ? 6-Were Samir's friends real friends?
    Ql. A - Read this passage carefully.(10 marks)
    Last summer, John said good-bye to his mother, father and sister to stay with his uncle in the country. His uncle gave him a little bird. It was small but it liked to swim under water and catch fish. John was very happy and played with it most of the time. He took it to a small river. The bird went down the water and came with a fish in its mouth. John called the bird " Fisher" . When John went home after the holiday, he took it with him. He first met his sister "Janet" who liked it very much Now answer FIVE of the following questions,
    1 - When did John leave his family? 2- Who was Janet?
    3- What did the little bird like to do ? 4- Where did John spend his holiday?
    5- Why did John call the little bird "Fisher"? 6- Whom did John first meet when he went home?

    Q1) A- Read the following passage carefully: ( 1,0 marks)
    Ali's mother sent him to the grocer's shop to buy some apples. He was taught by mother that be shouldn't push in front of customers while buying something. So he stood at the end of a long line of old women. After a while he began to read in a book he kept with him. The subject of the book was about mountains. He read a few pages then he saw himself in front of the counter. To his surprise, he saw nothing on the counter, no apples no potatoes and nothing at all. Then he turned back and left the shop without any word. Now answer FIVE of the following questions :
    1- What did Ali's mother teach him? 2- Where did Ali stand?
    3- Why did Ali go to the grocers shop? 4- Did Ali buy some apples?
    5- What was the subject of the book that Ali was reading? 6-What did. Ali do then.

    Ql. A - Read this passage carefully. (10 marks)
    Mary had a little while lamb and she kept it tied to a tree. One evening it was missing. Her husband, Peter set out to find the thief. He found out that his neighbour, Smith had suddenly got a new lamb; therefore, he accused him of stealing the lamb. Smith denied that and let Peter see his lamb which was black. Peter apologized to him. But before leaving, it began to rain so Peter had to stay until the rain stopped. To his astonishment Peter found that the lamb was almost while. Its wool which had been dyed, was washed clean by the rain Now answer FIVE the following questions.
    1 - Where did Mary keep her little white lamb? 2- What did Smith do to the little lamb's wool?
    3- Why was Peter astonished when he saw the lamb again? 4- Who was Peter's wife? 5- Why did Peter have to stay with Smith?' 6- Did Smith buy the lamb or steal it?

    QL A- Read this passage carefully". Then answer Five Questions only.. ... (10Marks) Once, Tom was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry came in. Harry worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows - money from his friends and never pays it back..Harry saw Tom and came towards him and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from him. Tom asked him to lend him two pounds. To his surprise, he gave him the money. "I have never borrowed any money from you. " Harry said so now you can pay for my dinner!"
    Now answer FIVE the following questions.

    1. Who came while Tom was having dinner?
    2. How much money did Tom ask Harry to lend him?
    3. Why did Harry ask Tom to pay for his dinner?
    4. What does Harry ask his friends for?
    5. Where is Harry now working?
    6. Give the passage a suitable title.

    Q1 Read the following passage carefully; (10 marks)
    A man driving along a lonely country road saw two men walking by the side of the road, One was on crutches and the other were carrying two suitcases. Since they, were this far off the main road, it was obvious that they were not hitch hikers-but had simply run out of gas or had a car- trouble, Feeling sorry for them, he decided to offer them a ride. As he pulled over; however} the two men hurried off the road and disappeared into the bushes. They were in such a hurry that the man carrying the suitcases left one of them behind. He had obviously frightened them. Finally he became suspicious and decided to open the suitcase. It was filled with jeweler , silverwares and other valuable things. The police told him later that they were stolen goods which, by accident, he had helped to discover the robbery after three hour.
    Now answer FIVE the following questions.

    1. What did the driver see?
    2. Where were the two men? What was obvious about that?
    3. What did the driver decide to offer them?
    4. Why did the. man open the suitcase?
    5. What did the police tell him later?

    1. Give the passage a suitable title.

    My brother and his friend don't like going out at night ,because they are afraid of ghost. One night, when they were coming back home from a cinema ,all the streets lights, suddenly went out. Everything become in a deep quiet darkness. They heard something like a whisper. They held each other tightly and shouted out loudly, "who is there?" . Then suddenly, two policemen appeared from behind a tree. They explained that they had been hiding in order to catch a thief.
    Now answer the following question
    1- What are the two boys afraid of ?
    2- Do they like going out at night ?
    3- Where were they coming back from ?
    4- What happened to the street lights ?
    5- What did they hear ?
    6- Who appeared from behind a tree ?
    Q1 Read the following passage carefully; (10 marks)
    A man driving along a lonely country road saw two men walking by the side of the road, One was on Crutches and the other were carrying two suitcases. Since they, were this far off the main road, it was obvious that they were not hitch hikers-but had simply run out of gas or had a car- trouble, Feeling sorry for them, he decided to offer them a ride. As he pulled over; however} the two men hurried off the road and disappeared into the bushes. They were in such a hurry that the man carrying the suitcases left one of them behind. He had obviously frightened them. Finally he became suspicious and decided to open the suitcase. It was filled with jeweler , silverwares and other valuable things. The police told him later that they were stolen goods which, by accident, he had helped to discover the robbery after three hour.

    Now answer FIVE of the following questions:
    1- What did the driver see?
    2- Where were the two men? What was obvious about that?
    3- What did the driver decide to offer them?
    4- Why did the. man open the suitcase?
    5- What did the police tell him later?'
    Give the passage a suitable title.
    Reading Comprehension (25 marks)
    Q1.A – Read this text (10 M.)
    Wisam got a watch for his birthday. One day, he lost his watch somewhere in his house. He looked under his pillow. Then he looked under his bed, but he couldn't find his watch. He put it in his father's room but he couldn't remember that the next day. His mother saw the watch while she was cleaning his father's room. As a punishment she kept the watch in her bag for five days before she gave it back to him.
    Now, match the beginnings in list (A) with the proper endings in list (B).
    List A List B
    1- Wisam lost his watch ……… a- her bag.
    2- He looked for his watch ……… b- as a punishment.
    3- Wisam got the watch ………. c- in his father's room.
    4- Wisam's mother found the watch while ……… d- in his mother's room.
    5- She put the watch in ……….. e- as a birthday present.
    f- under his pillow and bed.
    g- she was cleaning his father's room.

    B – Read this passage.
    Tariq and his brother Hani went to the zoo yesterday. They were very early. The zoo was closed so they had to wait in the street for 50 minutes. Then a man came to the zoo and opened it. They went in at nine a.m. In the zoo they saw different animals. They saw six monkeys jumping up and down in their cages. They saw three brown little bears. They seemed hungry and Hani tried to bring some food for them but it was not allowed. They also saw a big old lion and four big yellow tigers. Tariq and his brother enjoyed their visit although the weather very hot. They came back home at half past twelve.
    Now, choose the most suitable choice:
    A) 1- Tariq and Hani had to wait in the street because they were ……….
    a. very late b. very tired c. very early
    2- They went in the zoo at ………
    a. 9 o'clock in the morning b. 9 o'clock in the evening c. half past twelve
    3- Their visit to the zoo was ………
    a. boring b. enjoyable c. horrible
    4- The ……….. seemed hungry.
    a. little bears b. old lion big tigers
    5- Tariq and his brother ……….. at 12:30.
    a. left the zoo b. came back home c. went in the zoo
    B) Describe whether the following statements are (True) or (False):
    1- Hani tried to bring food because his brother, Tariq, was hungry.
    2- Because the zoo was closed, Tariq and his brother had to wait for 50 minutes.
    3- They saw six monkeys sleeping in their cages.
    4- It was very cold when Tariq and Hani visited the zoo.
    5- At 10 a.m. a man came and opened the zoo.

  2. #2
    مراقبة صوتيات درر العراق mp3
    تاريخ التسجيل: June-2017
    الدولة: IRAQ`
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 16,346 المواضيع: 2,116
    صوتيات: 5430 سوالف عراقية: 2
    التقييم: 24671
    مزاجي: fickle
    المهنة: teacher
    آخر نشاط: منذ 4 يوم
    مقالات المدونة: 2
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