مساعد المدير
الوردة البيضاء
تاريخ التسجيل: February-2013
الدولة: بغداد
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 258,443 المواضيع: 74,515
سوالف عراقية:
مزاجي: الحمدلله على كل حال
المهنة: معلمة
أكلتي المفضلة: دولمه - سمك
موبايلي: SAMSUNG
آخر نشاط: منذ 3 ساعات
تعلن (هيئة تشغيل غرب القرنة)عن حاجتها الى وظيفة (Land Use / GIS Coordinator) وفق المت
تعلن (هيئة تشغيل غرب القرنة)عن حاجتها الى وظيفة (Land Use / GIS Coordinator) وفق المتطلبات ادناه :-
(Education, Certifications, Experience, Language, etc.)
(التحصيل الدراسي, الشهادات,الخبرات, اللغة, الخ)
This position requires management and administration of the project GIS database and personnel as well as the sourcing and configuration of hardware and software.
1. Develop and maintain WQI specific GIS manuals/procedures
2. Mentor and train WQI FOD National GIS technicians
3. Key interface between various WQI FOD functions
4. Expert advice on GIS usage and limitations in support of inquiries, data requirements, data synthesis, and report generation
5. Primary interface with the ExxonMobil Information Technical (IT) function
6. Administration of the central GIS databases (ArcSDE/Microsoft SQL Server):
a. Perform reconcile/post, synchronization process for replicas and compress operations for versioned geodatabases
b. Determine how to identify and manage connected users in the geodatabase to diagnose performance problems and locking issues
c. Understand the purpose, appropriate use and implementation of spatial indexes, attribute indexes, database statistics and historical archiving
d. Add new users, set up and maintenance of the users privileges
e. Clear understanding of differences between file geodatabases, personal geodatabases, multiuser geodatabase and MS Access databases
f. Use of SQL (creation of table, spatial view and spatial join)
g. Basic RDBMS databases design, development and implementation
7. Administration of ArcGIS Server and Portal for ArcGIS:
a. Publish map services to ArcGIS Server and perform data quality control and map document proprieties control before publishing map services
b. Prepare, test and publish geoprocessing services to ArcGIS Server
c. Add new users and set up the security setting, roles, users on ArcGIS Server for the map services published and for the users added in the system
d. Portal administration to configure the portal website (security settings, create custom roles, add new users), create/manage groups and content
e. Perform web mapping applications deployment (add data to Portal from ArcGIS Server, create/save/share web maps, web apps and presentations)
f. Preparation and analysis of statistics using the Logs interface
8. Using Python scripts and Model Builder:
a. Create and update Python scripts to improve the GIS data management system capability
b. Use of ArcPy tool functions to achieve basic spatial analysis tasks
c. Preparation of automated workflows in ArcGIS Model Builder to create multiple models that make spatial analyses more streamlined and efficient
d. Python development (Python IDLE and Python Window in ArcMap)
e. Basic concepts of object oriented programming
9. Using ArcGIS for Desktop Software and Extensions:
a. 3D Analyst
b. Spatial Analyst
c. Network Analyst
d. Geostatistical Analyst
e. Publisher
f. Schematics
10. Advanced Editing and Topology:
a. Advanced Editing tool and methods
b. Build new topology, setup rank, add rules, validate, edit topology, analyze and fix topology errors
c. Knowledge of Spatial Adjustment tool
Skills and Experience
Candidate shall have the skills necessary to satisfactorily perform the key responsibilities outlined above unsupervised. Other desired skills include excellent organization, electronic records management, time management, problem solving, work prioritization, and interpersonal communication.
In addition, experience with Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and/or humanitarian demining geodatabases is required.
The candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree in Geography, Computer Science or related field. A Master’s degree in a GIS related field is preferable. A degree can be substituted with a minimum of six (6) years of continuous GIS experience in the oil and gas (or similar) industry. The candidate shall have at least two (2) years’ experience supervising GIS teams/staff.
The candidate must have good reading, writing, and spoken English proficiency and should be a strong communicator of technical language to native and non-native English speakers.
الشروط المطلوبة:
1- ان يكون من سكنة البصرة حصرا .
2- ترفق المستمسكات الاربعة او البطاقة الوطنية + بطاقة الناخب ان وجدت مع السيفي(داخل الايميل وليس داخل السيفي) وسيهمل السيفي في حالة عدم ارفاق المستمسكات .
3- ترسل السيفيات على الايميلbasrajobscv@gmail.com باللغة الانكليزية فقط وبصيغة (PDF) .
4- يكون اسم الملف المرفق (الcv) باسم الشخص الثلاثي وباللغة الانكليزية وسيهمل الcv خلاف ذلك .
5- ذكر اسم الوظيفة في عنوان الايميل / حقل الموضوع (تكتب بعنوان الايميل حصرا وليس في داخله ولا داخل السيفي) وكما مكتوبة بالاعلان وسيهمل السيفي خلاف ذلك.
6 - ان لايتجاوز حجم السيفي واحد ميكا بايت.
7 - تهمل السيفيات غير المطابقة للوصف الوظيفي وسيحرم صاحب السيفي البعيد نهائيا عن الطلب من المنافسة مستقبلا على الوظائف الاخرى.
8 - مدة التقديم خمسة ايام من تاريخ21/12/2017.