أول قارب يبحر حول العالم باستخدام الطاقة الشمسية
Is the first boat to sail around the world using solar energy where they are the only source of energy responsible for cruising
09.27.2010 at 2 pm, kicked off his first trip to the boat
All over the world powered exclusively by solar energy. 585 days, 28 countries, and three oceans
That crossed the finish line in Monaco at 2:12 p.
This month "" planetsolar have developed a new journey, and sail from coast to coast in the Mediterranean Sea.
Visitors are invited to explore the "planetsolar" in Cagliari, July 30, 2012,
Planetsolar where up to Cagliari in the Italian island of Sardinia .. In the summer of 2012 on a tour of the Mediterranean
"Planetsolar" off the coast of Tahiti
"Planetsolar" cross Suez Canal
"Planetsolar" cross Suez Canal......