I Love You More Than words Could Ever Say
I feel it growing in my heart each and every day
All this Love I feel
Has never felt so real
You give me something no one has Ever given me
It's something You cannot see
Love so strong, and so true
It makes me think of only You
This wonderful feeling You have given me
Makes me want to be with You endlessly
I want to be in your arms each an every day
To feel your warm embrace
It makes me feel so safe from harm
Plus, I Love to touch your face
I Love to look into your eyes
To look through your disguise
To feel your warm hands within mine
As our fingers gently become entwined
Your kisses so soft and sweet
It makes me crave a thousand More
I wonder how your heart keeps a steady beat,
Because mine just soars
I Love the way You let me know
How much You Love me so
I Love how much You care
The Love You show to me is beyond compare,
I Love the way You smile
That compliments your sexy style
My eyes are kept on You all the while
I Love to hear You Say "okay"
You Say it at least once a day
I Love the way You apologize
Because it always makes me realize
That what You did, was done unintentionally,
And that You still Love me
Even though I'm strange
You don't want me to change
You Say that I'm just right
Especially when we're about to fight
I hate to see You mad
I hate to see You sad
It makes me feel so bad
What You feel, I feel
That's because our Love is real
I hate to see You cry
To always have to wonder why?
I'm sorry I sometimes do the things I do
That always make You feel blue
I'm sorry if I hurt You so
My anger is sometimes hard to control
I don't like when You feel insecure
Don't worry so much, because I'm sure
That no one can Ever take your place
Because I Love not only your handsome face,
I also Love the real You inside
There's no way I Could have let You pass me by
Love is A Lonely Place Without You
I know I'm not alone
I should not be afraid
Because I hear your voice
And I know you're there beside me
And so I give my heart
I live to love again
But I can't let go of the way I feel about you
Love is a lonely place without you , I miss you
And you’re almost here and I'm almost touching you
Love is a place I have to hide away
I will never love this way again
If love was ever true
I know it was with you
Because you touched my soul
And you will stay with me forever
No tears no sad goodbyes
There are no reasons why
But I'm holding on
I believe in love eternal
Though I'm moving on
I'm still holding on Translation The poem
ترجمة الخاطرة (القصيدة)
الحب مكان وحيد بدونك
أعرف ليس لوحده
أنا لا يجب أن أكون خائف
لأني أسمع صوتك
وأنا أعرف أنك هنا بجانبي
ولذا أعطي قلبي
أنا حي للمحبَة ثانية
لكني لا أستطيع تركك وترك الطريقة التي تشعرني بك
الحب مكان وحيد بدونك
وأنت تقريبا هنا وأمسك بك
أعرف ان الحب الحقيقي كان معك
لأنك لمست روحي
وأنت ستبقى معي للأبد
لا دموع ولا وداع حزين
ليس هناك أسباب تسألني لماذا كل هذا الحب
لكن أصمد
آمن بالحب الأبدي
مع ذلك أنتقل
مازلت أصمد
وما كنتُ ممن يدخلُ العشقُ قلبَهُ = ولكنّ من يُبصِرْ جفونكِ يَعشقُ
**** was never able to enter my heart; but seeing your eyes one inevitably falls in ****.
أغرّكِ مني أنّ حُبّكِ قاتلي = وأنكِ مهما تأمُري القلبَ يَفعلُ؟
Are you elated that your **** kills me, and that whatever you ask of my heart it unquestioningly obeys?
يهواكَ ما عشتُ الفؤادُ فإن أمُتْ = يتبعْ صدايَ صداكَ عندَ الأقبرِِِ
As long as I live my heart ****s you; and when I die, my echo will follow yours even to the grave.
أنتِ النعيمُ لقلبي و العذابُ لهُ = فما أمرّكِ في قلبي وأحلاكِ
You are the bliss of heaven and the torture of hell to my heart; how sweet and how bitter you are to this heart of mine!
وما عجبي موت المحبينَ في الهوى = و لكن بقاءَ العاشقينَ عجيبُ
I never wonder why ****rs die of ****; but I am amazed how those who fall in **** can remain alive!
لقد دبَّ الهوى لكِ في فؤادي = دبيب دمِ الحياةِ إلى عروقي
Your **** crawls gently in my heart, with the same tingling sensation that blood makes, when flowing in my veins and arteries.
إن يهدمُ العشاقُ ركنَ ولائهم = فبناءُ حبي راسخُ الأركانِ
Should ****rs tear down the edifice of their loyalty, the foundations of my **** are unshakable, defying destruction.
لو كانَ قلبي معي ما اخترتُ غيركمُ = ولا رضيتُ سواكم في الهوى بدَلا
Had my heart been with me, I would have chosen none but you; nor would I have exchanged your **** for anyone else’s.
لستُ أنسى من نأت عنيَ ما = دام لي في هذه الدنيا رمقْ
So long as I live, I shall never forget the be****d who has removed herself from my sight.
عيناكِ نازلتا القلوبَ فكلها = إما جريح أو مصاب المقتلِ
Your eyes waged a fierce battle against all hearts, causing them to either bleed or helplessly agonize.
وإني لأهوى النومَ في غير حينهِ = لعلَ لقاءً في المنامِ يكونُ
O, how I desire to fall asleep at any moment, perchance I may see the be****d in my dreams!
ولولا الهوى ما ذلّ في الأرضِ = عاشقٌ ولكن عزيز العاشقينَ ذليلُ
If it weren’t for ****, no ****r on earth would be subdued; nonetheless, even the mightiest ****r is easily subdued.
نقـّلْ فؤادكَ حيث شئتَ من الهوى = ما الحبُّ إلا للحبيبِ الأولِ
Let your heart roam and browse in fields of affection, true and lasting ****, however, belongs only to the first ****.
إذا شئتَ أن تلقى المحاسنَ كلها = ففي وجه من تهوى جميعُ المحاسنِ
If you wish to see all the charming and beautiful things in the world, you need not look beyond the face of your be****d.
لا تحاربْ بناظريكَ فؤادي = فضعيفان يغلبان قويا
Fight me not with your two eyes; two weaklings can beat and defeat a strong one.
إذا ما رأتْ عيني جمالكَ مُقبلاً = وحقكَ يا روحي سكرتُ بلا شربِ
Whenever my eyes spot your approaching ******, I assure you, dearest, that I become inebriated even without a drink.
كتبَ الدمعُ بخدّي عهدهُ = للهوى و الشوقُ يملي ما كتبْ
Tears have written an eternal pledge to ****: words of abiding loyalty, dictated by longing, indelibly inscribed on my cheeks.
أحبكَ حُبين حبُّ الهوى = وحبُّ لأنكَ أهلٌ لذاكَ