"Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission
"Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission
"Since he fell in love with her, he became shier to ask God any other blessings after her
رسالة إلى ميّت :
ليتني استطعت أن أُهديَك عمري ، و أغيب انا
- انا هالفتره ماخذه وضعية المتفرجه على حياتي ابي اشوف الزبده
- إلى المُنهزمين الذين خاضوا حربًا مع الظلام ولم ينالوا النوم ..صباح الخير
“If you didn’t see it by your eyes, don’t judge it by what you heard.
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
-Darling… I always wanted to change the world since I was born, but when I met you, I don’t want to change anything but myself hoping that I can be your (world) someday
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