لـ Anxiety أو اضطراب القلق النفسي:
هو عبارة عن حالة خوف غير محدد مع توتر شديد و توقعات تشاؤمية ، و هذه الأحاسيس تستمر لفترة طويلة تزيد عن ستة أشهر .
و المصورة Katie Joy Crawford عانت من هذا المرض لفترة و قررت أن تحاول من خلال الصور إيصال ما يشعر به مريض الـ Anxiety.
A captive of my own mind. the instigator of my own thoughts. the more i think, the worse it gets. the less i think, the worse it gets. breathe. just breathe. drift. it’ll ease soon.
I was scared of sleeping. i felt the most raw panic in complete darkness. actually, complete darkness wasn’t scary. it was that little bit of light that would cast a shadow — a terrifying shadow
They keep telling me to breathe. i can feel my chest moving up and down. up and down. up and down. but why does it feel like i’m suffocating? i hold my hand under my nose, making sure there is air. i still can’t breathe.
My head is filling with helium. focus is fading. such a small decision to make. such an easy question to answer. my mind isn’t letting me. it’s like a thousands circuits are all crossing at once
I'm afraid to live and i'm afraid to die. what a way to exist.
Depression is when you can’t feel at all. anxiety is when you feel too much. having both is a constant war within your own mind. having both means never winning