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Full research on proving the existence of God

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  1. #1
    صديق نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل: July-2015
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 192 المواضيع: 36
    التقييم: 99
    آخر نشاط: 16/May/2020

    Full research on proving the existence of God

    "Google translation from Arabic to English"
    Prove the existence of God
    # :Find Moved without the disposal of (research we can say that it is relatively integrated and is accompanied by a very nice modern dilemmas and theories and reply)

    Our theme philosophical science, and this first episode of it, said in a philosophy: that the longest road in between two points is the shortest route in an attempt to understand .. the sense that if a person wanted to understand the philosophical concept is very difficult, the longest way to understand it is to go to him directly and try to conduct a shortcut , sums him up with twenty-line, for example, here, man will not reach, because the right way is to advance rights in philosophy also leads to peace, degree .. We're talking about the presence of God in front of a philosophical demand is difficult and this intense grief, I will try to combine the shortcut and not lose Zbdth topic and its importance .. # important:
    Why search in the presence of God or not, or the expression of which is written by Dawkins [1] In The God Delusion, when I see a beautiful garden, so why assume that there is one of the jinn who stands behind it without Enjoy it and by?! In the sense that we why not try to enjoy this life and let the idea of ​​the existence of God or the lack of it go to hell? We have enough of the science, and philosophical and ethical systems are awash need .. we manage our economy, our knowledge, and good at agriculture, industry and scientific progress as a society humane face of what Search Is that God exists or not? What are needed.
    Understand this question, and his answer is the basis for starting to talk about the existence of God, the was no need to search for God and his presence must be lifted as newspapers here will prepare a search of intellectual luxury, but:
    Rights of us born in the globe of different backgrounds and beliefs, and battling in determining his fate two ideas are very important, Taatsaraan violently and each one of them its catalog and its arguments .. the idea of ​​the existence of God - regardless of its qualities - and eternal life after death is happy where human or Atas, according to the road trodden for himself in this world, and the idea of ​​the absence of God and after death, but nowhere, the Koran and the words: they said what is only our world; we die and we live, and destroy us, but age [2].
    As long as one of these choices will determine the fate of man after death must for a person to take it seriously and leaves Alabath in the face of this issue and starts checks to up to the health of one of them, we are not talking here about standing in front of a beautiful garden also writes us ste Dawkins, but man stands here before determining his eternal destiny! There is no room for pranks in this, Reflect ..
    Humans of us do not drink the water in his hand, for example, if endured the presence of poison - poison here, referring to the possibility of the occurrence of the damage - which, without checks, even if the probability of 10%, and may affect that remains thirsty that drink if he could not come to reality in if the water, because the step drinking water is a crucial step here, either irrigates The die .. here field does not remain to gamble or foot without the attention of the investigation and examination, only he does not care about his fate, and the human right not to care about his fate, but he has to prepare to bear results
    . On this basis, we ask whether there is a God? To know the answer after the way we go, and bear the consequences.
    # If - and I ask the reader to verify the reading of this section is very good - we're looking at this question: Does God exist .. do not fill the gaps [3] that are not able to be explained scientifically in our description of this world Fenrdjaha to the creator of the supernatural, nor to show support paradoxically regulated according its moral value [4] he also used to say that a number of philosophers as "Kant" as emphasized by Dostoevsky is time "if there is no God, everything is permitted" .. both .. but to answer the above question that will be determined by our destiny and our happiness or our unhappiness later .. even if the system is determined by identifying the moral existence of God. Alert me .. I repeat that this particular need to carefully reading section so as not to be mistaken.
    At another level we ask: how to be talking about God? .. After verification and research will tell you here that the search in the presence of be in two phases: the first phase of the search for the existence of God as the existence, not as something his recipes .. I mean Search Is there a god behind the curtain this world, or not .. but how is this God, is it physical or not, is his qualities match the God of the Christians or the Jews or the Shiites or Sunnis or others, this is handled by the second phase of the research, and this stage does not touch her in these episodes in order to writing to be systematic in one track and not on the way: Schott God cream
    . So we'll talk about next publications as the existence of God, is there a God or not .. Is it possible for a person to talk about God is absolute and thus limited rights regardless of its greatness? This is what I will talk in the last episode is titled: Do we will know? .. Or we will know only?
    Episode II: God sections inferred between the obvious and the theoretical.
    We talked in the previous episode about the reason for asking this question, and his answer and how much importance, and this answered on Stephen Hawking, who believes that asking the question of whether God exists or not, silly and irrelevance .. will come to the role of Lawrence Krauss in the fifth episode, which was a resounding fall in "the universe of nothing ".. and we'll see the evidence.
    # Important:
    Divided by knowledge of the existence of God in a very general to the intuitive and theoretical, self-evident is what realizes Balbdahh no need to be inferred and the establishment of the argument and proof .. The theory is what needs to be inferred and the proof or figuring out what to realize .. and talk in this episode clarify axiomatic
    The early Muslims were dealing with the issue of the presence of God as a matter of intuitive granted them no need to infer it, so that the Koran does not goes to prove the existence of God, but "Avi God doubt?" He said, and this is also found in the faithful words of Imam Hussein, peace be upon them, and others .. according to the words of Imam Hussein aS in Doaa Arafa, "when I left until you need to guide shows you, and when it lags so that the effects are reached by you .." and so what that man that knows himself and those around him will realize that there is a creator by nature and "God."
    Tamam, if the existence of God is obvious, why the difference between the people it?! ..'ll Answer but that you mention that most ethicists and those who wrote in the way of access to the knowledge of the existence of God to know innate intuitive believes that if a person gave up the vices of adjectives and verbs, and shown Bmhacn morality and beautiful acts and clean the mirror of his heart and the same mercy and love and humility, nobility, and the like, and Nzhaa all defilements of hatred and envy and malice and meanness and Dar orbit the divine lights will shine in his heart will be the same serenity and good evidence of his secrets to God and the knowledge of its existence.
    Says released Almtolhen (Mohammad Bin Ibrahim Al-Shirazi, author of transcendent theosophy great philosopher, who serves as a "father" of Islamic philosophy, which we now known as Mulla Sadra): "The knowledge of God Almighty and re-learned and learned through the afterlife is not intended to believe he received Commoner or Faqih inheriting and Tlagafa the Almchgov tradition and Almjmod image did not open up to him the way the facts as they open up to cram the divine and not to him what outs of knowing Almstsgran to the world of image and pleasures perceived knowledge creatively creatures and the fact that the facts and not what is by editing the speech and argue in improving Maraam as is usually the speaker and not too is just a search purely as consistently people look and very urge believers and thought the owners of the all of the darkness on each other if they are removed his hand was barely see and of God did not make him a light for him there is light, but it certain type of fruit is light shooting in the heart of the believer because of contact with the world of Jerusalem and the purity and Khulush Bamajahdh ignorant and reprehensible morality and love of the presidency and Alakhalad to the ground and rely on the trappings of the bodies ... ". is over
    As for why we disagree if the way to know God is obvious! .. And here I'll offer Two answers: First, the different human nature and levels of intelligence, and the different accumulations of cognitive and psychological humans by observing and experiences from person to pay because it be obvious when someone is my view when someone else .. What realize Zaid Balbdahh, not a requirement to realize Omar also Balbdahh .. actually the difference between people reject .. what is written also in the logicians they talk about the obvious and theoretical.
    Second, things are obvious easy Adarkha and understanding is usually the presence of their opposites and distinguish them, we realize the light is switched on and no need to evaluate the proof of its existence, and easy for us to realize light Balbdahh is against the existence of which is dark .. and so many human concepts and emotions, recognizable for granted the existence of their opposites .. did not think of one day one of us to establish proof of the existence of his mind before I say sane! .. Because the presence of the antibody, who are madmen and their actions and their behavior (Crazy which is against sapiens) evidence of the mind and not the craziest .. (of course this is just an example, and the example is known as nearly the one hand, just a thousand hand thigh Sufism® from this example and do not go to the other )
    Here because God - if it exists (and I say, if it exists mouthpiece if the neutral here) - not against him (as a god, and if found against him for was the god) it is difficult often fully aware Balbdahh .. The things axiom known Baddadha and God is from the socket of not against him .. and here I say in all sincerity: if you're an agnostic or neutral in the issue of the existence of God or lack of it, I will say: if there was a god would be difficult to fully Adarkh Balbdahh - say difficult not impossible - for lack of him. (I hope you take into account bows and explaining the separator shall point and every detail in the previous section)
    One of the above, we see an answer to those who ask: Why make God - if he exists - the same complex to such a degree, why do not you show us and end based on the presence or lack of conflict? .. And Answer This may provide .. The things very easily realize the existence of their opposites, God and not against him .. it can not be denied by anyone who Adarkh easy and on the way: to show us the same. Or, as the Koran happened, "you would not believe until we see God openly" (in other episodes after the end of these episodes Savsal more Why can not show God openly, but on the other angles of this research)
    Move to another trench may come a very, very important question: If his presence is obvious, why have inferred it very difficult?! .. Answer: The most difficult theoretical inference is inferred very Allowadhat .. So said: Clarification Allowadhat of the most complex problems .. and this statement: for example, that the solution of certain mathematical theorem is much easier to prove that 1 + 1 = 2 .. What if we asked a proving that 1 + 1 = 2 ??
    This is because the 1 + 1 = 2 is very clear, and do mathematical demonstration of the philosophical to prove this will be very difficult, so dwell on a number of Western and Eastern philosophers talk about: what proves that all you see now, and we are experiencing is not a dream.? .. The conflict between them, because it is a matter of clear and clarify Allowadhat of the most complex problems because the detector must be explained disclosed, if we got to clear something, how can we find revealing and Dalla it?! .
    In this regard, Imam Hussein says Doaa Arafa: Akon from appearing to others what you do not have even be the appearance to you? "He says," How do you inferred what is lacking in his presence you! ".. Says rugs," you knew you and you Dallaltna you ".. and many others.
    And anyone who wants to expand further in the field of talk about the lack against the god, there is a deeper and wider being based on "the simple truth of all things" base and the base known to the people of specialization in philosophy do not like dragging them here .. Maybe I will write about in other workshops dealing with non-search the theme of this rings.
    This shortcut unjust finish talking about the obvious way or mildew in the knowledge of God ..lnntql to the theoretical reasoning in the next episode (third) something on in these episodes more than others.
    Episode III: Display inferred the existence of God.
    And where: of God's creation?!
    Caution: This publication need more accuracy than normal because we Snsber depths of philosophical search landed where Sartre and Russell greatness of their minds !! No my honor
    I will address today to proof and only one, thus taking into account the limited space provided by the publication that Facebook ..
    Warn once again that we are talking about the existence of the God of the universe, either What are his qualities? Is the God of the Jews or the Christians or the God of the Koran that is what Taatkvlh other stages of the research I will present later as I mentioned in the first episode.
    In talking about the proof of the existence of the God of the universe, we say: every needy accident to a bug in the IGAD, and the incident is located unprecedented not, I mean everything that comes out of nowhere into existence needs to bug brings one into existence .. focused me well in the sense of the user incident here in the proof philosophical, because the mixing, which occurred in the understanding of this word has led philosophers and scientists to senior physics wrong to veto this proof .. and we'll see in the episode fourth and fifth.
    # Important since every needy accident to a bug in the preexisting it will be as follows: all the assets that we see as of the particle, which may appear to you out of nowhere in the quantum world and the largest galaxy Mspoqat are not assets, and all not unprecedented - which is called in philosophy accident - needs to be a bug in the preexisting .. the series of ills were either continuing to endlessly back .. but they end up with is what is not unprecedented, it is himself originally sire and everything else.
    Senbst is as follows: To symbolized the universe character of a so that it appears a into existence from nothing is in need to b Kaalh in preexisting to show .. and so that it appears b out of nowhere he needs to c Kaalh in preexisting, and so that it appears c out of nowhere he needs to d Kaalh in preexisting .. because every needy unprecedented not to bug to be found.
    Here either end Almalolat and ills of this series to exist is not unprecedented, and is not unprecedented does not require a bug in the preexisting because it already exists ..
    But this series will continue to no end, and thus remains in a nothingness and does not appear to exist, why?
    Because a to show a into existence from nothing is in need to b Kaalh in preexisting to show .. and so that it appears b is to be found a out of nowhere he needs to c Kaalh in preexisting, and so that it appears c to no b out of nowhere he needs to d Kaalh to find and thus continue string to the end and not remain a poor non-existent and does not appear to exist at all.
    But since a present - a who Rmsenah of the universe - it means that a series of illness and Almalolat ended to exist is, it exists in himself and sire of all that after him, is he first bug is located on the first list of ills and Almalolat .. because if we say that the ills of the series does not return to some extent, but does not extend to the end of it means that we are now not pure and will not come into existence at all. This is unlike the reality.
    This evidence proves we have that there is a bug present themselves and effecting other .. I would claim that this is the cause of God .. but the evidence proved the existence of the bug is not unprecedented, how do we know that this illness is God? I will prove this in the sixth, but for now we maintain the unity of the subject, we say:
    This evidence proved the existence of the first bug exists by itself and effecting other .. This is the same argument Giebna question: It is God's creation?!
    This confusion has killed philosophically number of philosophers, including Sartre and Russell, Imagine!
    How is that ? .. I'll tell how it is believed a lot of atheists around the world, including philosophers, unfortunately, that the proof philosophical say: All is in need of bug .. and so they deride the doctrine of divine saying: If you can see the need for a sire and the creator of this world, why when it comes to the Creator say is not the creator of him? .. Or ferry traded: of God's creation, then?
    The answer: you did not understand this argument very well so you signed on to this problem is not at least one of the philosophers of the divine that everything is in need of a bug in the preexisting .. This is what the Sun was not involved, but said all the needy incident to the bug, and the incident philosophical sense is unprecedented not .. either unprecedented not there needs to be a bug in the preexisting because it already exists .. Since the proof is due need Almspoqat not to bug unprecedented not (which we called God) is not correct question: who created this illness is unprecedented not to, or create Allah ? .. Because not unprecedented does not require a preexisting illness in order to ask the created.
    This alerted you at the forefront of the publication on the meaning of the incident while I focused me.
    He said that the remains of two things: First Why do we assume that this illness is God? Why do not suppose it energy, or named in physics, quantum field "nothing" .. Why Natqdha God? .. This question, his answer will come in the sixth as I pointed out after being emptied completely prove the existence of the first bug exists by itself and effecting other.
    The second thing: In this proof is to prove the existence of the first bug exists by itself and effecting other .. but! This is based on the proof that all out of nowhere to needy presence to a bug in the preexisting question: Who said that all out of nowhere to the needy in the preexisting illness? !! .. Is not quantum physics canceled causal ?? Alice physicists has proved the existence of the universe out of nothing?!
    I am dealing with this subject tomorrow, where he will explain how the quantum mechanics demolition of causation, and how physicists has proved the existence of the universe from nothing, led by Lawrence Krauss, in his book: the universe from nothing ... Vantzerona tomorrow
    Episode IV: What do we do tonight, O Brien? .. What we do every night, my bank, we will make of quantum mechanics to defy the existence of God .. we have proved the existence of the universe out of nothing, and we do not need God.
    Today I'm going to criticize proof yesterday that Dallalna by the existence of God, I will denounce it through the Quantum, which demolished a causal factor, he noted .. me Hfeztk nature.
    Start: What is quantum physics? Or the world of quantum .. # nutshell is a branch of physics, studying the world of the atom and subatomic particles, and either known all our physics are taught the world of large objects that are bigger than corn, corn below the so-called quantum world .. and physics taught this little world called quantum physics ..
    But why talk about quantum physics like something separate from the physics of large objects known? .. This happens because the scientists found that the quantum world is dealing laws strange and exotic is Mtarefh we have in the world of large objects, which Niels Bohr pay that famously known to all science students say: It was not buffeted by the quantum theory he did not understand. Namely that it prompted Einstein to the greatness of his mind to reject starters - tell onset - said: God does not play dice. Arad more important expansion in YouTube several documentaries about the task of quantum physics and quantum world, and loves to read them, there are very important book entitled "Search for Schrödinger's Cat.
    # Anyway ..
    Is not a quantum theory just assume or point of view, it is impractical branch of physics, has given us the example of laser and electron microscopy and others, and explained a lot of things such as links chemical structure of the atom and the nucleus, and the cohesion of the stars and their collapse, and others .. I got into quantum physics in many fields of scientific research, even in biology .. even in the interpretation of some of the migration of birds from one place to another .. Imagine!
    In the twenties of the last century, scientists have found that the world of the atom overstuffed and chaotic world, where the electron, following a specific path carefully, or particle does not appear, including the meaning of what ever .. there may be a second here, and in other subsequent there, not only electrons, but can not be caught all the constituent particles of an atom .. or even entirety. You can trust the research and reading about the experience of a dual prong to reveal it to you more.
    Here controversy erupted, about the meaning stainless predicted, and how to walk this world and moving particles and electrons, but the particles appear and disappear for no reason and without meaning and without the ability to predict the movement, .. and opposed this Einstein while raising his voice in: God does not play dice. And we can not predict is not because the particles are moving for no reason, but because we are not aware of the forces of nature, and if we have the full knowledge of the forces of nature to become we can anticipate every arcane detail and know the cause, and try Einstein's discovery of a ghost quantum, believing it will prove once and for all that every cause accident ..
    Unfortunately, this view was not true .. but to win the Danish Niels Bohr bet, which Einstein opposed the opinion given above .. and really has proven - through a number of the best experiences was in 1982 under the supervision of: Ellen Aspect and his team - .. proved that th

  2. #2
    من أهل الدار
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    بارك الله بجهودك الطيبة
    ترجمه وياك لاخوانه الاكراد هم يحبون الاطلاع

  3. #3
    من أهل الدار
    تاريخ التسجيل: June-2016
    الجنس: أنثى
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    بارك الله بجهودك الطيبة
    ت جمه وياك لاخوانه الاكراد هم يحبون الاطلاع
    هههههههاي قويه ابو الجيس
    شكرا لك اخي

  4. #4
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    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمد ألصدري مشاهدة المشاركة
    بارك الله بجهودك الطيبة
    ترجمه وياك لاخوانه الاكراد هم يحبون الاطلاع
    لا خوية يكفي عربي + انكليزي يعني ما يقارب مليار ونص يتكلمون بذني اللغتين

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    هههههههاي قويه ابو الجيس
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