Woow ! what an amazing flower
Thanks darling
i love too
more than you do
Nothing is impossible ,
Impossible is a word your mind creates
when you don’t want to move forward
and live the experience
No matter how long will you stay in a cage or a prison ,
Don’t live inside a circle that makes your talents hidden,
Only try to be free and you will see the beauty of your mind,
Only talk with people who are standing by you
who put their hands in your hand.
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ღالبرنسيسةღ ; 17/January/2016 الساعة 1:26 am
Poem is very beautiful and nicely interlocutor between you and Sameh Tqublo
مجرد محاوله بالانگليزي
شلوني ؟؟؟
القصيدة جميله جدا
شكرا لكم
My age which I took care of it
it became just like child who muorns and crawls
my life which I built it roughly
it became just like ashes
Now ! He’s out of my life but still wondering
"Why his thoughts are written in my papers
Was it a magic ? Is he still here ?
Dear Heart ,
No one would care about you in the end
Every one is searching about his own benefits..