If i cant write in my blog here then where i should write then ?! Any idea or suggestions
If i cant write in my blog here then where i should write then ?! Any idea or suggestions
The fact that sometimes you write to be readen by some one, to be heared, to feel that some one out there care about you, but when that some one ignor what you wrote and dive deeply in replying to others while you,you left to be unique , unique with your words have no responding, unique in wondering around alone to say what you want without getting misunderstood or misunderstand and without being ignored , just simple quite beatuiful world and connect with people, is that too much to be asked here
It's up to you
for me I don't urge anyone to read , and I don't write to anyone either heheh
I write to myself first then each one would have his own perspective about what is written that is all
i miss h2o and pink swan
No sign of our brother H2O till now ! in sha ALLAH he is fine
Missed being here and hope our sister pink swan and our brother H2O appear again here
take me with you