What is the Nuance Cloud Connector?
The Nuance Cloud Connector connects to and converts documents within a variety of existing cloud storage services and online document websites. In addition to the direct integration with Nuance applications (such as PDF Converter Professional 8, PaperPort 14 and OmniPage 18), files from the cloud can also be accessed as if they were on a local disk or a mapped network drive.
The Nuance Cloud Connector offers the following functionality:
- Connect to multiple cloud storage services at once.
- Add a “Cloud Drive” in Microsoft Windows that is always available.
- Drag and drop files from any Windows folders to the cloud, or from one cloud service to another.
- Supports the most popular cloud storage services.
- Connectors are updated via the web and new connectors will be made available.
- The user is not required to log-in repeatedly to access the cloud services.
- Open a document directly from one cloud service, convert it, and store it in a completely different cloud service.
The Nuance Cloud Connector also allows direct connections to the following cloud storage services:
- Amazon S3 US Bucket
- Amazon S3 US-West (North California) Bucket
- Amazon S3 US-West (Oregon) Bucket
- Amazon S3 Asia Pacific (Singapore) Bucket
- Amazon S3 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Bucket
- Amazon S3 Gov Cloud (US) Bucket
- AT&T Synaptic Storage
- Box.net
- CAStor Storage
- Dunkel Storage
- EMC Atmos Online
- EMC Atmos Storage
- FTP Server
- FTP Server (Anonymous)
- Google Docs
- Google Apps for Business (Pro)
- Google Picasa
- Google Storage for Developers Bucket
- Internap XIPCloud
- KT ucloud storage
- Local Disk
- Network Resource
- Nirvanix Storage
- OpenStack Storage
- Peer1 CloudOne
- RackSpace Cloud Files
- RackSpace Cloud Files (UK)
- ServerExpress Storage
- WebDav Server (Anonymous)
- WebDav Server (Generic)
- Windows Azure Blob Storage
- Windows Azure Storage Emulator
- Windows Live SkyDrive
- Windows Live Groups
Note: It is required to have an existing account with one of the supported cloud storage services. The Nuance Cloud Connector will not create the cloud storage account, it must already exis