Amazing dude !!! record your scottish accent and let us hear it dude :D
are you kidding , the most difficult English is the Scotish one , I barely understand them not to imitate them lol , but I have got some phrases
send me E-mial + seo me emeo
nice to meet you = nice to mee" ya
yes = Ay
Apparently = Apperen'ly
world = worrld , they saperate wor from ld
Oh you are absolutely right dude .. U have to spend sometime over there
Each county in Ireland has its own accent , and it is really terrible in some counties as well as funny ,also older people speak Gaelic language
كأنما بزونه دتحجيsend me E-mial = seo me emeo
So funny
I hate being like "atrash bil zafa' when I heared those people
Thank u sam
All comments above , many thanks