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النتائج 41 إلى 50 من 63

(* Messages have not reached *) - الصفحة 5

الزوار من محركات البحث: 25 المشاهدات : 4386 الردود: 62
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  1. #41
    The taste of berries
    تاريخ التسجيل: March-2015
    الدولة: The land of blackness
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 7,733 المواضيع: 93
    صوتيات: 42 سوالف عراقية: 2
    التقييم: 9892
    المهنة: government employee
    أكلتي المفضلة: الحقيقة بأي طعم
    موبايلي: Honor 10X
    مقالات المدونة: 6

    why give you told me
    and you steal life from between my body
    and my heart
    and you have two
    From the time of birth in love

  2. #42
    The taste of berries

    messages that adore
    are those that are not up to you

  3. #43
    The taste of berries

    A long way toward your heart
    How short cut

  4. #44
    The taste of berries

    everything about you is beautiful
    Even doom you to taste the honey

  5. #45
    The taste of berries

    How do I send you a Message
    I tell you in the lines
    happy New Year

  6. #46
    ترك اثرا طيبا فينا..في ذمة الله2/2/2022
    He Is The One
    تاريخ التسجيل: July-2014
    الدولة: أرض السواد
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 13,073 المواضيع: 433
    صوتيات: 2 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 12782
    مزاجي: أوقد شمعه للذكريات ..
    آخر نشاط: 24/October/2021
    مقالات المدونة: 12

  7. #47
    The taste of berries

    Roses crazy when you walk by his side
    Ego fills himself Cup
    Please .. Do not walk here again

  8. #48
    The taste of berries

    Because you are a man of peace
    You are a brave man
    A man feared by the criminal
    Kill tyrants

  9. #49
    The taste of berries

    I see you are different from them
    I do not know ... you are very beautiful
    Or is it that people are monsters

  10. #50
    The taste of berries

    I am saddened by the prospect of
    I always wound in the same
    I'm Lost
    I aches
    I am the bird which break the wing
    And ended up between the sky and clouds
    I am big setback
    I am life Minor
    Everything I create undue
    I'm Crazy
    I'm mad loud
    I am ... I do not know who I am
    Until you return
    Stars and the moon and sky
    I know myself in your eyes brown

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تم تطوير موقع درر العراق بواسطة Samer

قوانين المنتديات العامة


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