بسم الله االرحمن الرحيمأسئلةقطع وزارية مهمة منكتابالأنكليزيللسادسأعدادياليكم اسئلة مهمة للصف السادس الاعدادي لقطعالكتاب لمادة اللغة الانكليزيةالوحدة الاولىوالثانيةوالثالثة
New live الحياة الجديدة
Why did joe have to do alote ofthings that he \1
Didn,t like to do just?
Because he was going to go away tocollege-
Why did joe want to go to thedentist?\2
He wanted to go to the dentist tohave his cavites filled
Why did joe go to allen,s althoughhe didn,t like \3
To go there?
Did joe buy the trousers fromallen,s?\4
No , he didn,t
Why did joe taken the trousers outof the box?\5
He took the trousers out of the boxso that his didn,t notice his father from where he bought them
Whwt did his mother insist?why\6
His mother insisted to vist hisrelatives to say good by to them
How did joe feei when his motherinsisted on \7
Kissing him?
He felt embarrassed
What was joe contemplating by thetiem the \8
Frain pulled out of the station?
He was contemplatingwith his newlife away from home
Marshes of southern Iraqأهوار جنوبالعراق
What are Iraq marshes?\1
Marshes are larg beautiful lakessituated between the tigris and the euphrats
What were marshes in ancient times?\2
Marshes were playing and huntinggrounds for the Sumerian and babylion kings
What did the Sumerian kinggilgamish com \3
The Sumerian king gilamish came toseek immortality
What is the great marshes locallyknown ?\4
The great marshes locally known asalhor
? What do marshmen mainly live by\5
Marshmen mainly live by hunting and fishing
How do marshmen travel from oneplase to \6
Using canoes (mash hoof)
What do marshmen use for fishing?\7
They use five_pronged spears,others use nets for this purpose
What are houses in the marshesvillage \8
? Made of
Their houses are made of reed and reed mats
Wher are the houses in the marshesbuiff?\9
Their houses are buiff during thehot season when the level of the water is low
What do marshes provide the papermill in\10
Marshes provide the paper mill withlarge
Quantites of reeds
How does the plat from becomesstrong \11
The plat from becomes strong enoughby placing layers of reeds and reed mats and mud
What is geometry?\1
At the science that deals with the shapesand size of different things
What is elementary geometry dividedin to\2
At is divided in to two parts lane and sold
Geometry of What dose planegeometry is\3
Two dimensione length and widthdeals with plane figurs
Squar ,circles Surfaces) like triangles)
\4What does solid geometrydeals with ?
At is the geometry ofthreeDimensions at deals at deals like
with shape
Cylinder and pyramids wich havelength, cubse,
,widthand height or depth
\whatis line?5
Alineis aone_dimensional figure having lengh only
Whatare the types of lines?\6
Verticalline: is aone_dimensional figure \a
whatis an angle? How is it measured?\7
it isthe space between two meeting lines gt is measured indegree
howmany types of angles are there?\8
thereare three types:
arightangle:itis 90 angle\a
anobtuse angle:it is the angle that is \b
agrenterthan 90.
Anacute angle : it is the angle that is less \c
Whatis asurface?\9
Gt istwo _dimonsion figure, having length, width but no thickness
Whatis atringle?\10
Gt isathree sided figure and it is aplane figure because it has two dimensions
Howmany kinds of tringles are there?\11
Thereare foure types of triangleshey are
Equilateralis atringle with three equal sides \a
Isosceles:is atringle with three different \b
Scqlene:is atriangle with three different \c
Whatis aquadriteral?\12
Gt isafour_sided figure
Squareis afour equal sides figure?\13
Hasfour right angles and it is aplane figure because it has two dimensions
Rhombuseis aplane figure has four equl \14
Sidesangles are not 90
Eachopposite of any rectangle are right \15
Equaland parallel angles are
Parallelogramis aplane figure in wich each\16
Oppositesides are equal and parallel
Whatis acircle?\17
Acircleis aspase enclosed by acurved line every point wich is the same distance fromthe centre
Whatare the dimensions of circle?\18
Theyare : the circum ference, the radins and thediameter
Whatis the radius?\19
At isthe distance from the center to the circum fference
Whatis the circumference of acircle?\20
At isthe length of line forming it
Whatis the diameter?\21
At isastraiht line drawn from side to side through the contre of acircle
Whatis asolid?\22
Asolidis athree dimensional figure having length, width
Acubeis asolid figure has six equl square\23
Arectangularsolid is asolid figure with six \24
Faces,in which every two opposite faces
thesame in shape and mesure ments