النتائج 1 إلى 8 من 8

ملزمة انكليزي الرابع مع الانشاءات كاملة لكل الكتاب

الزوار من محركات البحث: 109309 المشاهدات : 166588 الردود: 7
جميع روابطنا، مشاركاتنا، صورنا متاحة للزوار دون الحاجة إلى التسجيل ، الابلاغ عن انتهاك - Report a violation
  1. #1
    صديق جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل: December-2014
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 2 المواضيع: 2
    التقييم: 2
    آخر نشاط: 26/December/2014

    5 ملزمة انكليزي الرابع مع الانشاءات كاملة لكل الكتاب

    مرحبا ممكن اعرف شوكت تنزل ملزمة انكليزي للمنهج الجديد رابع علمي

  2. #2
    من أهل الدار
    تاريخ التسجيل: December-2011
    الدولة: الارض ارضي والسماء سمائي
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 5,926 المواضيع: 388
    صوتيات: 14 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 2169
    مزاجي: اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وال م
    المهنة: مهندس سابقا
    أكلتي المفضلة: البامية ووحش الطاوة
    موبايلي: نوكيا بدون كاميرا
    آخر نشاط: منذ 3 يوم
    الاتصال: إرسال رسالة عبر MSN إلى Gameel Zubaidy إرسال رسالة عبر Yahoo إلى Gameel Zubaidy
    مقالات المدونة: 3

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل: August-2014
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 6,282 المواضيع: 95
    صوتيات: 18 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 1866
    مزاجي: الحمدلله
    مقالات المدونة: 54
    لتحميل ملزمة اللغة الانجليزية وبقية المواد للصف الرابع العلمي
    اضغط هنا

  4. #4
    من أهل الدار
    بنت في ارض الامل
    تاريخ التسجيل: August-2015
    الدولة: بغداد /الدوره
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 3,705 المواضيع: 68
    صوتيات: 2 سوالف عراقية: 3
    التقييم: 556
    مزاجي: الحمدلله
    أكلتي المفضلة: برياني
    موبايلي: لايوجد
    آخر نشاط: 28/September/2018
    مقالات المدونة: 3
    السلام عليكم هذا مختصر:

    ملزمة انكليزي الرابع مع الانشاءات كاملة لكل الكتاب
    Unit One: Lifestyles
    Present Simple: المضارع البسيط
    Uses: الاستخدامات
    1- To talk about every day activities. 1- للتكلم عن الأفعال اليومية والمتكررة.
    2- To talk about facts. 2- للتكلم عن الحقائق الموجودة في الحياة
    Affirmative. المثبت
    {I, We, You, They} + base verb (فعل مصدر) +تكملة الجملة.
    e.g.* I play football every day.
    * My parents visit our relatives.
    * They study Physics hard.
    Negative. المنفي
    {I, We , You , They} + do not + base verb + تكملة جملة.
    e.g. * I do not play football every day.
    * My parents do not visit our relatives.
    Question. الاستفهام
    Do + {I , we , you , they} + base verb + تكملة الجملة?
    e.g. * Do you play football every day?
    * Do my parents visit our relatives? Affirmative. المثبت
    He, She, It} + verb+ (s) الشخص الثالث + تكملة الجملة.
    e.g. * She travels to Europe every year.
    * Ali watches the TV.
    * Salwa studies English hard.
    Negative. المنفي
    He , She , It} + doesn't + base verb + تكملة الجملة.
    e.g. * She does not travel to Europe.
    * Salwa doesn't study English hard.
    Question. الاستفهام
    Does + {he , she , it} + base verb + تكملة الجملة?
    e.g. * Does she travel to Europe?
    * Does Salwa study English hard?
    Present Continuous.(-ing) المضارع المستمر
    Uses. الاستخدامات
    1- To talk about actions that are happening now at the time of speaking.
    2- To describe a present activity that is
    happening for only a short period of time. 1- للتكلم عن الأفعال التي تحدث الآن ، أي حصول الفعل وقت الكلام.
    2- لوصف فعل مضارع والذي يستمر لفترة قصيرة من الزمن.
    Affirmative. المثبت
    I + am + verb + ing + تكملة الجملة.
    * I'm playing football.
    * I am studying Chemistry.
    He, She, It + is + V -ing + تكملة .
    He is playing tennis now.
    Suha is watching TV.
    It is flying away.
    You, We, They + Are + V -ing +
    My brothers are having lunch.
    You are building a new house.
    We are swimming in the pool. Negative. المنفي
    I + am not + V -ing + تكملة الجملة.
    I am not playing football.
    I'm not studying Chemistry.
    He, She, It + isn't + V -ing + تكملة.
    Ali is not playing tennis now.
    She isn't watching TV.
    It's not flying away.
    You, We, They + aren't + V -ing
    They aren't having lunch.
    You aren't building a new house.
    We're not swimming in the pool. Question. الاستفهام
    Am + I + V -ing + تكملة الجملة?
    Am I playing football?
    Am I studying Chemistry?
    Is + he , she , it + V -ing + تكملة?
    Is he playing tennis now?
    Is Suha watching TV?
    Is it flying away?
    Are + you, we, they + V -ing + تكملة?
    Are they having lunch?
    Are you building a new house?
    Are we swimming in the pool?
    The Present Perfect: المضارع التام
    * We use the present perfect to talk about an event that happened sometimes in the past but its effect continues to the present:
    * نستخدم هذا الزمن للتحدث عن أفعال حدثت في وقت ما في الماضي ولكن تأثير هذا الفعل مازال مستمرا للوقت المضارع:
    Affirmative: مثبت
    I, We, you, they + have + 3rd form of the verb.
    * I have written three books about history.
    * My parents have travelled to Italy.
    * We have studied hard.
    Negative: منفي
    I, we, you, they}+ haven't + 3rd form of verb.
    * I haven't written three books about history.
    * My parents have not travelled to Italy.
    * We haven't studied hard.
    Question: استفهام
    Have + {I, we, you, they}+3rd form of the verb?
    * Have I written three books about history?
    * Have my parents travelled to Italy?
    * Have we studied hard? Affirmative: مثبت
    He, She, It} + has + 3rd form of the verb.
    * Sarah has invented a new program.
    * The match has started.
    * Ali has spoken well in the meeting.
    Negative: منفي
    He, She, It} + has not + 3rd form of the verb.
    * Sarah has not invented a new program.
    * The match has not started.
    * Ali hasn't spoken well in the meeting.
    Question: استفهام
    Has + {he, she, it} + 3rd form of the verb.
    * Has Sarah invented a new program?
    * Has the match started?
    * Has Ali spoken well in the meeting?
    * لاحظ أنه دائما بعد الفعل المساعد(has , have) يأتي الفعل الرئيسي في التصريف الثالث مثل written, travelled, وعادة عند تحويل الفعل المصدر إلى التصريف الثالث نضيف (ed) وهناك أفعال شاذة أيضاً تختلف إضافاتها حسب الفعل.
    * ملاحظة: نستخدم مع جملة المضارع التام ظروف الوقت التالية (ever , never , just , already , yet).
    1- نستخدم (ever) مع الجملة الاستفهامية فقط.
    2- نستخدم (ever , never , just) قبل الفعل الرئيسي.
    3- لا نستخدم كلمة (never) مع الجملة المنفية لأن الكلمة نفسها تعطي معنى النفي.
    4- أما (yet) فتأتي في نهاية الجملة المنفية. ولكن (already) ممكن تأتي قبل أو بعد الفعل الرئيسي.
    e.g. * Has Selma ever visited Spain?
    * I have never eaten mango.
    * The serpent has just killed a mouse.
    * The guests have left already. or The guests have already left.
    * Salwa hasn't fed her baby yet.
    ************************************************** **
    Unit Two: Celebrations
    * هناك في الإنكليزية أفعال معينة تسمى (بالأفعال الناقصة) نستخدمها لإظهار معنى معين دون غيره وهي كالتالي:
    1- Obligation: الإجبار
    a- (Have to) e.g. * You have to pass your test before you can drive.
    * We have to speak English in the classroom.
    b- (Must) e.g. * She must be ready when I come back.
    * Ali must do the surgery or he will suffer a lot.
    2- Lack of Obligation: إعفاء من الإجبار
    * (Don't have to, don't need to, needn't)
    e.g. * Students don't have to wear uniforms at our school.
    * You don't need to come before 9 o'clock.
    * Saher needn't study today, tomorrow is a holiday.
    3- Prohibition: التحريم أو المنع
    (Mustn't & Can't)
    e.g. * You can't smoke in hospitals. * I can't stay late. I've got a music lesson.
    * Suha mustn't go out today. * You mustn't eat sweets.
    4- Possibility and Permission: الاحتمالية والترخيص
    * We use (Can) to show the two meanings:نستخدم هذه الكلمة لإظهار أحد المعنيين وكما في الأمثلة
    e.g. * You can go out after you have done your homework. (permission)
    * You can buy CDs at the markets. (possibility)
    ملاحظة: يمكن استخدام كلمة (can't) لإظهار معنى عدم احتمالية حدوث الشيء (not possible) وكما في المثال:
    * I can't make bread without flour. (not possible)
    5- Advisable and not advisable: ينصح به ولا ينصح به
    (Should & Shouldn't)
    e.g. * My family should visit our grandparents this weekend.
    * Ali should take his medicine.
    * You shouldn't walk alone at night.
    * نلاحظ أنه بعد جميع هذه الأفعال نستخدم فعل مصدر بدون أي إضافة.
    ملاحظة: هناك تقسيم أخر لهذه الأفعال السابقة من حيث إذا كان الأمر يصدر مباشرة من الشخص الأول إلى الشخص الثاني أو إذا كان الأمر منقول من شخص الأول إلى الثاني بواسطة شخص ثالث، ويكون التقسيم كالتالي:
    أمر مباشر - Direct Order أمر غير مباشر - Reported Order معنى الفعل
    Don't have to
    Mustn't Have To
    Don't have to , needn't
    Obligation - إجبار
    Lack of obligationقلة إجبار -
    Prohibition - منع أو تحريم
    ملاحظة: عكس كلمتي have to , must) ) هي كلمة don't have to.
    The Passive: المبني للمجهول
    * نستخدم جملة المبني للمجهول عندما لا نعرف أو ليس هناك حاجة بأن نعرف من هو فاعل الجملة. وإنما يهمنا هو الفعل نفسه وليس الفاعل.
    * كيفية تحويل الجملة من المبني للمعلوم إلى المبني للمجهول يكون بإتباع الخطوات التالية:
    1- نأخذ المفعول به في جملة المبني للمعلوم ونجعله فاعلاً في جملة المبني للمجهول.
    2- ننظر إلى زمن الجملة فإذا كان ماضي نستخدم إما (was , were) وإذا كان مضارعاً فنستخدم (am , is , are) وحسب عدد الفاعل: بمعنى إذا كان مفردا مضارعاً نستخدم (is) أو (am) وإذا كان مفردا ماضيا نستخدم (was) أما إذا كان الفاعل جمع مضارع نستخدم (are) وماضي نستخدم (were).
    3- بعد أن استخدمنا الأفعال المساعدة السابقة (is, am, are, was, were) فيكون الفعل الرئيسي الذي يأتي بعدها والموجود أساساً في الجملة المبنية للمعلوم في حالة التصريف الثالث (Past participle)
    Form / القاعدة
    * Present simple + {is, am, are} + 3rd form of the verb.
    * Past simple + {was , were} + 3rd form of the verb.
    حولنا الفعل (buys) إلى التصريف الثالث (bought) بعد الفعل (is)
    e.g. He buys a new car. (مبني للمعلوم) A new car is bought. (مبني للمجهول)
    المفعول به أصبح فاعلاً
    لأن زمن الجملة مضارع ولأن الفاعل (car) مفرد فاستخدمنا (is)
    * The student opened the book. The book was opened.
    * People build bonfires on hilltops. Bonfires are lit on hilltops.
    * The children drink the milk. The milk is drunk.
    * How many eggs did Ali eat? How many eggs were eaten?
    Articles / أدوات التعريف والتنكير
    (A , An)
    * We use (a , an) when it doesn't matter which particular person or thing we are talking about; or when we mention this person or thing as an example of a group or when we mention something for the first time.
    * نستخدم (a , an) عندما لا يهمنا عن أي شخص أو شيء نتحدث عنه. أو عندما نذكر شخص ما أو شيء ما كمثال عن مجموعة معينة. ونستخدم (a , an) أيضاً عندما نتكلم عن شخص أو شيء لأول مرة وكما في الأمثلة التالية:
    e.g. * I saw a girl walking down the street. (نتحدث عن الفتاة للمرة الأولى)
    * We bought a new car. (لسنا مهتمين أي سيارة اشترينا. مجرد سيارة)
    * The teacher speaks to a student from my class. (نتكلم عن الطالب كمثال عن صفه أو مجموعته)
    * ملاحظة: نستخدم (a) عندما يبدأ الاسم بحرف صحيح أو صوت صحيح. ونستخدم (an) عندما يبدأ الاسم بحرف علة أو صوت علة وكما في الأمثلة التالية: حرف صحيح e.g. * I want to see a video.
    * I went to see an exhibition yesterday. حرف علة
    * My father is an honest man. صوت علة
    * She works in a university. صوت صحيح
    * We use (The) when the other person knows who / what we are talking about and can easily identify this person or thing; and we use it with things that are unique:
    * نستخدم (The) عندما يكون الطرف الآخر يعرف عن ماذا نتكلم أي أنه معروف لدى الجميع عن أي شخص أو شيء نتكلم عنه. وكذلك أيضاً عندما نتكلم عن شيء مميز أو نتكلم عن شيء أو شخص للمرة الثانية وليس المرة الأولى.
    e.g. * The car is dirty. (نتكلم عن سيارة محددة دون غيرها)
    * What is the capital of England? (نتحدث عن شيء مميز ومعروف)
    * ملاحظة: في الإنكليزية هناك كلمات حيث استخدام أدوات التنكير والتعريف يصعب شرحه ولذلك يجب علينا تعلم هذه الكلمات كما هي وحفظها دون تغيير:
    1- No articles / بدون أدوات تنكير أو تعريف
    (home , school , work , bed , breakfast / lunch / dinner , hospital , car , train , plane)
    2- Expressions with (the) / عبارات نستخدم معها أداة التعريف حصراً
    (the station , the cinema , the piano / guitar / oud / lute , the evening / afternoon / morning)
    3- Expressions with (a /an) عبارات نستخدم معها أدوات التنكير حصراً
    (have a bath / shower , a rest , make a cake , have a drink)
    ملاحظة: مع أسماء الدول لا نستخدم (the) ما عدا بعض الدول مثل:
    (the USA , the UAE , the United Kingdom , the Netherlands , the UN , the UNICEF)
    * ونستخدم كلمة (the) أيضاً مع أسماء الأنهار ، البحار ، المحيطات و سلاسل الجبال.
    (the Nile , the Thames , the Atlantic , the Pacific , the Alps , the Andes)
    ************************************************** ***************
    Unit Three: Money
    Countable and Uncountable Nouns ألأسماء المعدودة والغير المعدودة *
    Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
    1- يأتون في صيغة المفرد والجمع:
    (pencil - pencils) (man - men)
    (flower - flowers) (door - doors)
    (child - children) (ox - oxen)
    2- يمكن استخدام أرقام قبل الأسماء المعدودة:
    e.g. * I have got two cars.
    * There are six men in the team.
    3- للسؤال عن المعدود نستخدم (How many) 1- ليس لديها صيغة الجمع ودائما نستخدم معها فعل مفرد:
    e.g. * Money isn't everything.
    * Milk is rich with Vitamin C.
    2- لا يمكن أن نستخدم أرقاما قبل الأسماء الغير المعدودة:
    3- لا يمكن استخدام (a / an) مع الأسماء الغير معدودة:
    e.g. * I bought bread and milk.
    * I need to drink water.
    4- للسؤال عن الأسماء غير المعدودة نستخدم (How much)
    ملاحظة: هناك بعض الكلمات والعبارات والتي تستخدم مع الأسماء المعدودة والغير معدودة وهي كالتالي:
    1- (some , any , no) these words are used with countable and uncountable nouns. We usually use (some) in affirmative sentences and (any) in negative and interrogative sentences:
    1- نستخدم هذه الكلمات مع الأسماء المعدودة والغير المعدودة. وعادة نستخدم كلمة (some) مع الجملة المثبتة وكلمة (any) مع الجملة المنفية والاستفهامية:e.g. * I need some new shoes. * I don't have any money.
    * There are no students in the classroom. معدود * She has no work to do. غير معدود
    1-A) (Much & a little) these words are used with uncountable nouns only:
    1-أ) نستخدم هذه الكلمات مع الأسماء الغير المعدودة فقط: e.g. * We haven't bought much sugar.
    * There is a little cake left. (غير معدود)
    1-B) (Many & a few) these words are used with countable nouns only:
    1- ب) نستخدم هذه الكلمات مع الأسماء المعدودة فقط: e.g. * There aren't many quiet places nowadays.
    * I invited a few friends over for lunch.
    * نلاحظ أنه غالبا ما نستخدم كلمتي (much , many) في الجمل المنفية على عكس كلمتي (a little , a few) والتي تستخدم مع الجملة المثبتة.
    e.g. * I have bought a few books. (مثبت) * I haven't bought many books. (منفي)
    * She has a little work left to do. (مثبت) * She doesn't have much work to do. (منفي)
    1-C) (A lot of) We use this phrase with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns only:
    1- ج) نستخدم هذه العبارة مع الأسماء الغير معدودة والأسماء المعدودة الجمع فقط وليس المعدود المفرد:
    e.g. * Maher have read a lot of books. (معدود جمع) * She's put a lot of salt to the food. غير معدود))
    2- (All / None ; Both / Neither)
    A- We use (all) in front of plural and uncountable nouns when we are referring to each/ every one of the people or things, or the complete amount of something:
    أ- نستخدم كلمة (all) مع الأسماء الغير معدودة والأسماء المعدودة الجمع فقط وذلك عندما نشير إلى كل شخص أو شيء على حدا أو عندما نشير إلى الكمية الكاملة لشيء ما وكما في الأمثلة التالية:
    e.g. * All of the players are fit. (معدود جمع) * Zeena ate all her rice. (غير معدود)
    B- We use (None of) in front of plural nouns only: * نستخدم هذه الكلمة قبل الأسماء المعدودة الجمع فقط
    e.g. * None of the people was aware of danger.
    * None of the students failed the test. ملاحظة: لا نستخدم هذه الكلمة مع الجملة المنفية. فقط مع المثبتة.
    C- We use (both of) and (neither of) when there are two things or people:
    ج- نستخدم كلمتي (both , neither) عندما نشير إلى شيئين أو شخصين أثنين مع ملاحظة أن :كلمة (both) تعطي معنى المثبت على عكس كلمة (neither) والتي تعطي معنى النفي: e.g. * Both cars are very fast and nice.
    * Neither of them can swim.
    3- (another , other , the other , the second)
    A- We use (another) in front of singular countable nouns to mean "one more" or "different one":
    أ- نستخدم كلمة (another) قبل الأسماء المفردة المعدودة لتعني "واحد أخر" أو "واحد مختلف":
    e.g. * I don't like this pen. I'm going to buy another one.
    B- We use (other) in front of plural countable nouns when we refer to "different ones":
    ب- نستخدم كلمة (other) قبل الأسماء المعدودة الجمع عندما نشير إلى "أشياء مختلفة"
    e.g. * There are other routes to school but this one is the shortest.
    * Some people are mean, other people are generous.
    C- We use (the other) in front of singular and plural nouns. It means "not this one" or "the remaining one(s)"
    ج- نستخدم كلمة (the other) قبل الأسماء المعدودة المفردة والجمع لتعطي معنى "ليس هذا الواحد" أو "الأشخاص أو الأشياء الباقون": (مفرد) e.g. * This shoe is very dirty, but the other one is clean.
    * The goal keeper was terrible but the other defendants played well. (جمع)
    ملاحظة: إن الفرق بين كلمتي (another , other) وكلمة (the other) وهو أن الكلمتين الأولى تستخدم مع المفرد والجمع ولكن عندما نتحدث بصورة عامة وبدون تحديد. أما كلمة (the other) فتستخدم أيضا مع المفرد والجمع ولكن بصورة محددة وخاصة.
    ملاحظة: يجب أن نميز بين استخدام كلمة (the other) وكلمة (the second) وذلك أننا نستخدم الأولى عندما يكون هناك شيئين ، شخصين أو مجموعتين في حين نستخدم الثانية (the second) عندما نعدد أشياء بالتسلسل الرقمي ويكون هناك أكثر من أثنين:
    e.g. * The first song was good, the second song was OK, but the third song was terrible.
    * There were many contestants in Boston marathon and Jack came the second.
    ************************************************** ********
    Unit Four: Cyberspace
    Future with: Going to and Will.
    1- We use (going to) to talk about future plans and intentions:
    1- نستخدم (going to) للتكلم عن الخطط المستقبلية والنوايا:
    Rule / القاعدة
    I + am + going to + base verb + تكملة الجملة.
    e.g. * I am going to play football tomorrow.
    He, She, It} + is + going to + base verb + تكملة الجملة.
    e.g. * She is going to pass the exam.
    You, We, They} + are + going to + base verb + تكملة الجملة.
    e.g. * My sisters are going to leave next week.
    * لاحظ أن بعد (to) دائما يأتي فعل مصدر وبدون أي إضافة مثل الفعل (do , watch , work)
    * إذا أردنا نفي الجملة أو جعلها استفهامية نتبع نفس قاعدة المضارع البسيط أي ننفي الـ(am , is , are) أو نقدم هذه الأفعال المساعدة على الفاعل في حالة الاستفهام.
    1- We use (Will) to make predictions about the future:
    1- نستخدم (Will) لعمل توقعات أو تكهنات حول المستقبل:
    Rule / القاعدة
    Affirmative: subject (فاعل) + will + base verb + تكملة الجملة.
    Negative: subject + will not (won't) + base verb + تكملة الجملة.
    Question: Will + subject + base verb + تكملة الجملة?
    e.g. * In the future, shopping malls will be more fun than now. (مثبت)
    * We won't need to move from our house. (منفي)
    * Will shopping in the internet become more popular? (استفهام)
    First Conditional / جملة الشرط الأولى
    * We use the first conditional to talk about possible future events which depend on other future events. * نستخدم هذه جملة للتحدث عن أحداث مستقبلية محتملة الحدوث وهذه الأحداث تعتمد على أحداث مستقبلية أخرى
    Rule / القاعدة
    If + present simple, will + infinitive.
    e.g. * If you go to the Science Museum, you will see a lot of interesting exhibitions.
    * You will get fat If you eat a lot of sweets.
    * If you take the bus, you will be late to work.
    Second Conditional / جملة الشرط الثانية
    * We use this conditional to talk about imagined or impossible events in the future:
    * نستخدم هذه الجملة للتحدث عن أحداث مستقبلية خيالية أو مستحيلة: القاعدة / Rule
    If + past simple, would + infinitive.
    e.g. * If I had the money, I would go somewhere cool for a few weeks.
    * Hala would pass the exam if she answered better.
    Literature: is a way to communicate our thoughts and feelings to the outside world in a beautiful and meaningful writing.
    Q1) Why we read literature?
    1. It is enjoyable.
    2. It is the source of knowledge and information.
    3. It breaks the barriers between different kinds of people.
    4. Allows us to share in different human experiences.
    5. It helps us understand ourselves and others.
    6. It widens our field of vision.
    Q2) Why we analyze literature?
    1. To understand a literary text.
    2. Discovering the patterns of meaning and understanding what the writer wants to say.
    3. To learn how literary text is structured.
    Poetry: 1. The interplay between the meaning of the words and their arrangement on paper. 2. Poetry is the best words in their best orders.
    3. The way a writer tries to communicate to others his emotional and intellectual reaction to his own experience and to the world around him.
    Figures of Speech: is any use of language that is different from the normal or obvious use to create a different meaning or have an effect.
    Simile: is a figure of speech in which two very different things are compared using the word "like" or "as". For example: "life is a rollcoaster."
    Metaphor: is a comparison in which two different thing are compared without the use of "like" or "as."
    Personification: is a figure of speech. In it, an object like: (chair, the sun, tree ...etc.) or an abstract idea like: (winter, happiness, misery ...etc.) is described as it was alive, as if it had a human feature. For example: "The sky is crying".
    The Sonnet: is a rhyming poem of 14 lines which is considered to be one of the most challenging types of poetry to write. It was invented in the 13th century. An English sonnet consists of three verses of four lines called "quatrain" followed by a rhyming "couplet" which summarizes the ideas found in the poem.
    * William Shakespeare's Comprehension Questions.
    Q1) Did Shakespeare want to publish his sonnets"
    A. No he didn't want to publish his sonnets as they were first published in 1609 without their author's knowledge and permission.
    Q2) To whom are sonnets 1-126 addressed?
    A. They are addressed to an unnamed "fair youth" , probably Shakespeare's friend the Earl of Southampton.
    Q3) Are all the sonnets written in the same style?
    A. No, they aren't. Shakespeare uses many different styles in his poems, sometimes complex and other times very simple.
    'Shall I Compare Thee'
    By William Shakespeare
    Q1) Why is the poet's addressee better than a summer's day, According to lines 1 - 4?
    * The friend is more beautiful and temperate, unlike summer's day, which is not perfect and will not last.
    Q2) What is 'the eye of heaven'? When is its 'gold complexion dimmed'?
    * The eye of heaven is the sun. It is dimmed by cloud or bad weather.
    Q3) What destroys beauty in line 8?
    * Accidents or time destroy beauty.
    Q4) Why will the friend's 'eternal summer' not fade?
    * Because the addressee will live in Shakespeare's poetry, which will live as long as there are people to read.
    Q5) Do you agree with the last two lines of the poem? Give reasons for your answers.
    * The students' own answer.
    O' Blessed Tigris by Muhammad Mahdi Al-Jwahiri.
    Q1) Find examples of simile in the poem.
    * Like doves between water and clay.
    Q2) What are the characteristics that the poet attributes to the river?
    * The water is able to greet
    * It has a heart which can be inflamed.
    * It can grieve, soothe and pacify.
    Q3) Which metaphor in the poem do you find most effective and why?
    (Students' own answers)
    A possible answer: (I think the most effective metaphor is when the speaker compare his feelings with "a volcano seething with rage" Which expresses the poet's genuine feelings and that he is suffering and sad being far away from his home Iraq.
    Q4) What do you think the poet is describing in line 3 and lines 5 - 6?
    * The speaker feels the need to be close to the Tigris and so he is refreshed by seeing it. He often has to go far away from the river perhaps outside Iraq To a place where he is not satisfied.
    Q5) What do you think the volcano in line 11 might represent?
    * It could represent the speaker suffering, anger and negative feelings.
    ************************************************** ******************************
    Science Topics
    1- The Architect of The Future
    Q1) How did Hadid become interested in architecture?
    A.1) She became interested in architecture when she visited and saw the beauty of ancient Sumer when she was a teenager.
    Q2) Where did she study?
    A. 2) After school in Baghdad and Switzerland, she studied maths in Lebanon and in 1972 she enrolled at the Architectural Association School of Architecture.
    Q3) Why was 1994 an important year for Hadid?
    A. 3) Because her design for the new Cardiff Bay Opera House in Wales was selected for construction.
    Q4) Name one unusual thing about the design of the Centre for Contemporary Art.
    A. 4) The outdoor pavement continues into the building, leading the visitors towards a central staircase that merges with the structure's back wall.
    Q5) Why was winning the Pritzker Architecture Prize significant for Hadid?
    A. 5) Because it's considered the profession's highest honour and that she the first woman to receive the award.
    Q6) Why do you think Hadid is so successful?
    A. 6) She remained true to her art in spite of all obstacles she has had to face. Each new design continues to bring different surprises.
    2-A) The Air Around You
    Q1) How do you know a storm is going to begin?
    * You Know when the sky is full of thick and dark clouds. Moreover, a bright flash of lightening followed by a clap of thunder and the start of raindrops.
    Q2) What is weather?
    * Weather is the condition of earth's atmosphere at a particular place and time.
    Q3) What's the earth's atmosphere?
    * It is the layer of gases that surrounds the planet.
    Q4) Why is earth suitable for living things?
    * Because it contains oxygen and other gases that human beings and other living things need to live.
    Q5) Why is earth's atmosphere important?
    1- It traps some of the sun's energy which keeps most of the earth surface warm enough for water to exist as a liquid.
    2- It protects living things from dangerous radiations from the sun.
    3- It protects earth's surface from being hit by most meteoroids.
    Q6) What is earth's atmosphere made of?
    * It made of a variety of gases such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapour as well as particles of liquids and solids.
    Q7) Which gas makes up most of the atmosphere?
    * Nitrogen makes up most of the atmosphere.
    2-B) Global Changes in The Atmosphere
    Q1) What are the two most important issues facing the world?
    * They are global warming and the thinning of the ozone layer.
    Q2) What could increase Earth's temperature?
    * The temperature increases either by natural variations or human activities.
    Q3) Explain the "Greenhouse Effect".
    * It's a process by which gasses in the atmosphere of earth traps solar energy.
    Q4) What does increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
    * The burning of wood, coal, oil and natural gasses add carbon dioxide to the air.
    Q5) What has been happening to Earth's atmosphere?
    * The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been steadily increasing.
    Q6) What has been damaging the ozone layer?
    * Chemicals produced by humans have been damaging the ozone layer.
    Q7) Name the three effects of ozone depletion?
    * Ozone depletion can cause sunburns, eye damage and several kinds of skin cancer.
    3-A) Alexander Graham Bell
    Q1) Who invented the first telephone, and when.
    * Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone on March 10 1876.
    Q2) What was the first telephone made of?
    * It was made of a wooden stand, a funnel, a cup of acid and some copper wire.
    Q3) Why was Bell successful?
    * Because he understood acoustics, the scientific study of sounds, and knew about electricity.
    Q4) What does the word Telephone mean?
    * It comes from the Greek word 'tele' meaning far away, and 'phone' meaning voice or voiced sound. Generally, telephone is any device which transmits sound over a distance.
    3-B) Telephone History.
    Q1) What kinds of communication did people use before the telephone was invented?
    * They used smoke signals, mirrors, jungle drums, carrier pigeons and semaphore to get messages from one point to another.
    Q2) What was Bell interested in throughout his life?
    * He was interested in the education of the deaf people.
    Q3) What was the telephone originally called?
    * It was called "electrical speech machine."
    Q4) What are deaf people able to use today to communicate?
    * They are able to use a special display telephone to communicate.
    ************************************************** **
    4- Computers
    Q1) What is the contribution of Charles Babbage to the development of computers?
    * He wrote the basics of how to build a computer.
    Q2) What did Herman Hollerith's machine do?
    * It counted government figures more quickly.
    Q3) Who really started the computer age, and how?
    * Alan Turing, by inventing a machine that was able to think in a real way. A machine that could read and write information, with a memory to keep it in and a program of mathematical commands.
    Q4) What was the Z3? What was it used for?
    * It's an electrical machine which was controlled by a program and it was used to help build aeroplanes and the V2 rockets.
    Q5) What were the problems with ENIAC computers?
    * It was very big and needed an enormous quantity of electricity, and it also became very hot.
    Q6) Why is the transistor important?
    * It was cheaper, smaller and worked better than the old electronic connections.
    Vocabulary المفردات
    Spelling: الإضافات
    * Plurals الجمع
    1- Regular plural with + (S)
    Pen Book Computer Door Fridge Stamp Pillow School Cow Lamp
    Pens Books Computers Doors Fridges Stamps Pillows Schools Cows Lamps
    2- Plural with (es). We add (es) only to words end in (s, z, x, ch, sh)
    Glass Buzz Fax / box Watch Dash
    Glasses Buzzes Faxes / boxes Watches Dashes
    3- Nouns end in consonant + ‏‎like‎‏ رمز تعبيري we change the ‏‎like‎‏ رمز تعبيري into (i) and add (es), but if the noun ends in vowel + ‏‎like‎‏ رمز تعبيري we only add (s) without changing the ‏‎like‎‏ رمز تعبيري.
    Toy Toys
    Day Days
    Dictionary Dictionaries
    Study Studies
    Belly Bellies
    ملاحظة: إذا انتهى الاسم بحرف الـ(y) مسبوق بحرف صحيح نحول الـ(y) إلى (I) ثم نضيف (es) أما إذا انتهى الاسم بحرف ‏‎like‎‏ رمز تعبيري ومسبوق بحرف علة نضيف (S) فقط من دون تحويل الـ(y) إلى (I) وكما في الجدول المجاور:
    4- Some nouns end in (f / fe) we change the (f) into (v) and add (es).
    ملاحظة: بعض الأسماء التي تنتهي بحرف (f / fe) نحول الـ(f) إلى (v) ثم نضيف (es) وكما في الجدول التالي:
    Thief Thieves Knife Knives
    Shelf Shelves Life Lives
    5- Irregular noun /الأسماء ذات الجمع الشاذ
    Child Tooth Ox Man Goose Mouse Louse Person
    Children Teeth Oxen Men Geese Mice Lice People
    * Opposites الأضداد أو المتعاكسات
    Credible X incredible Wide X narrow Tall X short Possible X impossible
    Boring X interesting High X low Cheap X expensive Practical X impractical
    Happy X sad Black X white Brilliant X terrible polite X impolite
    Top X bottom Quiet X noisy Legal X illegal Patient X impatient
    Easy X difficult Brave X coward Regular X irregular Friendly X unfriendly
    Heavy X light Fast X slow Dry X wet Tidy X untidy
    Online X offline Increase X decrease Convenient X inconvenient Appear X disappear
    Pessimistic X optimistic Real X unreal Lend X borrow Save X Spend
    Useful X useless Reliable X Unreliable Automatic X Manual Strong X Weak
    Artificial X Natural Cold X Hot Feminine X Masculine Formal X informal
    Nouns & adjectives الأسماء والصفات
    Brilliance = brilliant Fashion = fashionable Happiness = happy
    Intelligence = intelligent Comfort = comfortable Friend = friendly
    Importance = important Horror = horrible Analysis = Analytical
    Confidence = confident Terror = terrible Relaxation = relaxed
    Success = successful Fame = famous Climate = Climatic
    Beauty = beautiful Wisdom = wise Anger = angry
    Care = careful Profession = professional Legend = legendary
    Disgust = disgusting Attraction = attractive Crowd = crowded
    Interest = interesting Expense = expensive Talent = talented
    Medicine = medical Education = educational Colour = colourful
    Energy = Energetic Boredom = Boring Eccentricity = Eccentric
    Excitement = Excited Home = Homey Laziness = Lazy
    Peace X Peaceful Stress = Stressful Surprise = Surprising
    Reliance = Reliable Expense = Expensive Post = postal
    The Three Forms of Some Important Irregular Verbs
    Meaning Past Participle Past Simple Base Verb
    يكون been was, were be (is, am, are) 1
    يصبح become became become 2
    يبدأ begun began begin 3
    يكسر broken broke break 4
    يجلب brought brought bring 5
    يبني built built build 6
    يشتري bought bought buy 7
    يعرف known knew know 8
    يختار chosen chose choose 9
    يأتي come came come 10
    يقطع cut cut cut 11
    يفعل done did do 12
    يشرب drunk drank drink 13
    يجعل made made make 14
    يأكل eaten ate eat 15
    يشعر felt felt feel 16
    يقاتل fought fought fight 17
    يكتب written wrote write 18
    Prepositions حروف الجر
    * (In) We use in with (months , seasons , years , the morning, afternoon, evening)
    e.g. * The school year ends in June.
    * I love going to Turkey in Spring.
    * Iraq Olympic football team was qualified to the Olympic Games in 2004.
    * Shamil usually does his exercises in the evening.
    * (At)
    * نستخدم (at) مع أوقات الساعة ومع عبارات مثل (the moment, the weekend) e.g.
    * كما نستخدم (at) للتكلم عن مكان محدد بمعنى "في" أو "عند" * The children are at school
    * كما تستخدم مع الفعل (look) وكما في المثال التالي: Look at this painting. *
    * Maher usually visits his grandparents at the weekend.
    * The film started at 11:00 p.m.
    * تستخدم (On) مع أيام الأسبوع و التواريخ المحددة باليوم وكذلك تستخدم لتعطي معنى "على" (On) *
    * We will travel to Egypt on Saturday. مع الأيام
    * The Final Examinations are on 2nd June. مع التواريخ
    * The book is on the shelf. بمعنى "على"
    * نستخدم (Form) للتعبير عن بداية فترة زمنية وتعطي معنى "من" كما تستخدم للسؤال عن المكان: (From)*
    e.g. She lived in Syria from 2003 to 2008.
    * Where are you from? I'm from Iraq.
    * كما نستخدم (To) لتعطي معنى "إلى" ونستخدم (Into) لتعطي معنى "نحو" أو "باتجاه". أما حرف الجر (For) فيأتي بعده فترة زمنية محددة. وحرف الجر (About) يستخدم لإعطاء معنى "حول" أو تأتي بمعنى "تقريباً"
    * She lived in Syria from 2003 to 2009.
    * He went into the classroom.
    * I swam in the pool for two hours. * Kadhim worked in Qatar for six years.
    * The book is about Iraq's history. (حول) * Zainab is about 20 years old. (تقريباً)
    Matching / مطابقة
    Q1- Match the underlined words in (1 - 5) with the grammar words (a - e) (P. 8)
    1- Samir eats healthy food. a- Present Simple
    2- We won the football match last week. b- Past Simple
    3- The children are watching cartoon. c- Present Continuous
    4- He has been away for three years. d- Present Perfect
    5- I will go to the post office tomorrow. e- Future
    Q2- Match the following:(P. 17)
    1- Do a- (the housework, repairs, work, exams, exercise, problems)
    2- Have b- (a shower, meals, food, jobs, a haircut, chicken)
    3- Keep c- (fit, the station clean)
    4- Go d- (space walking, outside, swimming, climbing, jogging)
    5- Spend e- (time, thirty minutes, $200)
    Q3- Match the following: (P. 20)
    1- Portable a- TV
    2- lazy b- Behaviour
    3- TV c- Channel
    4- Two-bedroomed d- House
    5- Goldfish e- Bowl
    6- Primary f- School
    7- Homeless g- People
    8- Classical h- Music
    Q4- Match the following: (P. 23)
    1- Do a- (business, the washing up)
    2- Have b- (an ice cream, an experience, lunch, tea)
    Q5- Match the verbs with their meanings: (P. 25)
    1- Have to a- Necessary
    2- Don't have to b- Not necessary
    3- Can c- Allowed / Possible
    4- Can't d- Not allowed / Not possible
    5- Should e- Advisable
    6- Shouldn't f- Not advisable
    Q6- Match the words in (1 - 6) with their definitions in (a - g) (P. 33)
    1- Cook a- Person who prepares food.
    2- Dish b- A specific type of prepared food. e.g. roast beef, spaghetti Bolognese.
    3- Food c- General term for things you eat.
    4- Lunch d- The foot you eat between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. in Britain.
    5- Meal e- Food you eat at specific time of the day, e.g. breakfast, dinner.
    6- Recipe f- Ingredients and instructions for making a particular meal.
    7- Curry g- An Indian dish of meat or vegetables with lots of spices.
    Q7- Match the words in (1 - 5) with their definitions in (a - e) (P.38)
    1- To bargain a- To discuss the price of something in order to agree on a lower price.
    2- Price b- How much you have to pay for something.
    3- Discount c- Money taken off the full price.
    4- A bargain d- Something that is very good value.
    5- Cash e- Money in coins and notes.
    Q8- Match the following: (P. 57)
    1- Do a- (homework, prediction, mistake, the shopping, exams, very well at English, the dishes)
    2- Make b- (a guess, phone call, suggestion, mistake, your bed, cup of tea, friends, noise)
    Q7- Match the words in (1 - 6) with their definitions in (a - g) (P. 50)
    1- Cybercriminal a- A criminal who uses the internet.
    2- Hacker b- A person who enters people's computers without permission.
    3- Cyberterrorist c- Someone who uses computers for violent political demands.
    4- The Internet d- Computer system allows people around the world to exchange information.
    5- Virtual World e- Images produced by computers that surround a person and seem real.
    6- E-mail f- A system where people can send messages to each other by computer.
    Q9- Match the following: (P. 60)
    1- Virtual a- world
    2- Cyber b- space
    3- Space c- shuttle
    4- Genetic d- engineering
    5- Computer e- programme
    6- Web f- site
    7- E- g- mail
    8- Science h- fiction
    Q10- Match the definitions with the uses of (get) in the sentences: (P. 60)
    1- I used to get well with her. a- To have a good relationship
    2- Get in touch before the weekend. b- To contact.
    3- How are you getting on? c- To manage.
    4- Online shopping is getting much more common. d- To become.
    5- I think things are going to get better next year. e- To improve.
    6- I'd better get on with my homework. f- To continue doing something.
    7- We will get most of our shopping from the net. g- To receive.
    8- The city has got a large number of boats. h- To possess
    Writing Comprehension: الإنشاء
    1- Personal Letter: رسالة شخصية
    1- نبدأ كتابة الرسالة الشخصية بكتابة عنوان المرسل إليه وذلك في أعلى يمين الصفحة ويكون كتابة العنوان عن طريق كتابة رقم وأسم الشارع. ثم ننزل سطر ونكتب اسم المدينة والبلد (إن وجد). ثم سطر جديد ونكتب تاريخ كتابة الرسالة.
    2- سطر جديد ونبدأ من اليسار ونكتب كلمة (Dear) وبعدها اسم الشخص المرسل إليه.
    3- ألآن سنبدأ بكتابة الإنشاء والذي يتكون من أربعة أجزاء وكالتالي:
    1- Introduction: (say who you are and how you know the person you are writing to)
    1- مقدمـــــــة: تذكر اسمك ومن تكون وكيف تعرف الشخص الذي ترسل إليه الرسالة
    2- Questions: (Ask the other person questions about his/her life.
    2- أسئـــــــلة: قم بسؤال الشخص المرسل إليه أسئلة عن حياته الخاصة.
    3- Information: (Give information about your own life and how you have changed.
    3- معلومــات: قم بإعطاء معلومات عن حياتك في الوقت الحاضر وكيف تغيرت مقارنة بالماضي.
    4- Reasons to finish. 4- قم بإعطاء عذر أو حجة لإنهاء كتابة الرسالة.
    5- Sign Off. 5- انهي الإنشاء باستخدام عبارات معينة مثل (تمنياتي بالتوفيق) ومن ثم اكتب اسمك في نهاية الرسالة.
    A Personal Letter
    20 Nineveh Street,
    24 April
    Dear Selma,
    This is Farida Al-Komy. Remember me? We were friends in primary school. We haven't seen each other for about ten years - right?
    Anyway, how are you? What are you doing now? Are you working? Have you married? ...etc.
    Now, I'm studying medicine at the university here. I think I've changed a lot over the years. I don't like reading thrillers anymore - I prefer history books now...etc.
    Well, I must finish now because I've got an exam tomorrow. Write me back soon and tell me about your news.
    All the best,
    2- A Description of an Event. وصف مناسبة معينة
    * تكون كتابة هذا الإنشاء على أربع قطع وفي كل قطعة نذكر معلومات معينة وهي كالتالي:
    1- Introduction: (say why, when and where the celebration took place. Say who was there).
    1- المقدمة: ونذكر في المقدمة سبب الاحتفال ومتى وأين أقيم هذا الاحتفال ، ثم نذكر من حضر في هذا الاحتفال.
    2- The beginning: (describe the preparations and how the celebration started).
    2- البداية: ونذكر فيها وصف للتحضيرات التي سبقت المناسبة وكيف بدأ الاحتفال.
    3- Development: (describe what happened during the party).
    3- تطور الأحداث: إعطاء وصف لما حدث خلال الحفل أو المناسبة.
    4- Conclusion: (describe the scene at the end of the celebration).
    4- الختام: وصف المشهد النهائي للحفل أو المناسبة: وفيما يلي مثالين لمناسبات مختارة
    Birthday Party
    In the past 15th of December, we celebrated my daughter's birthday Selma. We planned the party to take place in my sister's house. The party was for close relatives only, so we didn't invite many people.
    My sister Hala made all the preparations, for example, she decorated the house, made a big cake and some delicious pastries. Then, in the evening, relatives began to arrive to my sister's house.
    The party started by lighting the candles of the cake, turning off the lights and singing "happy birthday to you". Selma then cut the cake and ate some of it, it was yummy. My brother took pictures to all of us celebrating .
    Eventually, we left my sister's house with a lot of presents given to Selma. The house was dirty, but Selma was so thrilled and happy to receive such a lot of gifts.
    3- An Advertisement of a Gadget: إعلان لمنتج معين
    * تكون كتابة هذا الإنشاء على أربع خطوات أولها أن تختار عنوان للمنتج المعلن عنه ويكون ملفت للنظر والاهتمام. ثم في القطعة الثانية نذكر المشكلة التي سيقوم بعلاجها هذا المنتج . أما القطعة الثالثة فنذكر بها ميزات المنتج المعلن عنه وما يمتاز به من مواصفات. وأخيراً نذكر سعر المنتج وكيفية الحصول عليه.
    Save Time and Energy
    Does it take you ages to get to work or school? Are you tired of carrying heavy bags back from the shops? Here is the perfect solution: the Personal Electric Transporter (PET).
    The (PET) has only got two wheels. It's easy to use and moves with your body. It's enjoyable too. The PET is very convenient and practical. Its maximum speed is 30 kph and it can carry a person weighs 110kg. Its electric battery also has a range of 18 kilometers, and it doesn't cause any pollution, either.
    The PET is a bargain at $4000! For more information contact on 02079991.
    4- An Internet Page: صفحة الإنترنت
    * في هذا الإنشاء سنصمم صفحة إنترنت ونتكلم فيها عن مدينة أو بلد معين ونذكر في صفحتنا معلومات عن ذلك البلد. وتكون كتابة هذا الإنشاء على ثلاث قطع وكالتالي:
    1- Introduction: (Give information about location, population, religion, culture and history).
    1- المقدمة: (ونذكر فيها معلومات عن موقع البلد وعدد السكان، الديانات، الثقافات ولمحة تاريخية عن البلد).
    2- Sightseeing: (Recommend places to visit and the local landscape).
    2- السياحة: (نذكر في هذه القطعة معلومات عن الأماكن الأثرية الموجودة في البلد والمناظر الطبيعية المعروفة).
    3- Leisure: (Give information about sport, tourism and going out).
    3- النشاطات: (نعطي معلومات عن الرياضة التي يمكن ممارستها في ذلك البلد، والأماكن السياحية وغيرها).
    Mosul - Iraq
    Mosul is a beautiful city located in the north-west of Iraq. It is a multicultural and a population of about three and a half million. The history of the city goes back to nearly 5000 years when Assyrian first settled in.
    Mosul has a lot of nice places worth visiting, for example, there is the Leaning Minaret (Al-Hadba'a) the Ishtar Gate, the Winged Bull and many other great things.
    There are many things to do in Mosul and it's a wonderful place for picnicking: there is Mosul Falls, The Woods of Mosul. You can also go climbing on Sinjar Mountain and swimming in the Tigris.

    اتمنى الافاده

  5. #5
    من أهل الدار
    بنت في ارض الامل
    وهذا رابط لبقية المواد http://altabaay.com/mlazemna/scienti...nt-scientific/
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Bara .ff ; 28/November/2015 الساعة 9:02 am

  6. #6
    صديق جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل: October-2018
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 1 المواضيع: 0
    التقييم: 1
    آخر نشاط: 5/April/2019
    اريد حل ص18 لكتاب النشاط للرابع العلمي

  7. #7
    مدير المنتدى
    تاريخ التسجيل: January-2010
    الدولة: جهنم
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 84,972 المواضيع: 10,518
    صوتيات: 15 سوالف عراقية: 13
    التقييم: 87367
    مزاجي: متفائلة
    المهنة: Sin trabajo
    أكلتي المفضلة: pizza
    موبايلي: M12
    آخر نشاط: منذ 4 ساعات
    مقالات المدونة: 18
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حبيبہ الرحمانے مشاهدة المشاركة
    اريد حل ص18 لكتاب النشاط للرابع العلمي

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل: December-2017
    الدولة: العراق
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 8,436 المواضيع: 351
    التقييم: 17728
    مزاجي: متفائل
    موبايلي: Iphone
    آخر نشاط: منذ 47 دقيقة

    مشكورين اصدقائنا على سرعة الاجابة
    ولو هاي المواضيع مكانها في منتدى التربية والتعليم
    ولكن لان فيها سؤال وجواب لذلك تركتها هنا

تم تطوير موقع درر العراق بواسطة Samer

قوانين المنتديات العامة


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