الكتاب الذي طلب بموجبه السيد نوري كامل المالكي من وزير النقل تحويل ملكية الطائرة الايرباص والتي قدمت لسيادته هدية من الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية عندما كان رئيس الوزراء وقد سجلت باسمه الشخصي
لذلك طالب السيد نوري كامل المالكي حسم موضوعها ونقل ملكيتها من اسمه
الى مجلس الوزراء او الى وزارة النقل ..
To the hunts in troubled waters and to the enemies of the right
and to the follow of falsehood
We say this is the book in which it requested Mr. Nouri Kamel Al-Maliki from the minister of transport to transfer the ownership of aircraft airbus which presented as a gift to his sovereignty from the Islamic republic of Iran when he was a prime minister and registered in his own name so Mr. Nouri Kamel Al-Maliki called for the resolution the object and transfer the ownership from his name to the council of ministers or to the department of transportation.