اكتب, day, يومك, write
اكتب عن يومك ,, Write about your day
اكتب عن يومك ,, Write about your day
hi to all
How are you
Today I wanted to speak in English from everyone
so, I chose to write for eachone of his day
Whether at work or university or home ... Etc.
رح اكتب بالعربي همين
الموضوع باختصار هو كل عضو يكتب عن يومه سواء
كان بالعمل او المنزل او الجامعه ,,, المهم يشارك حتى تتقوى لغته
واي شخص حتى لو لغته ضعيفه هم خلي يشارك واني مستعد اعدله اي شي
واتمنى الكل يشاركون
رح ابدي اني واكتب عن يومي اليوم ,,, باختصار
I will start
Today I went to my grandfather's house, to visit my aunt becose she was sick,
and then I went to my uncle's house in New Baghdad and stayed until the last night
The whole time I was playing with his daughters and spoken with his wife .
In the evening we returned to the house
After that I sat on the internet to see the last news
And now I Write this subject in the English Department
I hope everyone of interaction and participation
Even if it were not proficient in English, I'm ready to help him and yelling or amendment in writing
منقول .