النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2

Bundled Tube Design System

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  1. #1
    من المشرفين القدامى
    تاريخ التسجيل: November-2012
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 16,267 المواضيع: 10,019
    صوتيات: 2 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 7698
    موبايلي: Nokia E52
    آخر نشاط: 29/June/2021

    Bundled Tube Design System

    Bundled Tube Design System


    "Bundled Tube Design"

    عبارة عن نظام انشائى يعتبر النظام الانشائى الافضل لمقاومة الاحمال الجانبية, اول من استخدم هذا النظام الانشائى " فضل خان" او "Fazlur Khan" وهو امريكى من اصل بنجلاديشى, والجدير بالذكر ان برج خليفة بدبى تم تصميمه باستخدام هذا النظام الانشائى, وفيما يلى شرح مختصر عن هذا النظام الانشائى:

    The tube system concept is based on the idea that a building can be designed to resist lateral loads by designing it as a hollow cantilever perpendicular to the ground. In the simplest incarnation of the tube, the perimeter of the exterior consists of closely spaced columns that are tied together with deep spandrel beams through moment connections. This assembly of columns and beams forms a rigid frame that amounts to a dense and strong structural wall along the exterior of the building.

    This exterior framing is designed sufficiently strong to resist all lateral loads on the building, thereby allowing the interior of the building to be simply framed for gravity loads. Interior columns are comparatively few and located at the core. The distance between the exterior and the core frames is spanned with beams or trusses and intentionally left column-free. This maximizes the effectiveness of the perimeter tube by transferring some of the gravity loads within the structure to it and increases its ability to resist overturning due to lateral loads.

  2. #2

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