The man who does not forget a woman
1 - decent guy and his emotions in his hand and he gives safety and tenderness.
2 - soft in dealing slave in strong personal feelings without ego confident of himself .
3 - They feel that with him Bergolth and femininity .
4 - If occur impressed by his style and his good and Atemlh .
5 - who fondly and tell infatuation .
6 - who mastered the art looks toward
7 - which is estimated and her sense of her feelings and ripe at the time of grief .
8 - who listens and appreciates her and asked to share her opinion and respects her opinion .
10 - in which some things are favored by himself .
11 - which if simple mistakes forgive and pardon them.
12 - who is jealous of them without control or shed .
13 - that Itrb Msamaha warm words full of love and spinning .
14 - potentially mood swings and shared jokes and laughter.
15 - be happy if I looked sad and grieving If standing bond with her .
16 - who feel that he needs at every moment .
17 - who is proud of it and see it in the same expensive precious jewel .
18 - year-old who gratia for the trust placed in him and rely on it .
19 - hot in the emotions that you feel for him that he always sees others.
20 - which involves them know his secrets .
21 - who see the tears and Aakhvaha them.
22 - Ichaaraa that it possessed his heart and his mind .
In the opinion of this man who does not forget women