I want someone who help me in this subject in english grammar
: what is the features of transformational grammar T G G
I want someone who help me in this subject in english grammar
: what is the features of transformational grammar T G G
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة مريانا ; 27/February/2014 الساعة 1:12 pm
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That's all I know about the subject I wish I could help you![]()
Transformational generative grammar is based on three characteristics (features), such as Self-consistency, Economy, and Exhaustiveness (samsuri, 1990)
These are the main features of TGG, but there are what is called "principles of TGG" and I think they are different in use
Also.... Transformational grammar is a systematic objective, scientific objective, formalization of grammar, based on the belief that the structure of language, is determined by the structure of the human mind, that all languages share some common universal characteristics, that is the capacity of all native speakers to produce and understand sentences that never heard before.
Further more.... Generative grammar attempts to define rules that can generate the infinite number of grammatical (well-formed) sentences possible in a language. Whereas, transformational grammar seeks to identify rules (transformations) that govern relations between parts of a sentence.And, transformational-generative grammar is a set of grammar rules that are used when basic clauses are combined to form more complex sentences. A simple sentence can be transformed into different variations creating the same or different meaning depending with the structure in forming grammatically correct sentences.
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