Argumentative Organization
An argumentative essay is sometimes called a persuasive essay. This kind of essay expresses an opinion about a controversial issue. As the writer, you must take a position and persuade the reader to agree with your opinion by using strong logical reasons to support your
The hook gets the reader's attention
Background information gives a broader picture of the issue and why is important It can give details about the history of the people involved what they want and how the issue affects them
Thesis statement clearly states the writer's opinion about the issue
Body paragraph
The topic sentence in each body paragraph presents one distinct reason for the writers point of view stated in the thesis
All supporting details in each paragraph must support the topicsentence These details can be facts examples statistic definitions causes and effects quotations anecdotes or summaries
The writer often presents an opposing opinion( a counter argument) The writer may then express some agreement with the opposing view( a concession ) but will show evidence that the writers argument is stronger( a refutation
The conclusion restates that argument that appeared in the thesis
It can end with a prediction, a warning, or other type of comment that reinforces the writer's viewpoint
It may state the general issue in a broader context
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