النسخة 4.1.5 متاحة الآن للتحميل

المصدر :
vBulletin 4.1.5 now available for download

وفى لوحة تحكم الإدارة

اخر إصدار متوفر: 4.1.5

اضغط هنا لتنزيل الاصدار 4.1.5 من
منطقة الأعضاء

بيانات الإصدار


We had envisaged to incorporate an updated mobile style for 4.1.5, however development and QA to get the product to a sufficient level of quality has taken a longer period of time than we had initially envisaged, and we are not sufficiently satisfied with the style yet in its current state. We are targeting to incorporate this product in version 4.1.6. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

vBulletin 4.1.5 includes:

Mobile App Identifier
If you are using the Mobile Apps for the site, you can now see if a post was made using a mobile device.

Click on the link above for more details!

New Smilies
Replacing the standard package smilies - and incorporating over 150 additional smilies that you can install on your site. Provided by the SmileyCompany.

Bug Fixes/Improvements
Here is a list of the major bug fixes/improvements included in this release. A full list of issues fixed are available HERE.

Major fixes

Again, thank you to everyone who has filed bugs in our bug tracker, we sincerely appreciate your assistance.
If you come across any bugs in the product, please continue to file them in our new tracker.

Feedback on the product is welcomed
here for licensed customers.
