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good morning sms

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  1. #1
    من اهل الدار
    شذى الربيع
    تاريخ التسجيل: September-2013
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 54,573 المواضيع: 8,723
    صوتيات: 72 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 30559
    مزاجي: Optimistic
    موبايلي: Note 4

    good morning sms

    Feel the pleasure of life
    in every second.
    Never be angry or sad,
    B’coz every 1 min of ur sadness
    u loss 60 seconds of happiness…
    keep smiling ..
    Good mrng…………..

    People often change 4 two reasons- it can b either that u have learned enough that u want 2 change OR u have been hurt enough that u need 2 change!! GOOD MORNING.

    Very little is needed2have a happy Life.
    it is all within yourself.
    in ur ways of thinking.
    No matter what u do,
    do it with L0VE in ur HEART…
    Gud morning ..

    Its True-
    All d water in d ocean could never sink a ship unless it gets inside.
    All d pressures of life can never hurt u unless u let them in! Good mrng. . . .

    Dear Friend’s!
    Your Remaining
    Sleeping Time
    Has been Expired
    Leave Ur Bed
    Open Ur Eyes
    And c Ur Mobile
    I wish U
    G00D M0RNING

    Expression of the face could be seen by everyone.
    But d depression of heart could be understood only By d Best one..Don’t lose them in life….G00D M0RNING

    Comparison is the best way to judge our progress …but not with others,compare your yesterday with your today…
    good morning:-) :-)

    A strong n positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing because Life is 10% how u make it & 90% how u take it. Gud Morning

  2. #2
    من اهل الدار
    شذى الربيع

    Zoological y
    I want
    Good Morning!!!

    nce in life do fall in love,
    not necessarily with a person
    but with an idea
    a dream
    an ambition!
    More often it’ll b a reason to wake up with a smile..

    I know still ur lazy hands r trying 2 pick the cell and ur cute half opened eyes r trying to read d msg my sweet
    friend it’s time 2 wake up.. Good morning…

    Every beautiful is not always good, but every good is always beautiful.
    Being important is not always good, but being good is always important.
    GOOD MORNING….. ? ?

    Work for a cause n not for applause “Live life to express n not to Impress “Don’t strive to make ur presence
    noticed, Just make ur absence felt”…Good Morn

    I Went To Sleep Last Night With A Smile
    B’Coz I Knew I’d B Dreaming Of U
    But I Woke Up This Morning With A Smile
    B’Coz U Weren’t A Dream
    GoOd MoRnInG .

    JuSt wAntEd tO LeT U kNoW
    tHAt tHe cHoIcE oF
    FoR ThE BeSt oF LiFe
    aRe aLwAyS wItH yOu .
    GoOd MoRnInG

    Four Steps To Attain SUCCESS !!
    First – THINK
    Second – BELIEVE
    Third – DREAM
    Fourth – DARE …
    Good Morning
    Stay Blessed

  3. #3
    من اهل الدار
    شذى الربيع

    Very Good,
    Just Taught U How To Smile Wide
    Now Go & Brush Your Teeth..
    Good Morning

    For every Success of a person there will b a Countless Pain in his Heart
    And that Pain makes him a Successful Person in Life”
    good morning… Have a nice day !!

    B-egin ur day with
    L-ove in ur heart…
    E-ver Smiling…
    S-hare goodness
    S-hine like d sun
    I-nspire some1…
    N-ever 4get that
    G-OD is with U. Gud mrng…

    Only two persons r happy in this world…First is Mad and Second is Child…Be a Mad to Achieve what U desire & Be a Child to Enjoy What U Have.” Good Morning

    Cool Morning Breeze
    Pearly Dew Drops,
    Waving Green Leaves
    Flowers Blossom,
    All Bring Joy and Say,
    To Start a
    Happy New Day
    Good Morning

    ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــ

    A good message for a good person,
    From a good friend for a good reason,
    At a good time on a good day in a good mood to say
    “Good Morning”

    A warm hello doesn’t come from the lips,
    It comes from the heart,
    Doesn’t have to be told,
    It has to be shown,
    Doesn’t have to be given,
    It has to be sent.
    “Good Morning’

    A night hug warms the heart,
    A night kiss brightens the day,
    And a good morning to start your day!

    Eyes are not meant for tears and heart is not meant for fear,
    Never get upset but always cheer
    Bcoz you are the one who can make people smile for years.
    Good morning

    What will this day hold
    As i blindly venture in
    It’ll only hold what i allow
    So with positive thoughts let’s begin
    Good Morning!

    Wrap a rainbow of joy in ur heart,
    Let the sun paint a smile on ur face,
    Remove all clouds of doubt & fear
    And receive god’s gift of life.
    Good Morning!

    Laugh at ur mistakes, but learn from them.
    Joke over ur troubles, but gather strength from them.
    Have fun with ur difficulties, but overcome them. Good Morning!

    Life’s like a piano, the white keys represent happiness & black show sadness.
    But as u go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys too make music!
    Good Morning!

  4. #4
    من اهل الدار
    شذى الربيع

    “Thought 4 the day”
    I cried when I had no shoes. Suddenly I stopped crying when i saw a man without leg.
    Life is full of Blessings sometime we don’t understand it.Good Morning.

    It is the Purity of HEART that matters,
    Not the External Appearance.
    Bcoz Helping HANDS are always Better than Praying Lips…!

    Past is Experience!
    Present is Experiment!
    Future is Expectation!
    Use UR Experience!
    in UR Experiment!
    To achieve UR Expectation!
    Have a sweet morning.

    Five steps to a LOVELY MORNING
    Close your eyes,
    Take a deep breath,
    open your arms wide,
    feel your heart beat and say its too early.
    Let me sleep again. Good Morning.

    With petals of Roses,Palm full of Holly water,Light of Full Sun,Fragrance of Flower and Grass with dew.I wish u a very special Good Morning….

    Did I miss something out?
    No because I put ( U ) in my heart.
    Good morning dear.I hope u have a wonderful day.

    Thinking of U this lovely morning
    As the sun starts shining is the perfect beginning.
    So my dear charming, here’s my good morning.
    Keep smiling morning till evening.

    If U cannot get someone off ur mind,
    It is maybe because he/she is supposed to be there.
    Remember, the mind can recognize what the heart is trying to deny.
    Good Morning!

    Receive my simple gift of good morning
    wrapped with sincerity,
    tied with care
    & sealed with a prayer
    to keep u safe and happy all day long!
    GOOD MORNING……………………………

    Welcome to the new morning with
    smile on ur face
    LOVE in ur “heart”
    Good Thoughts in ur “mind”
    Wish u A Brightest Morning..

  5. #5
    من اهل الدار
    شذى الربيع

    “New” day
    “New” morning
    “New” hopes
    “New” plans
    “New” efforts
    “New” feelings
    I pray 2 GOD 2 bless u “Happiness & Success”

    On This Cool Cool Morning
    In Ur Cute Cute Room
    From Ur Small Small Window
    Look At The Beautiful Beautiful Weather
    Wishing U Sweet Sweet
    Good Morning.. !!!!

    A short n True Message for £ife:

    “Care should b in Heart and not in Words”.

    “Anger should b in Words and not in Heart”…!

    Good morning. , . . . .

    Night has ended for another day,
    Morning has come in a special way,
    May you smile like the sunny rays,
    And leave ur worries for some other day.
    ******Good Morning*******

    Dear Customer,
    Your remaining
    Sleeping time

    Has Expired!!!!!!
    Leave ur Bed
    & Get up!!!!
    Say to all

    Have a Very Nice Day!!!!

    R u waiting 4 my msg????
    So sweet
    Don’t worry ,
    How can i forget u??
    Here comes my msg to wish u

    Good Morning SMS Collection

    In our life, happiness is more important than Smile coz smile comes from lips but happiness comes from heart..
    So be happy forever!! ”GOOD MORNING

    Between yesterday’s mistakes & tomorrow’s hope there is a fantastic opportunity called TODAY!
    Live it!
    Love it!
    The day is yours!!
    Gud Mrng!!

    End is not end..
    In fact,
    END is Effort Never Dies!!
    NO is not always just denial..
    Its NO- Next Opportunity!!
    Always b positive!! Have a nice Morning

    Smooth roads never make good drivers,
    Clear sky never makes good pilots,
    Problem-free life never makes a strong person..
    So don’t ask life, WHY ME??
    Instead say, TRY ME..
    Gud mrng!! :-)

    All d achievements in this world r made by People who had d courage to not to listen to d crowd..
    Do what they felt was right??
    Good morning!!

    Nobody understands d reason y we meet in this life’s journey.
    We’re not related by blood,
    We don’t know each other from d start..
    But god puts us together to b wonderful frnds by heart :-)

    Its so common to hear,
    HOW RU?
    So let me ask u something different!
    Did u smile today?
    Just smile!
    Good morning! :-)

    Wen u pray for others, God listens to u & blesses them..
    Sometimes wen u r safe & happy, remember that sum1 prayed for u too!! :-)

    Prayer is not an attempt to change God’s mind..
    But its an attempt to let God change our mind…
    Gud morning!
    Gud day!!

    Finally I woke up!
    Who ever wants to wish me Happy Morning, can do soon!
    Plz maintain a Queue!
    Don’t push each other & fight!

    Life is not an i-pod to listen to ur favorite songs!
    Its like a radio in which U must adjust yourself to enjoy whatever cums up!! :-)
    Have a wonderful morning.

    Every morning u have 2 choices-
    Continue ur sleep with dreaming!
    Wake up & chase ur dreams!
    Choice is u’rs!
    Gud mrng!! :-)

    Family, Friends, Health & Time don’t come with a Price tag!
    Its only wen we lose them that we realize their true value!!
    Gud morning!! :-)

    In each single day, we smile & laugh so many times!
    We never thank god after every smile!
    But we do blame him for every tear we cry!!
    How strange but true!!Good mrng.

    Happiness is not something u postpone for future..
    It is something u design for d present..
    Make each moment a Happy one!! :-) ”Have a Nice Morning.

  6. #6
    انا وانتِ H
    تاريخ التسجيل: July-2013
    الدولة: كلنا العراق
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 9,240 المواضيع: 1,069
    صوتيات: 27 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 4975
    مزاجي: ♥̨̥̬̩♥̨̥̬̩ ♫ ♬
    أكلتي المفضلة: مطافي+بركر
    موبايلي: ☏
    مقالات المدونة: 23
    Beautiful morning on your eyes ... Thank you

  7. #7
    من اهل الدار
    شذى الربيع
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ᾋĿἿ ƝὛṂᾋȒ مشاهدة المشاركة
    Beautiful morning on your eyes ... Thank you
    welcome my dear thanx
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة شذى الربيع ; 20/January/2014 الساعة 5:26 pm

  8. #8
    من أهل الدار
    تاريخ التسجيل: December-2011
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 13,565 المواضيع: 1,035
    صوتيات: 54 سوالف عراقية: 0
    التقييم: 10447
    مقالات المدونة: 9
    Well done , great piece of advices

  9. #9
    من أهل الدار
    ملائكة وشياطين
    تاريخ التسجيل: November-2012
    الدولة: في المنفى
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 21,968 المواضيع: 3,683
    التقييم: 9505
    مقالات المدونة: 66
    Thank you

  10. #10
    من اهل الدار
    شذى الربيع
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سامح محمد مشاهدة المشاركة
    Well done , great piece of advices
    Thank you for your evaluation

صفحة 1 من 2 12 الأخيرةالأخيرة
تم تطوير موقع درر العراق بواسطة Samer

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