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The love of Ahl al- Bayt

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  1. #1
    صديق مؤسس
    صاحبة الامتياز
    تاريخ التسجيل: January-2010
    الدولة: البصرة
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 27,178 المواضيع: 3,882
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    التقييم: 5826
    مزاجي: هادئة
    أكلتي المفضلة: مسوية رجيم
    موبايلي: Iphon 6 plus
    آخر نشاط: 5/August/2024
    مقالات المدونة: 77

    The love of Ahl al- Bayt

    The love of Ahl al- Bayt AS
    Sayyed Kamal al-Haidari

    It is clear that the follow-up to the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) came with him from the Shari'a to be essential, and this follow-up detector for love I am the slave to his master, and an inevitable requirement for Mahbubip given to Abdul.

    It is also clear that the follow-up to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) means a commitment to his words and actions, from which the orders of successive uphold Balaatarp pure, and thus concluded that we have to follow the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) and love all of reagent for true love, which holds the slave to his master, and that such follow-up and love to achieve positive Mahbubip given to Abdul.

    Now we want to stand a little when the reality of this love and how to translate it? In other words: Why is this love? Any degree of loving him to ask?

    Provide us that man was created Maftora to perfect love and the pursuit of acquiring it, and that this love is a degree of severe and existence, is something I was self-serious, there is no need to explain; because of self-explain, and the question about is a specific question about the origin and existence.

    In light of this we can see that all the resources and the citizens of luxury, whether ownership or Mlkotip (1), mesial or angelic is a target for the smooth running of human complementary, according to avail itself of Mratbha to gain access to the upper end, which is absolutely perfect, if we add to this that the human itself is a manifestation of the names of Allah, as demonstrated by the divine power, science and life, creativity and so on.

    There is no doubt that if you won more perfections, and top mattresses and more and more, the fora in which much the most beautiful names, and vice versa.

    There is no doubt that every human being the holder of the perfections be the subject of attraction and attract others to him, not to mention who won the perfections more and more and more, how about one who deserted him of any deficiencies or lack of, but poverty to God, there is no doubt that it will be a hub, and the point is unique in world center of a circle as possible, which is essentially the perspective of all the world Aflak possible.

    If you appoint us as it is fixed in place that the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) are the embodiment the first and most all of the foregoing, and they have won every perfection existential-Semitism, and they are the closest to absolute perfection, and Alvakaddon each missing only poverty for the rich waste each missing (2) , and descended from them Torrent not up to them the bird (3), aware that the follow-up and the love of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) the issue of mankind, Valmthompsk them, and calling for them to be a factor in the light of his nature first.

    Thus it is clear why people love the house (peace be upon them), and it is depending on us and I was related to their perfect love, and then cut off the question about the reason for this love, Kangtall asked about the origin of perfection and love.

    In light of this will open up before us the secrets of many talismans (4) abundant, perhaps most notably the requirement to recognize the prophecy of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), and the Imamate of Ali and his family (peace be upon them) to all other previous prophets, and commitment to their mandate, as stated in the news extensive (5).

    Thus you will know another side to talk to the Prophet's what counts ((O Ali, you are the partition between the fire, says this to me and this for you)) (6), and in another narration: ((you partition between Heaven and Hell, the Day of Judgement saying to the fire: This is me, this is for you) ) (7).

    It is perfect is hoped, of attained had his share of Paradise, so give glad tidings to those who hold the knee and walked to his approach, and it is a great win, and misery and heartbreak for those who narrowed the same, and is unable to views that perfect High to himself, did not follow what was revealed to him from his Lord, for those, ((show them God their sorrows of them)) (8), and any sorrows of those! It sorrows of the crash on its walls the mountains of the earth, and makes them fire of hell, as over-tags and for its irony and mockery, ((to say the same, my grief that I was unmindful of Allah, and was among those who * or say if God guided me to you of the righteous * or say when you see the torment that I would be among the righteous ball * Yes, no doubt by revelations So I lied and I will say one of the disbelievers)) (9), and there are believers will rejoice, and loses the doers.

    For the faithful Ali (peace be upon him) said: ((I am the eye of God, and I am the hand of God, and I am the side of God, and I am the door of God)) (10), and Imam Musa bin Jafar (peace be upon them) in the words of God Almighty: ( (my grief that I was unmindful of Allah)) said: ((the side of God: The Prince of Believers (peace be upon him), as well as the guardians of the place after the high to end up to the last)) (11).

    It may be argued: If the love of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) is inherently, by the fungus in the origin of human existence, why we see so many enemies have filled their pages of history?

    The answer is: that a man had left him the option in this life, in the identification of Itolahm or disown them, and this does not contradict the fungal origin of the thing, as is the case in the knowledge of God Almighty and unification, the Almighty God has created mankind Mafturen on his knowledge and unification, but with , we find that the proportion of atheists and infidels in the land of the total population of not a few (12), no doubt they had thought and worked their will in accordance with personal choice and, contrary to Aftroa it.

    The progress of us, it is not inconsistent with the innate thing, and the selection of the other actor, in that many examples can not afford to mention here, and just to the foregoing example of the knowledge of God and unification.

    ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــ

    whether any were from the world of the king or the kingdom, the king is the certificate and the material world and the sense of, and the kingdom is the world of the unseen, see: the flags of some professional inspiration in the people of references, p. 551.

    (2) came in for some du'aa Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them): ((and see all proven, and sire of each exist, and all the numberless uncounted, and each loss is missing, not dunk of god ...)).

    See: Lamp Almtahjd Shaykh al-Tusi community, publishing institution Shia jurisprudence, first edition, 1411, Beirut: p. 804.

    (3) came in a sermon to the faithful Alhqhqip (peace be upon him): ((descended from me Torrent not up to the bird ...)), approach to rhetoric, to achieve Mohammed Abdo: 1, p. 31.

    (4) collection of talisman, which is the name of the mystery Maktoum, see: Crown Jewels of the bride from the dictionary, Muhammad Murtaza al-Zubaidi, dissemination of library life, Beirut: C 8 p. 381.

    (5) said the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on a family by: ((came to me and the king said to me: O Muhammad, ask of sent by you from our messengers of what they sent? I said: what they sent? Said: on your state and jurisdiction over the bin Abi Talib)), see: knowledge of modern science for his master, he published the New Horizons House, Beirut, fourth edition, 1400: p. 96.

    Also: the Virtues of Al Ibn Abi Talib Chehracob, printed library Alhaidariya 1956 CE, Najaf: 1, p. 247.

    Hundred veiled virtues of the faithful, to Sheikh Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Hassan bin Hazan apical, deployment and the achievement of Imam Al-Hadi School, First Edition, 1407, Sign: p. 150.

    Treasure benefits to Kraczyk, published Almstefoi Library, the first edition, Qum: p. 258.

    The straight path of Ali Ben Younes World, to achieve Mohammed Baqir al-Albahbudi, published to commemorate the Library Almertazavip effects Jaafari, First Edition, 1384: Part 2, p. 240.

    Dying to Hassan bin Sulaiman ornaments, publishing press Haidari, First Edition, 1951, Najaf: p. 125.

    Alastnsar Abu Fath Alkraczyk, publishing house lights, second edition, 1405, Beirut: p. 36.

    Seas Lights: C 15, p. 247, C 18, p. 297, C 26, p. 301 to 307.318.

    Ghadeer Amini: 1, p. 388.

    Virtues of Algorithm: p. 312.

    Tombstone download Alhscane Governor, Mohammad Baqer Albahbudi investigation, publish complex Revival of Islamic Heritage, Iran: Part 2, p. 223.

    History of the city of Damascus to the son of pawns, to achieve the Shire, publish Books, 1415, Beirut: C 42, p. 241.

    Bishara, Mustafa Muhammad bin Ali al-Tabari, Jawad Kayoumi investigation, published Published Islamic Foundation, the first edition, 1420, Sign: PO Box 311, and other books go on mentioning here.

    (6) apical to the interpretation of Abu al-Hasan Ali Bin Ibrahim Al-apical, the founder of the book, third edition, 1404, Sign: Part 2, p. 389.

    (7) thunderbolts Holocaust by Ibn Hajar al, achieving Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Latif, a publishing company printing art Nations, 1965, Cairo: p. 75.

    It is worth mentioning that this Hadith reported extensively in the books of the two teams, but his fame Ibn Abi iron: (It says in the right story is common extensive that the partition between the fire and paradise, said Abu Obeid Heravi combination of cranky: The folk of the imams of the Arab Vsroh said: because when he was loving the people of Paradise, and you hate the people of Hell, was this account of the partition between the fire and paradise, "said Abu Obeid: He is such: it is Ksimanma himself, in fact, go into the folk to heaven, and a people to the fire, and that which was mentioned by Abu Obeid Finally , is what corresponds to the news contained in it, say to the fire: This Vdeih me, and that you thighs).

    Nahj explain Ibn Abi iron: C 9, p. 165.

    Was asked Ahmad ibn Hanbal on the modern ("O Abu Abdullah! What it says in the hadeeth narrated that Ali said:" I partition between the fire? Ahmad said: "What do you deny this conversation? Not narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: ( (O Ali! does not love you but a believer, nor Ibgdk but a hypocrite?) said: "Yes, he said: Where the insured? said: In Paradise, he said: Where is the hypocrite? We say: in the fire, he said: a physical partition between the fire. See: Bourne: c 3 p. 299.

    The fame of this Hadith, it came in dhikr and prayers, visits and poems, so known for the tradition of Petain hair Mnsopan of Imam Shafi'i, where he had sought, saying:

    For the love of the Commission *** partition between the fire and paradise

    *** Guardian really Mustafa Imam of mankind and the Paradise

    See: Bridges affection for Hafiz Sulaiman bin Ibrahim Alguendozi Hanafi, publications Sharif Razi, second edition, 1417, Sign: p. 98, note that the keeper Alguendozi may hold a separate section of this talk in this book, where between that the Graduate (peace be upon him) is the partition between the fire and Paradise.

    May God Almighty captain Atalibien Sharif Razi, where he says:

    Partition between a serious fire on Ilvy *** the door of escape from suffering

    The legs of the creatures, apt Almhjat ***, light path to the account

    See: the interpretation of the facts are similar to the download Sharif Razi, Mohammad Reza explain each detector cover, publishing house Al-Muhajir, Beirut: p. 73.

    (8) al-Baqarah: 167.

    (9)-Zumar: 56 59.

    (10) sufficient assets: c 1, p. 145, H 8.

    (11) Ibid: Part 1, p. 145, h 9.

    The side is proximity, and saying: ((I was unmindful of Allah)), ie in the near God. See: San Arabs: 1, p. 275.

    The I of the faithful Ali (peace be upon him) says I to the severity of closeness to God Almighty, and this is the meaning that Jesus was Professor in the process defined and delivered, that the prince of believers (peace be upon him), is the perfect connector to absolute perfection without a comma, it is the side of God in neighborhood.

    (12) In China, for example but not limited There are about a billion people is not uniform (the heathen), and half this number found in India, as well as the vast majority of the population of Japan and the two Koreas, and a number of African countries, all these did not get out on the origin of human nature uniformity in their creation, but Athagulwa to the ground, after they ordered in view of their religion, but they may not reach them knowledge as it should, and that does not come out being a stimulus for that matter mildew, which rely on the unseen world, and indulge in pleasures

    Security in God

  2. #2
    من أهل الدار
    تاريخ التسجيل: January-2010
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    موبايلي: الحافظ 1 برو
    آخر نشاط: منذ 3 أسابيع
    الاتصال: إرسال رسالة عبر Yahoo إلى Legend of fall
    مقالات المدونة: 4

    It will take sometime reading it , and then I´ll leave my comment

  3. #3
    من المشرفين القدامى
    اميرة الذوق
    تاريخ التسجيل: June-2010
    الدولة: البصرة
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 460 المواضيع: 55
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    مزاجي: وردي
    أكلتي المفضلة: كباب مشوي وكص
    موبايلي: نوكيا c2
    آخر نشاط: 24/August/2016
    waw nice

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