Night of the Lions: big cats photographed at night using natural lighting and thermal imaging
A group of lions at night taken using 'Starlight Camera' technology without artificial lighting, Masai Mara, Kenya, East Africa. Using both light-enhancing and heat-seeking cameras British photographer Martin Dohrn was able to capture rare footage and stills for the National Geo Wild and Nat Geo Wild HD documentary 'Night of the Lion'
A portrait of a lioness in moonlight taken using 'Starlight Camera' technology without artificial lighting by British photographer Martin Dohrn at the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, East Africa. The technique, which uses both light-enhancing and heat-seeking cameras, allowed Martin to capture rare footage and stills for the National Geo Wild and Nat Geo Wild HD documentary 'Night of the Lion'
A male lion photographed at night taken using 'Starlight Camera' technology without artificial lighting, Serengeti, Ngorogoro Conservation Area, Tanzania, East Africa
A lioness kills a zebra in the Serengeti
Martin Dohrn operating a camera for filming at night, Masai Mara, Kenya
Alex Verner and Clinton Edwards in filming vehicle by moonlight on location for Night of the Lion
Various animals (including antelope) are seen on the Masai Mara in this picture using thermal camera technology
Two resting lionesses filmed using thermal camera technology with no artificial light, Masai Mara
Lionesses killing a zebra using filmed Thermal Camera technology without artificial lighting
A male lion feeds on a wildebeest carcass while a lioness observes. The picture was taken using thermal camera technology without artificial lighting, Masai Mara
Lions hunting a hippopotamus at night, Masai Mara
Lions approach a rhinoceros in the Masai Mara
Spotted hyenas harrassing a lioness at night, Serengeti
Lightning at night over the Masai Mara
Lions feeding on an antelope, Masai Mara. Picture taken using thermal camera technology without artificial lighting
Hyenas threatening lions who have stolen a kill, Serengeti
A lioness stalking wildebeest at night