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WePad جهاز لوحي ينافس iPad

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  1. #1
    Ibn Alforat
    تاريخ التسجيل: March-2010
    الدولة: Iraq - Alkut
    الجنس: ذكر
    المشاركات: 3,626 المواضيع: 631
    صوتيات: 31 سوالف عراقية: 4
    التقييم: 1245
    مزاجي: Terrible
    آخر نشاط: منذ يوم مضى
    مقالات المدونة: 1

    WePad جهاز لوحي ينافس iPad

    طرحت شركة (Neofonie) الألمانية جهازا لوحيا (table) جديدا يعمل بنظام (Android) مفتوح المصدر من Google.
    جهاز (WePad) صمم خصيصا لمنافسة جهاز (iPad) من (Apple) الأمريكية ، وهو يحمل شاشة متعددة اللمس touchscreen طولها 11.6 بوصة بدرجة وضوح 1366 * 768 .

    ومن أبرز مميزات جهاز (WePad) من (Neofonie) :
    - المعالج 1.66GHz Intel Atom N450 .
    - معالج رسوميات مدمج GMA 3150 .
    - كاميرا مدمجه Webcam .
    - منفذين USB .
    - قارئ ذاكرة .
    - مودم UMTS .
    - بطارية تدوم إلى ست ساعات أثناء تصفح الإنترنت .

    جدير بالذكر ، أن شركة (Neofonie) أنشأت متجر تطبيقات خاص بالجهاز اسمه (WeMagazine) بالإضافة إلى متجر خاص بالمجلات والكتب الإلكترونية .

    الشركة حددت سعره كالاتي :

    449 ، -- يورو 569 ، -- يورو

    وهذه مواصفات الجهاز كما نشرته الشركة المصنعة :

    What is WePad?
    The WePad is a tablet computer which allows it’s user fast internet connectivity, many downloadable applications and access to books, photographs and personal files easily.
    What operating system does the WePad based on?
    WePad runs with an up-to-date Linux-distribution, and the complete user interface was redesigned for the use on touch pads.
    What software can be used on the WePad?
    Besides the own WePad apps, the tablet also supports Android, Adobe Air and standard Linux applications as well as webbased software. The whole system is built on OpenSource-components.
    Is there free apps to be downloaded?
    Yes, there are a wide range of supported free apps.
    What is the selling price?
    The WePad will be available in two different version. The 16 GB WePad will cost 449 Euro. The 32 GB WePad 3G including GPS and Full HD will cost 569 Euro.
    When will the WePad launch?
    During May, chosen people will be able to access the WePad on a roadshow, the soft-launch will be in July and the main launch in Germany will take place in August 2010.
    What battery life does the WePad have?
    You can browse the web, watch videos or listen to music for up to 6 hours.
    How can I access the internet?
    The WePad can tap on your wireless network at home or at public hotspots. The WePad 3G is also able to use the internet on the anywhere via UMTS and HSDPA. The integrated SIM-card slot can support any standard SIM-card, no matter what carrier you choose and does not have a sim-lock.

    What are the measurements?
    The WePad measures 288 x 190 x 14 mm and weights 800g (850g for the WePad 3G).
    Does the screen support multi-touch?
    The WePad has a 11,6 inches multi-touch-widescreen-display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixel.
    Can an external keyboard be used?
    Yes, via our integrated USB, bluetooth the docking station.
    How much memory does the WePad support? Can the memory be expanded?
    The capacity of the WePad is16GB, while the WePad 3G’s is 32GB. The memory can be expanded by a SD-card with up to 32GB extra memory (SDHC). You can also attach external drives like USB sticks and harddrives via USB or access a NAS (Network Attached Storage). An other alternative to save data is the WePad Cloud, an online storage for your data. The WePad cloud offers great advantage with the possibility to access the stored data from a wide range of devices.
    Does the WePad have an integrated webcam?
    Yes, the WePad has an integrated 1,3 megapixel webcam which can be used for photos, videos and video telephony.
    Are there other colors available for the WePad?
    Currently, we haven’t planned producing the WePad in different colors, but there are protection cases in different colors.
    Can I edit office documents using my WePad? What alternatives are available?
    The WePad supports the opening and editing of the most commonly used office document formates with it’s included office suite.
    Do I have to subscribe or pay extra for a magazine to use the WePad?
    No, the WePad works without any subscriptions just like any tablet, but for best reading experiences we suggest you subscribe to your favorite newspapers and magazines but that’s optional.
    What accessories will be available for the WePad?
    We are planing to produce a wide range of accessories like a docking station, a keyboard, cases and bags.
    Will the WePad be available in other countries other than Germany?
    The WePad will be officially launched in Germany first, and later it will be available in more countries.
    Can we watch TV on the WePad using a DVB-T USB-stick?
    Yes, WePad supports a wide range of peripherals which can be adapted via USB and Bluetooth. Mobile television with a DVB-T USB-stick will be supported as well.
    Are there games on the WePad?
    When launching the WePad, we will be offering a wide quantity of classic and special touch games. The open concept of our applications and the creativity of international developers will expand the gaming on WePad even more.
    Can you control games like car racing with the WePads motion sensors?
    Yes, the WePad has integrated motion sensors which can be used for gaming as well.
    Can we change the WePad’s battery?
    Unfortunitely no, you cannot change the WePad’s battery. Only through this smear that we were able to maintain the flat design.
    Where will the WePad be manufactured?
    The hardware will be manufactured in Asia, same as the hardware of any other provider. However, the software is developed in Germany and in cooperation with international partners. The backendsystems run in Germany and are governed by the strict privacy policies of Europe.
    Can videos be viewed in HD format?
    The WePad is HD ready, while WePad 3G supports HD with up to 1080p. As, it has an HDMI plug so videos can be viewed on HD TVs and HD beamers.
    What eBook formats are supported with WePad?
    Other than the open standards like ePub, PDF, txt, Mobipocket the WeBook Premium-Format, our goal is to support closed systems of other vendors on the WePad as well.
    Can external developers be able to create apps for the WePad?
    After the launch, we will then release a SDK for apps which can be created with full support on the WePad. The SDK developers can code apps for Android, Adobe Air, Java or Linux which are usable on the WePad.
    Can you explain more about the WeMagazine ePublishing Open Platform System?
    The WeMagazine ePublishing Open Platform is our own softwaresystem which publishes intelligent, interactive and socially networked print-contents digitally on tablets, desktop PCs, smartphones and also on the web. Its the complete package for the production, sale, distribution and usage of digital contents for electrical devices and a model for integrating partners.
    Does the WePad supports OpenType-functionality?
    For contents based on theWeMagazine ePublishing Open Platform, like magazines and newspapers, one can assume the technical abilities of Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR). Yes, based on the Adobe Air’s integrated text engine of the Flash Player 10 and it’s so called text layout frameworks, we are able to support OpenType as well as other typographical elements.
    Translated by WePadNews.com. We cannot guarantee that the above information is 100% accurate! Use at your own risk!

  2. #2
    صديق مؤسس
    صاحبة الامتياز
    تاريخ التسجيل: January-2010
    الدولة: البصرة
    الجنس: أنثى
    المشاركات: 27,178 المواضيع: 3,882
    صوتيات: 103 سوالف عراقية: 65
    التقييم: 5826
    مزاجي: هادئة
    أكلتي المفضلة: مسوية رجيم
    موبايلي: Iphon 6 plus
    آخر نشاط: 5/August/2024
    مقالات المدونة: 77
    شكرا حازم

  3. #3
    Ibn Alforat
    العفو دالين

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