المشاهدات: 8100   المدة: 7:39   الدقة: عالية
التصنيف: صوتيات دينية   الكلمات الدلالية: باسم الكربلائي
تعليق بواسطة Legend of fall

Tears stream and voices hum
Don't go, 'Ali, please come
I raise my hands and pray
I wanted you to stay

In my conscience there is pain and in my soul it's now burning
It passes by and reminds me of your death when I'm crying
"Don't you go and leave me, Father" are the words I keep on saying
And without you I cannot live past to have you here and praying
To you my words I say
You left me and you went
Because you are the Way
I wanted you to stay

I am Zainab, I'm your daughter, and I don't want you to leave me
How can my heart live without you when your face now I cannot see
To the chest of wisdom, Father, you are and will always be the key
Losing you has burned me, Father, and I don't think I will live
My voice is now humming
and my heart is burning
My heart is always say
I wanted you to stay

Every time I see the sunshine I see your face even higher
Every time I see the moonlight I look at your name, O Father
Every time I feel the weakness saying your name makes me stronger
And without you I live in pain and my life will now get harder
With sorrow and with pain
The sky for you will rain
Why are you far away?
I wanted you to stay

للشاعر علي جابر الكاظمي