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معلومات عن Ammar
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216 الأصدقاء

  1. "هدايات" "هدايات" غير متواجد حالياً

    صديق مشارك

  2. ***ريمي*** ***ريمي*** غير متواجد حالياً

    من أهل الدار

  3. *JaLaL*X* *JaLaL*X* غير متواجد حالياً

    من المشرفين القدامى

  4. .AHMED .AHMED غير متواجد حالياً

    من المشرفين القدامى

  5. A'ssi A'ssi غير متواجد حالياً

    صديق نشيط

  6. a7la.bzona a7la.bzona غير متواجد حالياً

    من أهل الدار

  7. Abbas Dohy Abbas Dohy غير متواجد حالياً

    المشرفين القدامى

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    Abbas Dohy
  8. ahmed2086 ahmed2086 غير متواجد حالياً

    صديق نشيط

  9. Ali Alsabaa Ali Alsabaa غير متواجد حالياً

    صديق جديد

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    Ali Alsabaa
  10. Ali Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim غير متواجد حالياً

    من أهل الدار

    Ali Ibrahim
عرض الأصدقاء 1 إلى 10 من 216
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مشاهدة Ammar مدونات

آخر المقالات

The reason why God created man in the World

بواسطة Ammar في 9/October/2011 الساعة 10:23 pm
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God the Merciful

From the book of
(An Hour with Ghosts)
Mohammed-Ali Hassan al-Hilly

Then He – be glorified – explained why He created man in the "life of the World" and the duty of man therein.

Therefore, God explained to us in many ayat of the Quran that:

The first purpose: is in order that man should understand and become wise by studying

قراءة المزيد

غير مصنف

(The 20% tax (or the fifth

بواسطة Ammar في 30/September/2011 الساعة 8:52 pm

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God the Merciful
It is to be taken from everyone getting money much more than his annual requirement

: In Iraq the year 1965 it was estimated by the late interpreter
Mohammed-Ali Hassan al-Hilly

(died at 1991 AD)
that it is every gain of 50 Iraqi dinars or more (at that time the dinar equalled 3 dollars, and the dollar at that time was a powerful currency not like it is today.) This means any gain more

قراءة المزيد

غير مصنف

The Quran interpreter said Mars is inhabited

بواسطة Ammar في 28/September/2011 الساعة 11:22 pm
Indications of life on Mars:
>>There is water on Mars; there are two icecaps on the two poles; with variation in winter and summer, in addition to the ice present on the tops of the high mountains of Mars, like that on Earth.
>>There are clouds moved by the wind, like that on Earth.
>>Its atmosphere is clear, not like that of Venus (turbid and full of smoke), and not like Mercury that lost most of its atmosphere.
>> The distribution of the temperature

قراءة المزيد

غير مصنف

((book ((The Universe and the Quran

بواسطة Ammar في 28/September/2011 الساعة 2:00 am

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God the Merciful

((The Universe and the Quran))


Mohammed-Ali Hassan al-Hilly

List of the Contents

A forward by the translator
Preface to the first and second editions
First Part : The Formation of Objects
The sky (or heaven)
The heavens
1- The gaseous heavens
The natural gas

قراءة المزيد

غير مصنف

Most of the mountains are not from Earth in origin

بواسطة Ammar في 28/September/2011 الساعة 1:49 am
Most of the mountains are not from Earth in origin

In the name of God the Merciful

The mountains are two kinds

First: The newly formed: were formed from volcano eruptions, from earthquakes causing depression and elevation of the earth surface and from various other geological factors.

Second: But most of the mountains fell down on Earth from the outer space in the ancient times, in the

قراءة المزيد

غير مصنف
تم تطوير موقع درر العراق بواسطة Samer

قوانين المنتديات العامة


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