ابواحمد عبدالله
تعلم الانكليزية من الصفر ( المستوى 10)
بواسطة ابواحمد عبدالله, 8th July 2016 عند 10:03 PM (686 المشاهدات)
Level 10
Active and passive المبني للمعلوم والمبني للمجهول
لاحظ ان الactive and passive ليسوا tenses ولكنهم اسلوب كلام وفيهم tenses ، أي ان الكلام يكون الفاعل معلوما من هو ، او ان يكون الفاعل مجهولا .
أحسن وأسهل طريقة لفهم واتقان الactive and passive voices هي أن نعمل جدول من جدول الtenses الموجود في صفحة 47 مع تغيير شوية في ال pronouns ومع تكميل جزء في الجملة . ونحتاج أن نتذكر أيضا الجدول الخاص بال personal pronouns وخاصة الجزء الأول فيه حيث نجد مثلا أن "I" تتحول ل me ، و"he" تتحول ل him وهكذا .
I Me You You He Him She Her It It We Us You You they Them
Tenses Active Passive Sim. Pr He eats apples Apples are eaten by him Pa I ate an apple An apple was eaten by me Fu They will eat apples Apples will be eaten by them Con. Pr He is eating apples Apples are being eaten by him Pa I was eating an apple An apple was being eaten by me Fu They will be eating apples Apples will be being eaten by them Per. Pr He has eaten apples Apples have been eaten by him Pa I had eaten an apple An apple had been eaten by me Fu They will have eaten apples Apples will have been eaten by them p.c. Pr He has been eating apples Apples have been being eaten by him Pa I had been eating an apple An apple had been being eaten by me fu They will have been eating apples Apples will have been being eaten by them
لاحظ الآتي : 1) An apple مفرد فنتعامل معها كأنها it (أي تأخذ was في ال past )، في حين apples جمع فنتعامل معها كانها they (أي تأخذ are و have في ال present وتأخذ will في future ).
2) تكوين الpassive voice يكون دائما فيه الpast participle (p.p.) ل verb فنجد أنه :
في الsimple يتكون الpassive من verb be + past participle (p.p.) .
وفي الcontinuous يتكون من verb be + being + p.p.
وفي الPerfect يتكون من verb have + been + p.p.
وفي ال perf. Cont. يتكون من verb have + been + being + p.p.
3) دايما he يكون بدلها by him و I نستبدلها ب by me وهكذا .
H.W.Complete the following table like the previous one using verb "drink"
Tenses Active Passive Sim. Pr You drink milk Milk is drunk by you Pa She drank milk Milk was drunk by her Fu We shall drink milk Con. Pr You Pa She Fu We Per. Pr You Pa Fu p.c. Pr Pa Fu
--- والان لنأخذ جملة أطول فيها مفعولين two objects ، بنفس اسلوب الجدول السابق ، في كل الأزمنة ، وسنجد طريقتين لعمل ال passive
Active Passive She tells me stories Stories are told to me by her
I am told stories by herI told them a story A story was told to them by me
They were told a story by meThey will tell us stories Stories will be told to us by them
We shall be told stories by themShe is telling me stories Stories are being told to me by her
I am being told stories by herI was telling them a story A story was being told to them by me
They were being told a story by meThey will be telling us stories Stories will be being told to us by them
We shall be being told stories by themShe has told me stories Stories have been told to me by her
I have been told stories by herI had told them a story A story had been told to them by me
They had been told a story by meThey will have told us stories Stories will have been told to us by them
We shall have been told stories by themShe has been telling me stories Stories have been being told to me by her
I have been being told stories by herI had been telling them a story A story had been being told to them by me
They had been being told a story by meThey will have been telling us stories Stories will have been being told to us by them
We shall have been being told stories by them
ونلاحظ ان هذا الجدول هو نفسه الجدول السابق له ، ولكن فقط أضفنا فيه to me أو to them أو .. .
--- وكما أن الفعل tell يأخذ two objects ، يوجد أيضا أفعال أخرى مثله ، ومنهم give, ask, send, show, teach, pay
Ex: The men were paid 500$ by him to do the job.
I was given two hours by him to make my decision.
--- كما نلاحظ اننا من الممكن في كل الأزمنة في الجملة الثانية في الpassive لا نكتب "by --" وهذا لان عدم كتابتها لن يغير شئ في الموضوع طالما انه مفهوم من هو الفاعل أو طالما انه لن يهمنا من هو الفاعل .
H.W.Complete the following table like the previous one using verb "teach"
Active Passive He teaches you English English is taught to you by him. You are taught Eng. by him We taught them Eng. Eng. was taught to them by us You will teach her Eng. He is teaching you Eng. Eng. is being taught to you by him We were teaching them Eng. You He has taught you Eng.
--- وهذه بعض أمثلة أخرى.
The room looks nice, somebody has cleaned it
The room looks nice, it has been cleaned (by somebody)
The room looked nice, somebody had cleaned it
The room looked nice, it had been cleaned (by somebody)
والان لنأخذ بعض أمثلة من الجداول السابقة مع استخدام key words
--- Every Sunday she tells them some short stories =
Every Sunday some short stories are told to them by her
--- While he was writing the letter , they came =
They came while the letter was being written by him
--- By 6:00 o'clock , I'll have told them a story =
By 6:00 o'clock a story will have been told to them by me
--- He has been writing the report to his manager for an hour now =
The report to the manager has been being written by him for an hour now .
--- The new hotel will be opened next month
--- That house is going to be painted after a week
--- leave him , he wants to be left alone
--- أحيانا نستخدم الكلمات should, must, ought toمع الأزمنة وال active and passive:
--- Someone should have cleaned the house last Friday
The house should have been cleaned last Friday
--- Somebody must have stolen her car
Her car must have been stolen
--- They ought to have cancelled the meeting
The meeting ought to have been cancelled
--- كلمة born دايما تأتي في الpassive ،
Where were you born? I was born in Cairo
How many babies are born in this hospital everyday?
--- استخدام ing في ال active and passive :
I don't like people telling me what to do
I don't like being told what to do
الفرق بين : It is said / He is said to
It is said that he is 90 years old / He is said to be 90 years old.
It is believed that Noha eats one meal a day / Noha is believed to eat one meal a day.
It is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow / The strike is expected to begin tomorrow.
It is reported that two people were killed / Two people are reported to have been killed.
عند عمل شئ :
Magdy repaired the roof yesterday (he did it himself)
Magdy had the roof repaired .. (he got someone else to do it)
وبنفس اسلوب الجملة الثانية ، يمكن ان نكتب الجمل التالية :
Have Object Past part. We are having the house painted at the moment Where did you have your hair done? Roushdy has just had a telephone installed in his flat I want to have my photograph taken
Coversation : When will she fix her car ? / It can't be fixed by just one person / Will you help her? / she will be helped by her brother.
The following is a table of some verbs with their meanings , nouns and their adjectives :
(infinitive)المعنى Nouns Adjectives Act يعمل، يمثل Action, actor, Acting, active Affect يؤثر Effect Effective Amaze يدهش Amazement Amazed / amazing Apostate يرتد عن العقيدة Apostasy Apostate Bear يحتمل Bearing Bearable Beat يضرب Beat / beating Beaten Blacken يسود Black Black Bleed ينزف Bleeding Bleeding Blow ينفخ Blow / blowing Blown Bow يحني، ينحني Bow / bowing Bowing Break يكسر Break / breakage Broken Build يبني Builder / building Built / built-up Care يعتنى Care Careful Choose يختار Choice / choiceness Choice / chosen Come يأتي Coming Coming Compete ينافس Competition Competitive Correct يصحح Correction, corrector Correct Differ يختلف Difference Different Do يعمل Doing Done Eat يأكل Eater Eatable / uneatable Encourage يشجع Encouragement / courage Encouraging / courageous Entertain يسلي Entertainment Entertaining Exchange يبدل Exchange Exchangeable Excite يثير Excitement Excited / exciting Fly يطير Fly / flying Flying Forgive يسامح Forgiver / forgiveness Forgiving Grow ينمو Growth / grower Grown / grown-up Infect يعدي Infection Infectious Inform يبلغ Information Informative Lose يخسر Loser / loss Lost Make يصنع Make / make-up / maker / making Made / made-up Marry يتزوج Marriage Married Organize ينظم Organization Organized Perfect يجعله كاملا Perfection / perfectionist Perfect Practice يمارس، يتمرن Practice Practical Pride يفتخر Pride Proud Read يقرأ Read / reader / reading Readable / Unreadable Redden يحمر Red Red Regulate ينظم Regulation / regularity Regular Rise يقوم Rise / rising Risen Save ينقذ Safety Safe Write يكتب Writer / writing written
The following is a table of some verbs with their meanings , past, past participle, nouns and their adjectives :
Verb المعنى Past Past participle Noun Adjective Accuse يتهم Accused Accused Accusation, accuser Accusing Adapt يتكيف Adapted Adapted Adaptation, adapter Adaptable Adopt يتبنى Adopted Adopted Adoption, adoptionism Adaptive Adultery (commit) يزني، يفسق Committed adultery Committed adultery Adultery, adulteration
Adulterer, adulteressAdulterous Advise ينصح Advised Advised Advice, adviser, advisor, advisability Advisable, advisory Advocate يشفع، يحامي ---d ---d advocate Afflict يصيب، يؤذي ---ed ---ed Affliction Afflicted Amaze يدهش ---d ---d Amazement Amazing Anoint يمسح، يدهن ---ed ---ed Anointing, anointment Anointed Appoint يعين، يرسم ---ed ---ed Appointment Bear يحتمل/ تحبل Bore Borne Bearing Bearable Beatify يسعد ---ied ---ied Beatification Beatified Beget
[Meena]يولد (للذكور)، ينجب Begot Begotten Begetting Believe يؤمن ---d ---d Believer, belief believable Bestow يوهب، يمنح ---ed ---ed Bestowal Betray يخون ---ed ---ed Betrayal, betrayer Betroth يخطب ---ed ---ed Betrothal Bind يربط Bound bound Blame يلوم، يؤنب ---ed ---ed Blame Blameful, blameless, blameworthy Blaspheme يجدف ---ed ---ed Blasphemy, blasphemer Bless يبارك ---ed ---ed Blessedness, blessing Blessed, blessing Bound يحدد (يعطي حدود) ---ed ---ed Boundary, boundlessness Boundless Breathe يتنفس، يتنسم ---d ---d Breath, breather Breathless Cast يلقي، يطرد Cast Cast Cast, casting Cast Catechize يعلم بالسؤال والجواب ---d ---d Catechism, catechist Celebrate يحتفل ---d ---d Celebration, celebrity Celebrated Chasten, chastise يؤدب ---ed,
---dChastening, chastisement Chaste Chase يطارد ---d ---d Chase Circumcise يختن ---d ---d Circumcision Circumcised Comfort يعزي، يريح ---ed ---ed Comfort, comforter Comfortable Command يوصي، يأمر ---ed ---ed Command, Commandment, Commander, Commandant Commanding Confess يعترف، يقر ---ed ---ed Confessant, Confessor, Confession Confessed Consecrate يكرس، يخصص ---d ---d Consecration Consecrated Contribute مساهمة، عطاء ---d ---d Contribution, contributor Contributory Corrupt يفسد ---ed ---ed Corruption, corrupter, corruptness Corrupt Create يخلق ---d ---d Creator, creation, creature Creative Do يعمل Did Done Doer Done Darken يغمق، يظلم ---ed ---ed Darkness, dark Dark Deafen يجعله أصم ---ed ---ed Deafness Deaf Die يموت ---d ---d Death Dead Deepen يعمق ---ed ---ed Depth, deepness Deep Defile ينجس ---d ---d Defilement Defiled Deliver ينقذ / يسلم ---ed ---ed Deliverer, delivery, deliverance Delivered Descend ينزل، يهبط ---ed ---ed Descendents, descent Divorce يطلق ---d ---d Divorce, divorcee Divorced Donate يهب، يتبرع ---d ---d Donator, donation Elect يختار ---ed ---ed Elector, election Elect, electoral Enchant يسحر، يشعوذ ---ed ---ed Enchanter, enchantress, enchantment Enchanting, enchanted Fast يصوم ---ed ---ed Fast, fasting Forgive يغفر، يسامح Forgave Forgiven Forgiveness Forgiven, forgiving Free يحرر ---d ---d Freedom Free Guide يرشد ---d ---d Guide, guidance Leaven يخمر ---ed ---ed Leaven Leavened Legalize يقنن، يحعله شرعي ---d ---d Legality, legalism, legalization Legal Live يحيا، يعيش ---d ---d life, living Living, live, alive Love يحب ---d ---d Love, lover Loving, lovely Meditate يتأمل ---d ---d Meditation Meditative Minister يخدم ---ed ---ed Minister, ministry Ministerial Offend يعثر، يضايق ---ed ---ed Offence, offense, offender Offencless, offensive Oppress يظلم ---ed ---ed Oppression, oppressor Oppressive Praise يسبح ---d ---d Praise Praiseworthy praising Pray يصلي ---ed ---ed Prayer Prayerful Proceed ينبثق، يتقدم ---ed ---ed Procession, proceedings Processional Prophesy يتنبأ ---ied ---ied Prophecy, prophet, prophetess Prophetic, prophetical Reform يصلح ---ed ---ed Reformist, reformation Reformed Represent يمثل، ينوب ---ed ---ed Representation, representative Representative Reveal يعلن ---ed ---ed Revelation Revealing, revealed Revive ينهض ---d ---d Revival Revived Revise يراجع ---d ---d Revision Revised Symbolize يرمز ---d ---d Symbol, symbolism, symbolization Symbolic, symbolical Terrorize يرهب، يفزع ---d ---d Terror, terrorism, terrorist Terrorist Vote ينتخب ---d ---d Vote, voter, voting Voting, votive