ابواحمد عبدالله

تعلم الانكليزية من الصفر (المستوى 7) وهذا الجزء صعب قليلا

تقييم هذا المقال
بواسطة ابواحمد عبدالله, 4th July 2016 عند 01:33 PM (521 المشاهدات)
Level 7

Gerund (its pronunciation is /djerend/) :

A gerund is used :
1) After certain prepositions (بعد حروف الجر) :
- He is interested in learning English . / - I'm accustomed to getting up early.
- We're looking forward to seeing you . / - She went on crying all the time .
- They talked about solving the problems.

2) After certain expressions (بعد بعض اصطلاحات) (go on , carry on , keep on , be used to , got used to , no use , worth , give up , would you mind) :
- He kept on interrupting us. / - I'm used to getting up early.
- I got used to getting up early.
لاحظ ان am used to أكثر في التعود من got used to ، أي أن في بداية التعود نستخدم got ثم بعد التعود تماما نستخدم am أو يعني verb be .
- This car is nice , it's worth buying. / - There is no use trying this again.
- I don't feel like eating lunch. / - will you give up smoking.
- Would you mind giving it to me.

3) Gerund is also used as a subject of a sentence (في البداية أو كمبتدأ) :
- Learning English is very important. / - Driving quickly can be dangerous.
- Swimming and walking are good exercises.

4) And as an object of a sentence when it (the gerund) comes after the following verbs (بعد أفعال) : (enjoy , like , dislike , love , hate , begin , stop , finish , avoid , appreciate , mind, consider , discuss , delay , go , hear , imagine , keep, give up , prevent).
- I'll go when I've finished doing my work. / - They enjoy praying.
- I can't imagine Magdy driving a truck. / - Stop talking.
- She likes walking. / - It started raining last night.
- Would you mind giving it to me.
H.W. ترجم إلي الانكليزية :
1) هم مهتمين بدراسة الانكليزية ___________________________________
2) هو يحب التمشية __________________________________________
3) هذا البيت يستحق الشراء _____________________________________

--- الجزء القادم قد يكون صعب ، إذا أردت تأجيله يكون أفضل ولكنه يتعلق بنفس الموضوع لذلك كتبناه هنا.
وهنا يفضل توضيح الفرق بين استعمال ال gerund وبين استعمال ال infinitive وهو أصل أو مصدر الفعل (verb ) ، فيوجد بعض الأفعال التي يمكن أن نضع بعدها gerund أو (infinitive to + ) بدون تغيير معنى الجملة ، ويوجد بعض أفعال أخرى يتغير المعنى إذا وضعنا بعدها gerund عن إذا وضعنا بعدها ((to + infinitive .
1) ما يلي هي أفعال ممكن نضع بعدها أي من الاثنين بدون تغيير في المعنى :
Like , hate , start , begin , prefer
  • She likes walking = She likes to walk
  • It started raining last night = It started to rain last night.

2) وما يلي هي أفعال يتغير بعدها المعنى إذا وضعنا بعدها gerund عن إذا وضعنا بعدها (to + infinitive) .
Stop , try
  • He stopped playing . He stopped to play .
  • Try swimming . Try to swim .

حيث الجملة الأولى (بإضافة ing ) يكون المقصود بها : نوع من التجربة أو الاختبار أو التغيير : مثل :
I have had a headache for 2 hours now, I tried taking an aspirin but it didn't help.
والثانية (to + infinitive) يكون المقصود بها : لمرة واحدة أو في أي وقت أو بصفة عامة، مثل :
Try to be quiet when you come home late , everyone will be asleep.

--- وكما عملنا أسماء في ال gerund بإضافة ing في الآخر ، هكذا أيضا يمكن عمل أسماء بالإضافات التالية في نهاية الكلمات :
To form nouns : we add suffixes (see page 11) , some of which are :
-ness (kindness) , -ship (friendship) , -hood (childhood) , -ry (bakery) , -ism (socialism) , -ist (scientist) , -ion (invention) , -ation (information) , -ance (ignorance) , -ency (presidency) , -r (maker) , -er / -ar / -or (actor) .

H.W. Write the noun form of each of the following words :
Verb Noun Verb Noun
Make Inform
Build Do

Translate into Arabic:
I don't feel like doing it _______________________________________
They hate playing football ______________________________________
ترجم إلي الانجليزية
أنا متعود أستيقظ مبكرا ____________________________________________
هذه الشقة تستحق الشراء ___________________________________________

The Arabic Alphabet الحروف الأبجدية العربية

وهي ضرورية في حالة الترجمة من عربي لانجليزي ، أي عند استخدام قاموس عربي- انجليزي
أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي
وعندما نحتاج معرفة معنى كلمة عربي بالانجليزي ، نرجع الكلمة لأصلها ثم نبحث عنها في القاموس ،
مثال : كلمة "يشتغل" نجدها هي وكل مشتقاتها في "شغل" ، وكذلك مثلا كلمة "يلعبون" نجدها هي وكل مشتقاتها في "لعب" . وبالتالي تكون ترجمة يشتغل هي "He works" ، وترجمة يلعبون هي "They play" .
H.W. ترجم إلي الانجليزية :
1) الطلبة يصغون (يستمعون) للمدرس _______________________________________
2) المشي مفيد للجسم __________________________________________________

Things to Know: Subjects : A subject tells who or what is doing the main verb . It can be a regular noun, pronoun or a gerund.

Appositives : An appositive is simply a noun phrase that defines the subject. It must be identical to the subject and provide additional information. A comma must immediately precede and follow the appositive.
Ex.: Aids, a highly infectious disease, causes death.

Modifiers : They describe or give more information about the subject, verb, or other modifiers.
Ex.: Canada, which has a small population, covers slightly more territory than the United States does.
N.B. Adjectives are modifiers for nouns, and adverbs are modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

Subordinations (modifying clauses) : They combine two or more sentences into one sentence. The subordinate clause usually contains a relative pronoun. Relative pronouns are :
Who / which / that / when / whose / where
Ex.: He plays with a ball. The ball is blue / He plays with a ball that is blue.

Conjunctions : They express a relationship between ideas.
There are two basic types of conjunctions :
1) those that show agreement between ideas, like : because / also / in addition to / such as / as well as / as
2) Those that show disagreement between ideas, like : Although / but / however / despite / in spite of / whereas

Conjuncion Patterns : like : either … or / neither … nor / both … and / such … as / not only … but also
كلمات الوصل Joining words
And / so / as well / both .. and / as well as / either .. or / neither.. nor / but / not only .. but also (but.. also) / when / as soon as / because / as / since / to / in order to / so as to / so that (so.. that) / in order that / such a (an).. that
Ex : We may go either to Cairo or to Alexandria, we haven't decided yet.
Neither Ahmed nor George did the homework.
Mary is studying hard so that she may get high grades.
It was such an interesting book that I read it several times.

Other expressions followed by a gerund : Responsible for doing something / punish someone for doing something / capable of doing .. / believe in … / known for … / accuse someone of … / committed to … / succeed in … / excited about … / participate in … / take part in … / admit to … / confess to … / blame someone for … / keep someone from … / prohibit someone from … / forgive someone for something .

H.W.: In your h.w. copy book : 1) Put each of the following words in a sentence : capable / either / although / because / when / who / but also .
2) Write a sentence with a gerund as a subject.

Adverbs الظروف

نقول باختصار عن الظروف أنها هي التي تدل علي كيفية حدوث الفعل أو مكانه أو زمانه (وقته) .
Adverbs are related to verbs , they tell : 1) how , 2) where , and , 3) when , the verbs are done.
1) How : like : fast , quickly
Ex: He runs fast.هو يركض بسرعة / He did it very quickly.هو عملها بسرعة جدا
2) When : like : next , now , yesterday
Ex: Next thing you should do is this./ She went there yesterday. Do it now.
3) Where : like : nowhere , anywhere , here , there , out
Ex: I couldn't find it anywhere. / Come here.
--- ومعظم الظروف في الانجليزي تنتهي ب ly مثل : He ran slowly
ولكن يوجد صفات تنتهي أيضا ب ly مثل : A friendly person

Adjectives الصفات أو النعوت

أهمها والمعروفة دائما هي descriptive أي الصفات أو النعوت التي تصف أسماء وهي لا تتأثر بعدد أو نوع الموصوف مثل red, young .

--- لاحظ أن الصفات (adjectives) تصف أسماء، أما الظروف (adverbs) ،_كما قلنا تصف أفعال ، مثال :
H.W. Write 6 adverbs that say how a verb is done _________________
__________________________________________________ ________
Write 6 descriptive adjectives __________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________
أكمل الجملة الآتية : ال adverbs يصفوا _______ ، أما ال adjectives يصفوا _______

Conversations :
Making suggestions : Shall we go swimming ? (let us go swimming) (why don't we eat dinner there ?) (How about doing this ?) / Yes, sure (that is a good idea) (it sounds great) (ok.) .
--- There is a football game at the stadium tomorrow , do you want to go ? (would you like to go ?) (how about going ?) / yes, sure (I'd like to) (may be) (I don't know) , what time is it? / at 7:30 / ok. see you there .

Asking for permission :
Asking for permission Giving the permission Refusing the permission
May I
(can I)
(could I)
drink some water
Yes , sure (certainly)
(of course)
(here you are) (help yourself)
I'm sorry
(sorry I need it myself)
Do you mind if I borrow your book? No, of course I don't mind.
(no problem)
Yes, I 'm using it right now.
(Yes , I need it)

Giving thanks : Thank you (thanks) (thanks a lot) (I appreciate your help) / you're welcome (you are very welcome any time) (my pleasure)
To agree or disagree : Do you agree with me ? (what do you think ?) (Is that right ?) / I agree with you (I agree with all what you've just said except ..) (yes, that's right) (exactly) (you are absolutely right) or Sorry I don't agree (I disagree with you) (I don't think so) ( that is not right because .. ..)
To ask for help : Could you help me ? (may you do me a favor ?) / yes, sure (of course)
--- Would you mind doing this for me ? / no, I don't mind (yes , I'm sorry I can't)
H.W. Practice all these conversations with any of your friends
غير مصنف


  1. الصورة الرمزية ‫مهند الكربلائي‬‎
  2. الصورة الرمزية ابواحمد عبدالله
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ‫مهند الكربلائي‬‎
    ربي يحفظك ويحسن اليك حبيبي
  3. الصورة الرمزية العمراني2002
    شكرا لك
  4. الصورة الرمزية ابواحمد عبدالله
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة العمراني2002
    شكرا لك
    شكرا لمرورك
تم تطوير موقع درر العراق بواسطة Samer

قوانين المنتديات العامة


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